Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 275: It turns out that they are all genetic!

When it was learned that the two of them had left, the so-called exchange match ended directly, and Qin Shaofeng won the championship in the end.

Such news made Zi Yueye and Zi Taikang very surprised, and also very angry.

"Damn, they actually ended the exchange match like this, it's really damn!"

The more I thought about it, the more angry, especially when I heard the news that Qin Shaofeng won the championship without a match, Zi Yueye's heart was very unbalanced and very angry.

Seeing the angry Zi Yueye, Zi Taikang almost couldn't help but cursed directly.

At this time, you still care about this?

Now what worries us the most is that the exchange match is over. Isn’t that the task that will affect ourselves?

Thinking of the consequences of a failed mission, Zi Taikang felt cold.

He is not Ziyueye, no matter how big his fault is, nothing will happen to Ziyueye.

Who said he was the only genius who could practice "Ziyun Promise" for hundreds of years!

But his Zitaikang is different!

In addition, this made Zi Taikang a little more dissatisfied with Zi Yueye, and this dissatisfaction was increasing.

This Zi Yueye is really mindless, if it weren't for him to send someone to continue to compete with that Qin Shaofeng before, it wouldn't be so troublesome!

This one is over!

Why didn't I find that Zi Yueye was so brainless before?

He actually thought that Ziyueye was the most outstanding young master of the Zi family for hundreds of years, and he would surely bring the Zi family to a more prosperous era in the future?

Thinking about it now, it's really funny!

Just like his Zi Yueye, it would be great to keep the Zi family from declining!

Looking at Zi Yueye, Zi Taikang looked more and more unpleasant to him.

No, I can't let myself take care of this!

With a slight movement in his heart, Zi Taikang's gaze fell on Zi Yueye who was in a rage, and suddenly he had an idea in his heart.


First, he sighed slightly, and after he caught Zi Yueye's attention, Zi Taikang said: "Young Master! Now is not the time to be angry. What we should do now is how to end it!"

As he said, Zi Taikang paused slightly, staring at the frowning Zi Yueye, and whispered softly: "Young Master, this should be your first mission. If it fails completely, some people in the clan think you are incapable of doing it. As the head of my Zi family, that's..."

Zi Taikang didn't finish speaking, and stopped at the end.

But after Zi Yueye heard it, her face instantly changed, and she looked very ugly.

The Zi Family didn't say that if he could practice "Ziyun Promise", he would definitely become the owner of the Patriarch.

That's right, according to the current situation, the owner of the Zi family must be his Zi Yueye.

But if the Zi Family thinks that Zi Yueye really doesn't have the ability to be the Patriarch, then the Zi Family Patriarch may not necessarily be him.

At the Zijia, the owner of the family has always lived in a capable person!

This ability does not only refer to strength, it does not meet the requirements of the Zi Family Patriarch if there is strength but not the ability of the head of the family.

Not to mention the far away, that is to say his father of Ziyueye!

Zi Yueye's father is the head of the Zi family of this generation, but in fact, his father was not very talented in cultivation among the disciples of the previous generation of Zi family, and even ranked behind the five geniuses of that generation.

But in the end, his father got the owner of the Zi family.

This is all because his father Zi Hongcheng, although he does not have a strong talent for cultivation, his spiritual roots are not very strong.

But his Zi Hongcheng’s brain is the most suitable candidate for the Patriarch. Together with Zi Hongcheng’s spiritual roots, it’s not really low, because the geniuses of the Zi family have a better bloodline, and their spiritual roots are higher than ordinary people. Out a lot.

Therefore, in the end, Zi Hongcheng became the current owner of the Zi family.

In the generation of Ziyueye, although Ziyueye practiced "Ziyun Promise" since childhood, he has been recognized as the next generation of the Zi Family Patriarch.

But in fact, the generation of the Zi family also has several geniuses.

If the Zi Family decides that Zi Yueye does not meet the Patriarch's conditions, many people are ready to replace him!

And by that time, he was afraid that Zi Yueye could only become an elder of the Zi family, even if he was stronger than the Patriarch, his rights in the Zi Family were not as good as the Zi Family Patriarch.

He had practiced "Zi Yun Wuji" on Zi Yue Ye, but he was just Zi Yue Ye, not the ancestor of the Zi family, Zi Wuji.

Without strong strength, even if Zi Yueye was willing to dominate the Zi Family, he would not have that ability!

So after listening to Zi Taikang's words at this moment, Zi Yueye became anxious, and suddenly had no ideas.

She couldn't help but looked up at Zi Taikang, and Zi Yueye said anxiously: "Uncle Kang, what do you think I should do now?"

Knowing to call my uncle now?

Zi Taikang smiled coldly in his heart, but when he thought of the task, he put aside his prejudice against Zi Yueye and said patiently: "There is no way, now the only chance is to ask our allies for help!"

"You mean those people in Guyun City?" Zi Yueye exclaimed.

"Well, it's them!" Zi Taikang nodded, "Continue to delay time, I am afraid that it is impossible. Then only those people from the Black Martial Kingdom will be left completely. As long as they do not go, they will not find this. The situation of Shi Hei Wu Country, in this way, is enough for our Zi family to complete the plan."

That's a good idea!

Zi Yueye’s eyes lit up slightly, but soon he said embarrassedly: “However, our Zi family and those people are just a cooperative relationship. They loaned Guyun City to let us compete and secretly cut off the connection between Guyun City and the outside world. Afterwards, they were given a three-thousand-mile site with Guyun City as the center. They have no reason to make another move!"

How could Zi Taikang not know about these things, but at this moment Zi Taikang said confidently: "Don't worry, they will definitely help, but it won't work. At most, you can come forward and promise them to increase their remuneration. After all, you belong to our Zi family. Young Master, they will certainly not doubt."

Originally, Zi Yueye was still a little hesitant, but when he heard Zi Taikang's saying, "You are now the young master of our Zi family", his heart became hot, he nodded suddenly, and directly agreed!

"Okay, that's it! This time, I see how Qin Shaofeng can escape!" Zi Yueye said coldly, her tone not only full of murderous intent, but also extremely confident.

But this fell into Zi Taikang's eyes, and Zi Taikang was completely disappointed in him.

At this time, he still wondered how to avenge that Qin Shaofeng?

Such a character is really not suitable to be the head of my Zi family!

It seems that after going back this time, I have to choose to stand in the team again!


Guyun City, a place where Lianyang Academy is stationed, in Qin Shaofeng's room, at this moment Qin Shaofeng is staring at his attribute interface with joy.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Tenfold Spirit Vessel

Experience value: 57500/999999

Occupation: Devil

Aura value: 400000/400000 (the tenth layer of the spirit vein has 40,000 aura points, and the Yi Jin Jing is 10 times)

Talent roots: body of thunder, body of demon (unawakened), original world

Skills: Blessing of the King, Golden Eyes with Fire Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yun Dan Shu, Dan Sutra, 108 Yoga Poses, Dancing Sky Skill, Writing Wheel Eyes, Ling Bo Wei Step, Thunder Ball, Lei Dun Leiqie, Lei Dun Ninjutsu Lei Dun Bodyguard, Lei Dun Leiqie with both hands

Battle Beast: Tiger Lord

Equipment: None

Task: None

Points: 120,000 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Elite students (Elite students of Lianyang Academy are recognized by Lianyang Kingdom. Killing monsters in Lianyang Kingdom will get an eightfold bonus for gaining experience!)

Ordinary lottery chance: 0 times

Special chance to draw: 0 times

Skill proficiency: 0 points

Skill points: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: Special purchase card, ball card small vault

Family members: Meng Xin'er, Qin Yue'er, Bai Xue

Although in the end, Zi Yueye was not killed, after Zi Yueye left, the system still judged Qin Shaofeng to win, and then again received 50,000 points, which was the reward for defeating the opponent.

However, Qin Shaofeng cared most about his current level.

Ten layers of spiritual veins!

Compared with Qin Shaofeng's seven-fold spiritual vein realm before, this is a fully improved triple cultivation base!

Qin Shaofeng never expected that the harvest this time would be so great.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng did his best to think about it, and estimated that he could upgrade to the Ninth Level of Lingmai, which was already very good.

As a result, it was far beyond my expectations.

However, I like this one!

He glanced at his attributes again, and then Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell in front of him, a purple sword.

It is the Ziyun sword!

After everything was over, Zhao Yuner gave the Ziyun sword to herself, saying what compensation it was.

"Tsk tusk, I am afraid that only this senior sister can claim this kind of compensation from the Zi family, right?"

With a tusk, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed brightly, and he opened his eyes to the Ziyun sword.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shaofeng was surprised by the information returned by the fiery eyes.

Ziyun Sword: One star at the heavenly level, one of the 108 Ziyun Swords after the division of the Ziyun Sword Sovereign, the Divine Soldier Ziyun Sacred Sword, with...

Qin Shaofeng didn't read the information behind it, because the information in front was enough to shock Qin Shaofeng.

Ziyun Jianzun?

Ziyun Holy Sword?

I rub, this is just a name, it's an incomparable bull fork!


Just as Qin Shaofeng was frightened, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and a small figure appeared.

Then, I saw that little figure, with a click, and instantly he was lying on his stomach, uh, it should be said to be stuck to the Ziyun sword, and he couldn't help but exclaim again and again.

"Baby! Big baby!"

Qin Shaofeng's face twitched, and he almost slapped him.

Such a superb behavior, except for the little thing like the ball, who else can do it?

Without noticing the expression on Qin Shaofeng's face, something was wrong.

Xiaoqiuqiu still drooled, and Xiaoyuan stared at Ziyun Sword with bright eyes, and said with excitement: "It's really unexpected! I can meet such a baby, this is a legendary baby!"


After hearing Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, and he understood something.

It seems that this little thing knows the origin of this Ziyun sword!

However, didn't the Zi family say that this was created by their ancestor Zi Wuji?

Could it be that Zi Wuji is what Ziyun Jianzun?

I wiped it, if this is true, then I am afraid that the fun will be a lot of fun.

Qin Shaofeng's heart jumped and he began to feel a little uneasy.

Sword Master!

From the point of view of the name alone, this is a strong and unspeakable big Boss who offends such a character, but the rhythm of death!

Hey, wait, something is wrong!

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but glanced at Ziyunjian's attributes again, and he was relieved.

No, this Ziyun Sword is only a part of the Ziyun Sacred Sword, I am afraid that it was accidentally obtained by the ancestor of the Zi Family, and then the old thing lied and said that he had refined it.

I wipe it, no wonder this Zi family is so shameless!

It turns out that they are all genetic!

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