Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 277: mutation

Three...300 billion?

What kind of situation is this?

Qin Shaofeng guessed in his mind that this Ziyun ring was probably a bit difficult, especially the small ball, which made him think so.

But no matter how he guessed it, Qin Shaofeng did not expect such a result.

300 billion?

This is absolutely a treasure, and a formidable treasure!


A black shadow flashed past and rushed towards the recovery furnace of the system interface, and then, as if afraid that Qin Shaofeng agreed to recover the next moment, he took out the purple cloud ring.

Well, needless to say, it looks like a small ball.

This Ziyun Ring has been determined to be a heavy treasure, and the little thing has put aside the Ziyun Sword, holding Ziyun Ring in his arms.

Qin Shaofeng only recovered at this time, but he didn't say anything about the small ball, but instead looked up at the Ziyun ring.

For a while, the heads of a big and a young man turned red eyes to Ziyun again.

It's a pity that even with red eyes, the two of them couldn't see anything.

As before, Ziyun Jie couldn't see through them.


The young and the big one looked at each other heads, both of them saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Obviously know that this Ziyun ring is an incredible treasure, but it just can't be seen!

What the **** is this!

Suddenly, Xiao Qiuqiu suddenly remembered something, holding Ziyun Ring, his eyes fiery shifted to the Ziyun Sword on the ground, and suddenly shouted: "I know?"

Qin Shaofeng was shocked by the loud noise of the ball.

Seeing the excitement of Xiaoqiuqiu, he immediately asked: "What do you know?"

Xiaoqiuqiu did not turn his head, still staring at the Ziyun sword, Xiaoyuan said with excitement: "This Ziyun ring and Ziyun sword are probably connected together, and I am afraid that if the two become one, that is... …"

Xiaoqiuqiu didn't say the following words, but Qin Shaofeng was excited.

After the two are merged, how about the inheritance of that Ziyun sword sovereign?

Although this is just a guess, Qin Shaofeng estimates that this is probably the case.

And even if it is not like this, there must be a connection between the Ziyun Sword and Ziyun Ring, and there must be something unusual after the unity.

Thinking of this, the two did not check how Ziyun Ring was, but began to study how to combine the Ziyun Sword and Ziyun Ring.

But after studying for a long time, the two were at a loss again.

In the end, it was the Xiaoqiuqiu method that allowed Qin Shaofeng to use the pill fire, coupled with his fragile and explosive divine consciousness, which could only barely perform inward vision, to temper and merge the two.

Then, Qin Shaofeng was forced.

Because with his current pill fire, the speed of tempering the Ziyun Sword and Ziyun Ring is extremely slow.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng's current aura value is 400,000 points, so one percent of the 4th-level Yi Jinjing's recovery per minute is 4,000 aura points.

This coupled with some pills, Qin Shaofeng tempered the Ziyun Sword and Ziyun Ring with the pill fire. After as many as three hours, it finally seemed to have reached a certain critical point, and then with a snap, the Ziyun Ring instantly blended into the purple In the cloud sword, then the attributes of the purple cloud sword in Qin Shaofeng's eyes changed.

Ziyun Sword: One star in the sky, one of the 108 Ziyun Swords after the division of the Ziyun Sword Sovereign, the divine weapon, Ziyun Sacred Sword.

The attributes of Ziyun Sword in the front have not changed much, but there are more in the back.

Ziyun Jianzun inheritance!

These six words fell in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng and Xiaoqiuqiu, and the two were instantly excited.

You guessed it!

This Ziyun Ring is really related to Ziyun Sword and Ziyun Sword Sovereign, and the relationship can be said to be bigger!

Because Ziyun Ring is related to the inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign, it can be said to be the inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign.

Qin Shaofeng and Xiaoqiuqiu also understood at this time, only by integrating Ziyun Ring into Ziyun Sword, I am afraid that they can obtain the inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign.

If nothing happens, Ziyun Ring can be incorporated into any of the 108 Ziyun Swords, and it can show the inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign.

To be honest, the inheritance left by Ziyun Jianzun is in Ziyun Ring, but it needs to be inspired by Ziyun Jianfan.

And it is precisely because of this, I am afraid that this inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign has not appeared for many years, right?

Because there is no Ziyun Ring in the rumors, there are only one hundred and eight Ziyun Swords. If you can get the inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign, then you will see a ghost.

"I don't know what kind of **** luck this ancestor Zi Wuji took, not only did he get a Ziyun sword, he also got a Ziyun ring!"

After learning these general circumstances, Qin Shaofeng also had to sigh with emotion, that Zi Wuji's luck.

According to normal circumstances, only by practicing "Ziyun Promise" to cultivate Ziyan with the innate Ziyun, and then find Ziyun Sword and integrate Ziyun Ring into Ziyun Sword can one obtain the inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng had the pill fire, and the Ziyun Sword and Ziyun Ring were both, which eliminated these tedious steps.

Qin Shaofeng also guessed something now. Perhaps when Zi Wuji got the Ziyun Ring, he also got a Ziyun Sword, and then the "Ziyun Wuji" technique.

But "Ziyun Wuji" is extremely difficult to cultivate to the Yuan Dan realm, and it has a reasonable explanation for condensing the Yuan Dan cultivation method.

Because there is no need to condense the essence pill, the real function of "Ziyun Promise" is to cultivate Ziyan, and then integrate Ziyun Ring into Ziyun Sword to open its inheritance.

With the inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign, who would practice the "Ziyun Promise"?

Unfortunately, it seems that Ziyun Jianzun has some limitations due to his own practice, so he has completed the cultivation of "Ziyun Promise". Only a few wind and fire dual-system mutant spiritual roots can practice.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know why Zi Wuji didn't succeed hundreds of years ago.

However, Xiaoqiuqiu said that when Zi Wuji cultivated Ziyan, it was estimated that he was too old and did not meet the requirements of Ziyun Ring. This did not allow him to receive the inheritance of Ziyun Jianzun.

But this Ziyueye, if given one or two years of effort, he would be able to cultivate Ziyan, and most likely he would be able to successfully integrate Ziyun Ring and Ziyun Sword.

Only when Ziyan is cultivated and meets the requirements, the internal settings of Ziyun Ring will be activated to remind the owner to fuse Ziyun Sword.

Qin Shaofeng's situation is an exception.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew that he had picked up a big deal.

The inheritance of Ziyun Jianzun!

It was once recognized that the existence of gods, Qin Shaofeng was excited just thinking about it.

But just when Qin Shaofeng was about to activate the inheritance, it made him want to cry without tears.

no response!

Even if it was because of the pill fire that the Ziyun Sword and Ziyun Ring merged, the inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign appeared.

But helplessly, Qin Shaofeng's thunder-type thunder-body spiritual root did not meet the requirements of Ziyun Sword Sovereign at all, and this inheritance would naturally not appear.

This time is different. Fusion can still rely on Pill Fire and violence.

But for this inheritance to start, it must meet the conditions.

For such a situation, Qin Shaofeng said it was painful.


The pain of death!

But on the contrary, in such a situation, the small ball is happy.

"Haha, if you can't use it, then this thing will belong to me, and finally there is a decent thing in my treasure house!"

While laughing wildly, Xiao Qiuqiu didn't even think about it, and incorporated the Ziyun sword into his storage ring.

But I don't want to, but Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly at this time, after thinking about it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I'm afraid I won't be able to get this inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign.

But I can’t, others can!

With a slight flash in his mind, Qin Shaofeng thought of a certain cold face...


The next day, because the exchange competition was completely over, Gao Qifeng felt that there was no need to stay, so he hurried back to Lianyang Academy with the students from Lianyang Academy.

Gao Qifeng's face was ugly when he left Guyun City, and Qin Shaofeng was also very depressed.

The reason is very simple, this time the exchange competition, the treasure that the Zi family took out, in the end, that Zi Taikang actually did not take it out.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng, the first prize, flew away!

Knowing this situation, Gao Qifeng immediately ran to Zi Taikang to question, but it was a pity that Zi Taikang and Zi Yueye had disappeared long ago.

Even if he wanted to find someone to reason, there was nowhere to go.

However, although Qin Shaofeng was depressed, he quickly recovered.

After all, speaking of it, I also got a huge bargain, a legendary legacy of existence. If this is still unsatisfactory, what else can be satisfied?

After leaving Guyun City, everyone from the storage bag summoned a monster called a wildebeest.

A wildebeest is a horse with horns. Compared to a normal horse, a wildebeest is taller and stronger than a normal horse. Moreover, as a monster beast, a wildebeest is equivalent to a high-level monster in the innate realm.

Although most of them are only congenital, the speed of wildebeest is several times faster than that of ordinary horses.

In addition, the wildebeest has a gentle temperament, and it is among the high-level monster beasts, the most easily tamed by humans, and it is perfect for driving.

This time, there were hundreds of people in Lianyang Academy. If it is a monster that moves out of the Spiritual Realm, although the speed is fast, how can it be so easy to obtain?

Even among the Spiritual Realm students who came here, not a few of them had Spiritual Realm beasts.

Therefore, in response to such a situation, Lianyang Academy deliberately took out some wildebeests to help the students.

Of course, it would be even better if you own a beast.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was sitting on a tall horned horse. As for Lord Tiger, he was requisitioned by Zhao Yuner.

Not only that, at this moment, Zhao Yuner was holding a pure white puppy that had just opened his eyes.

Well, it was the Cang Wolf Emperor.

The first Qin Shaofeng was given to Meng Xin'er, because Meng Xin'er was his dependent, and that little guy became Meng Xin'er's envoy, and then he could improve with the fruits of experience.

And this one didn't wake up from evolution until yesterday.

Qin Shaofeng did not accept it as his own beast, but gave it to Zhao Yun'er.

As for the cub of the earth bear, there is also a place to go.

The loss of two Cang Wolf Emperor cubs in a row made Xiao Qiqiu completely careless about the Earth Bear. Finally, he said that the attributes of the Earth Bear are very suitable for Du Meng.

Therefore, Du Meng also has his own beast.

It's a pity that their beasts were not envoys, nor were the two of Qin Shaofeng's family members. They had to be cultivated slowly.

However, Qin Shaofeng already had an idea in mind for such a situation.

But how exactly, Qin Shaofeng still planned to ask them what they meant after returning to Lianyang Academy.

Well, Tang Qijian should be three people.

In this way, it was calm and calm along the way, after all, even the academy's prestige was outside, and there were no people who didn't have long eyes came out.

But half a day later, an accident happened.

It was not that someone robbed the way, but someone came to ask for help.

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