Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 278: Are you here to give experience?

The person who appeared suddenly was not someone else, but a prince from the Black Martial Kingdom this time.

This prince was also quite talented. Qin Shaofeng remembered that the opponent was less than twenty years old, but he had already cultivated to the mid-level tenth stage of the spirit vein and was also one of the ten seeded players in the Black Martial Kingdom.

Although he had never seen the opponent fight before, Qin Shaofeng knew from Zhao Yun'er that Du Meng would not be the opponent of the opponent if they were to compete normally. Even if they were fighting each other, Du Meng would have half the chance to survive serious injuries.

Qin Shaofeng already knew Du Meng's defensive power, so he understood that the prince of the Black Martial Kingdom was afraid that his strength was not simple.

But it was such a person who appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng and the others at this moment, but his whole body was blood red, and the wounds on his body were scary.

Especially in some of the more serious wounds, bones can be seen deeply.

It seems that some secret method was used, coupled with the factor of serious injury, which caused the prince to faint with only one sentence when he arrived here.

"Yinyue Nation conspired with the city lord of Guyun City to attack my Black Martial Nation, and I also asked Senior Master Uncle to help."

After saying a word, the prince of the Black Martial Kingdom fell to the ground.

Seeing that the other party was in danger of life, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help taking out a normal version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill and serving it to the other party.

Although the effect of the special edition is the best, the thing is very precious, and Qin Shaofeng is not much. He and the black martial prince, who have met in general, can't talk about it in general, so naturally they will not use the special edition. Nine layers of spirit pills.

After taking the pill, the black warrior king saved his life.

But his words shocked everyone.

Yinyue Kingdom conspired with Guyun City Lord?

What's happening here?

Although Guyun City is a city of casual repairs, it is not without any restrictions. There is a so-called casual repair alliance in Guyun City, the leader of which is the city owner of Guyun City.

But Gu Yuncheng's attitude towards Lianyang Three Kingdoms has always been neutral, and will not favor any side.

Now they are united?

Gao Qifeng didn't have any doubts about this, because he was a prince from the Black Martial Kingdom that he was more optimistic about.

Also, the injury on the opponent's body is not fake!

This is a big deal.

Although even the Three Kingdoms hadn't paid much attention to the casual cultivation of the Three Kingdoms, in fact there were many masters in the casual cultivation.

Like the city lord of Guyun City today, he is a legendary powerhouse of the tenth pinnacle realm.

Not only is the city lord of Guyun City, but there are still several other legendary ten powerhouses in Guyun City.

Although I don't know why this Guyun City conspired with Yinyue Nation, what was the plot.

But Gao Qifeng knows one thing, it must not be easy.

With a move in his heart, Gao Qifeng made a decision instantly.

"Pay it all, you hurry back to the academy as quickly as possible. I guess this time things are a bit difficult. Maybe this exchange game will be a round from the beginning, and the dean must be known to them!" Gao Qifeng confronted. A middle-aged man beside him said solemnly.

This middle-aged man is also a legendary powerhouse sent by the academy this time, although it is only the first legend.

As soon as Gao Qifeng finished speaking, he nodded, and the next moment, he jumped up and rushed to the college frantically.

As soon as the middle-aged man left, Gao Qifeng turned his head and said to the two legendary elders of the academy: "Elder Lin, you and Elder He take the students back, and finally choose the route again. I'm afraid the original route will be ambush!"

Don't want to just say Gao Qifeng's words, a loud laugh came from far and near.

"Hahaha, you deserve to be Gao Qifeng, you are really smart, but unfortunately you didn't expect that, just because you would think so, our deputy city lord has said long ago that you don't need to ambush the Lianyang Academy, just go straight! "

As soon as the laughter fell, dozens of figures flashed past and appeared in front of the people in Lianyang Academy.

After seeing these people, Gao Qifeng's face was extremely ugly.

Because these people are at least the people of the Ninth Level of Spirit Vessels, especially the seven or eight people in the front, all of them are legendary masters.

As soon as he noticed this scene, Gao Qifeng's eyes shrank suddenly, his gaze fell on the person in the front, and said in anger: "He Laoqi, what do you mean? Do you want to connect with me in Gu Yuncheng? Is the enemy?"

He Laoqi, the seventh in command of Guyun City, has five legendary strengths.

In Guyun City, there are nine powerful casual practitioners who control everything in Guyun City. They are all worshiping brothers. Therefore, outsiders are called by the surnames of the nine people, and then they are called in the order between them. So Laoqi is one person. , The seventh of the nine.

"Haha, Gao Qifeng, you don't use Lianyang Academy to scare me, I am not afraid of you Lianyang Academy!" He Laoqi sneered.

Gao Qifeng was shocked and angry, and at the same time his heart sank suddenly, with a bad premonition.

Damn, it seems that Qiu Tianpeng has already broken through, otherwise He Laoqi would not be so blatant.

It's really hateful. I thought that Lianyang Academy had long seen that Qiu Tianpeng was ambitious, but I didn't expect that he would dare to really attack my Lianyang Academy.

Perhaps Yinyue Kingdom gave them some confidence!

"Huh, I'm not afraid of my Lianyang Academy!" Gao Qifeng smiled coldly and snorted softly, "He Laoqi, I Lianyang Academy is not something that Guyuncheng can handle, even if your boss breaks through. He thought he could ignore my Lianyang Academy?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing what Gao Qifeng said, He Laoqi still didn't worry at all, and said disdainfully: "Hey, Gao Qifeng, your even Yang Academy is strong, this is correct, but I am afraid that now you are even afraid of Yang Yang Academy. I can’t worry about finding my Guyun City!"


Gao Qifeng was startled and asked angrily: "He Laoqi, what do you mean by this? Tell me clearly."

But before He Laoqi could speak, a cold snort sounded.

"He Laoqi, don't talk nonsense with them, do it for me quickly!"

With this cold snort, a person walked out from behind He Laoqi.

After seeing this person, even Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

"Purple Moon Night!"

The person who appeared was Zi Yueye.

Originally, Zi Yueye was going to stop the people from the Black Martial Kingdom with Zi Taikang, but because of her hatred of Qin Shaofeng, Zi Yueye chose to attack Lianyang Academy.

In this regard, Zi Taikang only thought that Zi Yueye wanted to retake Ziyun Sword, and that was why he went to Lianyang Academy.

But Zi Taikang didn't know that apart from the Ziyun Sword, Ziyun Ring was also one of the reasons for Zi Yueye's presence here, but what was important to Zi Yueye was probably to seek revenge from Qin Shaofeng.

After a cold snort, Zi Yueye's gaze fell on Qin Shaofeng, and the cold voice said, "Qin Shaofeng you are done this time!"

He Laoqi was very disgusted with Zi Yueye's order, but when he thought of the identity of the other party and the conditions, he didn't say much in the end. Just a dashing body rushed towards Gao Qifeng.

"Come on, Gao Qifeng will let me see what your strength is!"


Gao Qifeng shouted angrily, turned his head to an elder next to him, and whispered abruptly: "Leave some people to stop them, and the rest of them run away!"

After speaking, Gao Qifeng's figure flashed, and he immediately handed over to He Laoqi.

Upon seeing this, the elder also knew that the matter was urgent, and he shouted loudly without thinking about it: "Everyone, below the eighth spiritual vein, retreat quickly, and others will stop these people with me!"

At this time, the quality of being a student of Lianyang Academy is fully reflected.

After the elder gave an order, hundreds of people instantly divided into two factions. On one side, hundreds of people ran away in a swarm.

On the other side, nearly a hundred people were left behind, watching the casual cultivators in Guyun City vigilantly.

"Do it!"

I don't know who among the casual cultivators screamed, and then the two sides started fighting.

These legendary masters also existed among those casual cultivators. After the two sides started fighting, those people went to the college elders of Lianyang Academy.

Even Qin Shaofeng saw that one of the legendary first-level realm powerhouses unexpectedly found Zhao Yuner.

Even if he knew that Zhao Yuner was strong enough and was just a master of the first level of legend, Zhao Yuner should be able to cope with it.

But seeing this situation, Qin Shaofeng still subconsciously prepared to run over to help.

But as soon as he lifted his footsteps, before he stepped out, Qin Shaofeng saw a figure in front of him, and a gloomy voice full of killing intent immediately sounded.

"Hey, Qin Shaofeng, where are you going?"

Qin Shaofeng raised his head slightly, with a cold light in his eyes.

The person who stopped him was not someone else but Zi Yueye.

"Zi Yueye, you still dare to stop me? Are you looking for death?" Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, his eyes full of disdain besides the coldness.

But his words angered Zi Yueye.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are less proud, do you really think that you can beat me because of your strength?" Zi Yueye roared.

"Not thoughts, but facts!" Qin Shaofeng replied earnestly.

But Zi Yueye was completely mad by his attitude.

"Ah, Qin Shaofeng, you **** it, don't think that you are my opponent with a heavenly weapon, this time you are dead!"

After that, Zi Yueye swiped her right hand to her waist, where there was a storage bag.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Seeing this touch of Zi Yueye, a dozen black shadows flashed past him suddenly, and there were more than a dozen huge monster wolves.

Qin Shaofeng is not surprised that there are more than a dozen monsters.

But what made Qin Shaofeng's expression slightly astonished was that among the dozen or so demon wolves, all of them were really gray wolves.

And what makes Qin Shaofeng speechless the most is that although these dozen gray wolves are at least at the level of the nine-fold spiritual vein, the aura of all the gray wolves is very unstable, especially at the moment when the aura next to Zi Yueye reaches the tenth-fold spiritual vein. Qin Shaofeng felt a trace of the blue wolf king's breath from it at the peak realm.

That's right, it was the Cang Wolf King that Qin Shaofeng auctioned off.

Obviously, all the gray wolves around Ziyueye were from that auction. The corpses of the gray wolf and the gray wolf king were photographed. Then, after adding a large amount of medicinal materials, they refined some pills to raise these gray wolves to Where it is now.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's guess was correct.

Qin Shaofeng's expression was stunned, and Zi Yueye was seen as afraid, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Qin Shaofeng, are you scared? I'll tell you directly. The gray wolves in front of me are all the pill that my Zi Family has refined from the corpses of the gray wolf and the gray wolf king, plus many precious medicinal materials. Wolf, so you are absolutely dead this time!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but just glanced at Zi Yueye weirdly, and then lightly moved with his right hand.


A majestic tiger roar suddenly sounded, and the dozen or so gray wolves beside Zi Yueye, including the gray wolf from the other side with the tenth spirit vein, all murmured in panic and whispered, looking terrified.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Ziyueye, are you here to give experience?

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