Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 279: crisis

Qin Shaofeng has been upgraded, and he has been upgraded to 3 levels in a row!

Although the experience tree only absorbs killing experience, Qin Shaofeng also killed many people in this exchange match, so the experience tree absorbed a lot of experience.

Therefore, at this moment, Lord Tiger is not the previous Spiritual Realm, but a pure legendary realm!

Although he took out almost all the fruits of his experience, he was promoted to the first level of the legend.

But the legendary realm is the legendary realm, and the strength of Lord Tiger is far different from before.

So because of this, after this roar, the gray wolves are all honest.

"Biography... legendary realm?"

Seeing the majestic Tiger Lord who suddenly appeared, Zi Yueye stammered in shock.

"That's right, but no prize!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, then winked at Master Tiger.


As for his master’s order, Lord Tiger would never refuse. Besides, after gaining so many experience fruits to increase his level, how could Lord Tiger not work hard?


I saw Master Tiger violently flash, and instantly turned into a black shadow, which flashed several times in succession.

Then, the dozen or so wolves around Zi Yueye were scared to death by Lord Tiger one by one.

A series of system prompts increased Qin Shaofeng's experience value by more than 10,000.

Alas, I didn't leapfrog the level and didn't use the bonus card. This experience increased, but it was a lot slower!

Looking at his experience on the attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng sighed softly in his heart.

After shooting all the wolves around Zi Yueye to death, Lord Tiger returned to Qin Shaofeng, but his eyes stared at Zi Yueye fiercely.

Zi Yueye was shocked. He didn't expect that the gray wolf team he had spent so much had been slaughtered in this way.

Damn, this Qin Shaofeng still possesses a legendary war beast, he has made a mistake!

A trace of regret suddenly rose in her heart, and Zi Yueye regretted coming here.

Until now, I can only...

With a slight movement in her heart, Zi Yueye's figure suddenly flashed, and then...

Then this girl actually ran away?

This was far beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectation.

He had no idea that Zi Yueye would run away.

"My grass mud horse, where can Zi Yueye escape!" With a roar, Qin Shaofeng instantly chased after him.

For this purple moon night, Qin Shaofeng was already a little impatient, running out one after another to make trouble for himself.

Now is the perfect opportunity to get rid of this person, how could Qin Shaofeng miss it.

However, while chasing Zi Yueye, Qin Shaofeng asked Master Tiger to find Zhao Yun'er.

Zi Yueye was no longer a concern, Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't need Master Tiger's help, but let it help Zhao Yuner's other legendary master.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng chasing her, Zi Yueye was even more alarmed.

Under this panic, he didn't realize that Master Tiger had not followed Qin Shaofeng, probably because he was really afraid of Qin Shaofeng, and Zi Yueye had no intention of fighting Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, Zi Yueye only wanted to escape Qin Shaofeng's pursuit. Under such circumstances, Zi Yueye exhausted all he could to escape.

As soon as the two fled and chased them, they left the battlefield in a short while.

After a while, Qin Shaofeng, who was chasing behind Zi Yueye, was really speechless.

I rub, this is really an escaper, and it can stimulate his own potential!

The speed of this purple moon night is so fast that I can't even catch up with my 4th-level dance art.

What's more, I can run like this, Xiaoye is not interested in playing with you anymore.

With a slight anger in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's right hand shook lightly.

call out!

With the sound of breaking through the air, a silver blade of light flew towards the purple moon night who was fleeing forward.

At this moment, Zi Yueye was in the situation of a frightened bird and a bereaved dog. He was shocked when he heard the sound, and when he looked back, he was even more shocked that the seven souls were missing.

Zi Yueye is naturally no stranger to Qin Shaofeng's Xiaoli Feidao's silver sword light.

Even Zi Yueye had seen dozens of people, who died under this silver sword light. At this moment, the silver sword light attacked, and Zi Yueye panicked instantly.


Knowing that the silver sword light could not hide by himself, Zi Yueye roared, bulging the innate Ziyun in his body, and slapped a backhand with a backhand, making a purple palm print.

Then Zi Yueye didn't even look at it, and instantly turned around and continued to run wildly.


When it exploded in midair, after the silver blade light collided with the purple palm print, they exploded into violent vigor.

But this situation didn't make Qin Shaofeng care, what Qin Shaofeng really cared about was Ziyue at this moment.

I am dizzy, when did this Ziyueye become so timid?

Seeing Zi Yueye's escape speed, instead of slowing down, but accelerating a little, Qin Shaofeng was really convinced.

But the more so, the more Qin Shaofeng couldn't let go of this purple moon night.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng threw another silver sword light.

Then she was discovered by Zi Yueye, and Zi Yueye fought back again, again with a purple palm print.

After that, this scene began to happen repeatedly.

It wasn't until a certain moment that Zi Yueye realized that the innate Ziyun in her body had been reduced by more than half, and then she suddenly reacted.

Qin Shaofeng was deliberately wasting his strength!

Upon discovering this, Zi Yueye gritted her teeth abruptly, finally stopped, and then yelled at Qin Shaofeng: "Qin Shaofeng, I'm fighting with you!"


As soon as the breath exploded, Zi Yueye's body was instantly covered with purple gas, and she rushed towards Qin Shaofeng with a punch.


A trace of disdain flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, blue light flashed on his body, and Lei Dun's body was displayed instantly, with an extra layer of thunder and lightning on his body, and he punched the oncoming Zi Yueye without flinching.


The two fists collided with a dull sound, and Qin Shaofeng's body remained steady.

But that Zi Yueye shook suddenly, seemed to be lifted out by a strong force, and staggered back several steps.

Zi Yueye's face changed suddenly, extremely ugly, but he still roared immediately, patted Qin Shaofeng's head with a backhand.

Facing Zi Yueye's palm, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then he turned his head slightly, causing Zi Yueye's palm to fall on his shoulder.

This made Zi Yueye's eyes flashed a hint of surprise, and he actually hit it?

But the moment when she touched Qin Shaofeng's shoulder, the surprise in Zi Yueye's eyes disappeared instantly, turning into a trace of badness.

Because he found that the palm of his hand stopped less than an inch from Qin Shaofeng's shoulder.

This palm did not hit Qin Shaofeng's body at all, and at exactly this moment, Zi Yueye saw the smile on Qin Shaofeng's mouth.

No good, fooled!

Zi Yueye was shocked in her heart, and her figure retreated frantically.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng had been prepared for a long time, how could Zi Yueye retreat so easily.


A silver blade light flashed, approaching Ziyueye's Dantian.

Suddenly, Zi Yueye was out of the soul, and at the moment the silver light knife light approached, she exploded her potential and moved away abruptly.

Although this critical outbreak caused Zi Yueye to escape the demise of her dantian, the silver knife light still passed through Zi Yueye's waist, giving Zi Yueye a penetration.


The waist was directly penetrated, and Zi Yueye instantly vomited a mouthful of blood, but he still gritted his teeth to resist the severe pain, and the figure finally violently withdrew.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng shook him again.

call out!

The sound of breaking through the air sounded again, with another silver blade light.

Zi Yueye was desperate immediately!

His waist was severely injured, and his actions had already been affected, and the innate Ziyun in his body had been over-consumed, and this blow would be impossible to avoid.

Am I going to die?

Zi Yueye felt a burst of despair in her heart.

As if hearing his heartfelt voice, a cold snort suddenly sounded.



With a flower in front of her, Zi Yueye instantly felt that there was another person in front of her, and as soon as this person appeared, her big hand grabbed the silver light knife light, and then actually broke the silver light knife light directly.


Seeing the visitor clearly, Zi Yueye breathed a sigh of relief.

But contrary to him, after seeing the person who came, Qin Shaofeng didn't even think about it, so he turned around and fled lifelessly.

It can be said that Feng Shui took turns, now Qin Shaofeng flees frantically.

No way, Qin Shaofeng couldn't stand it at all and had no choice but to escape.

Because this had just appeared, the person who saved Zi Yueye's life was the master and powerhouse of this legendary five-fold pinnacle, Zi Taikang.

Facing the legendary five-layer Zi Taikang, who was stronger than Gao Qifeng, Qin Shaofeng asked himself that he was not the opponent, so he had to escape.

"Huh, still want to escape?"

Looking at Qin Shaofeng's swiftly fleeing figure, Zi Taikang snorted coldly, grabbed it in the air, and struck Qin Shaofeng with a spiritual claw mark.

Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth abruptly and turned around and threw a Xiao Li flying knife.

Throwing knife three combos!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After three bursts of explosions and three combos of flying knives passed, Zi Taikang's spiritual claws were blocked.

But before Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief, the figure of Zi Taikang suddenly flashed and came to Qin Shaofeng's body, reaching out to give Qin Shaofeng Tianling Cover a palm.


At a critical moment, Qin Shaofeng twisted his body abruptly and avoided this palm.

What shocked Qin Shaofeng was that when Zi Taikang's palm fell on him, the thunder and lightning clothing of the thunder escape body instantly collapsed.

Not only that, even the moment when the thunder and lightning clothes were destroyed, Qin Shaofeng escaped in time.

But in the end Zi Taikang's palm fell on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder.

When Qin Shaofeng withdrew, he could no longer feel his right shoulder.

The right shoulder was completely numb, and Qin Shaofeng's combat effectiveness was instantly reduced by more than half.

Shocked in his heart, Qin Shaofeng immediately wanted to fly high into the sky with the help of the air dance technique.

Unfortunately, although Qin Shaofeng's response was good, Zi Taikang was not bad, even faster than Qin Shaofeng.

At the moment Qin Shaofeng retreated into the sky, Zi Taikang slapped Qin Shaofeng's chest fiercely.


The palm was very firm, Qin Shaofeng was spitting blood out of the shot, and his whole body flew backwards suddenly and fell to the ground.

But that Zi Taikang was unrelenting, and his figure flashed, followed directly, and slapped Qin Shaofeng who had hit the ground again.

I wipe it, come back?

Perceiving Zi Taikang's attack, Qin Shaofeng cursed in his heart, gritted his teeth to endure the severe pain in his body, and stepped away with Lingbo's feet.

It's a pity that Zi Taikang is a legendary five-tier pinnacle powerhouse. Even if Qin Shaofeng could react for the first time, it was half a beat slow.

Zi Taikang's attack is here!


Seeing Zi Taikang's palm split, Qin Shaofeng only had one thought left in his mind.

This time seems to be a bit big!

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