Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 280: Fight to death


The attack fell.

However, what shocked Qin Shaofeng was that there was nothing wrong with him.

When he looked up, Qin Shaofeng realized that a petite figure appeared before him.

Zhao Yuner!

The moment he saw the figure, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

That's right, the person here is Zhao Yuner.

With the help of Lord Tiger, Zhao Yuner quickly eliminated the legendary Guyun City casual repair master.

Then, because he was worried about Qin Shaofeng, Zhao Yuner asked Master Tiger to take her and rush to Qin Shaofeng's side.

As soon as this arrived, Zhao Yuner saw the scene where Qin Shaofeng was attacked by Zi Taikang.

Without thinking about it, Zhao Yun'er shot instantly.

Zhao Yuner knew Zi Taikang's strength, although this shot directly burned a secret star in his body, exploding with super strong combat power.

It was precisely because of this that Zhao Yuner successfully blocked Zi Taikang's attack.

how come?

With his body swaying slightly, Zi Taikang stepped back, looking at Zhao Yun'er with shock.

I only heard that Zhao Yun'er could actually block his attack.

It should be understood that Zi Taikang did not keep his hands at all just in order to kill Qin Shaofeng with a single blow!

The strength between each level of the legendary realm, but the gap is not small.

He Zi Taikang is even a master of the legendary five-layer pinnacle realm. Without a single blow, his power is definitely not something that the Spiritual Vessel Realm can handle.

Therefore, Zi Taikang was shocked when Zhao Yuner was able to accept her attack.

But at the moment, Zi Taikang's heart is more murderous.

Although he didn't want to kill Zhao Yun'er very much, the matter was over and he couldn't help him anymore.

And besides, it was a matter of time for the Zi family to take action on Lianyang Academy, and now that Zhao Yun'er was taken on, there was no need to worry about anything.

But even so, a man's figure suddenly appeared in his mind, and Zi Taikang's whole body still trembled slightly.

As if trying to conceal the fear in my heart, I only heard a sudden smile at Zhao Yun'er: "Jie Jie, I didn't expect another person to die!"

There was no fear on Zhao Yuner's face, and she stared at Zi Taikang coldly and said, "Zi Taikang, is this your personal behavior or the behavior of your Zi family?"

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already come to Zhao Yun'er, staring at Zi Taikang with alert.

Although Senior Sister Zhao is good at her strength, she is only in the Spiritual Realm. At this stage, I am afraid she is not the opponent of Zi Taikang!

It seems that we still have to find a chance to escape.

"Hey, you don't care who this means, the important thing is that you two can't escape today!" Zi Taikang sneered coldly, his eyes flashed with killing intent.

"Really? It seems that this is what your Zi family meant!"

Although Zi Taikang didn't have a famous saying, Zhao Yuner still noticed something from the other's undaunted tone.

However, Zhao Yuner also sneered at Zi Taikang's words: "Zi Taikang, you can't do it if you want to kill me Zhao Yuner!"


Zhao Yun'er's contempt caused Zi Taikang to roar in anger, and shot out with anger.

"Little girl of the Zhao family, I know you are strong, but you are only in the spirit state, I will let you experience the difference between the spirit state and the legendary state!"

As he spoke, Zi Taikang grabbed his hand with a big hand, and his hand was full of spiritual energy, bursting out a cold light.

"The arrogant little girl, die for me!"

With a flash of cold light, Zi Taikang shot out a ray of light like a sharp sword and blasted towards Zhao Yun'er.

Although Zhao Yun'er said that she didn't seem to put Zi Taikang in his eyes at all, but in fact, Zhao Yun'er had been fully guarded at this moment.

When the cold light came, Zhao Yuner's eyes flashed, and a dull sound suddenly came from her body.

Another secret star burst into flames, and Zhao Yun'er gave a pair of jade hands, slightly swinging, and pointing away.

"Two-star double click!"

call out! call out!

With Zhao Yun'er's sweet voice, two stars burst out.


The first starlight collided with the cold light, blasted the cold light away, and dissipated with the cold light.

At this time, the second starlight went straight to Zi Taikang to kill.

Zi Taikang's face changed slightly when he saw this, but he still shot instantly.


Another cold light was shot by Zi Taikang, blasting away the starlight shot by Zhao Yuner.


Zi Taikang said with a gloomy face, and the murderous intent in his heart became more intense.

"As expected of Zhao Yixin's daughter, Zhao Yun'er, you are not easy! It's a pity that you must die today!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zi Taikang's whole body shook, and the breath of the legendary five-fold peak realm surged out in an instant, shaking the sky.

not good!

Seeing Zi Taikang's appearance, Zhao Yuner's heart sank.

Although she blocked Zi Taikang's two attacks one after another, Zhao Yun'er knew very well that the reason why she was able to block Zi Taikang's attack was because she had exploded the power of the secret star in her body.

And it was a move that burst into flames instantly, which blocked Zi Taikang's attack.

After all, she is just a spiritual realm!

Three secret stars have already been burned. Before coming to the legendary master, Zhao Yuner used one star in order to make a quick battle.

There are nine left, in that case...

A little thought flashed in Zhao Yuner's eyes, and then whispered to Qin Shaofeng behind him: "Shaofeng, I will block this Zi Taikang later, you run away!"


After hearing Zhao Yun'er's words, Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a moment.

You let me be a master, whether you run away by yourself?

is it possible?

"Senior Sister Zhao, don't say that anymore, I, Qin Shaofeng, is not a cowardly person!"

Qin Shaofeng said calmly, and as he spoke, he found out a special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill and took it.

The pill entered his stomach, and the power of the medicine broke out instantly, and then Qin Shaofeng not only felt it, the spiritual energy in his body instantly recovered to perfection, even his right shoulder was numb, and then moved, Qin Shaofeng found that the injury on his right shoulder was healed. .

But for Qin Shaofeng's answer, Zhao Yuner was a little angry.

Unfortunately, Zi Taikang has given her no time to talk to Qin Shaofeng.

After the breath shook, he only heard Zi Taikang shout fiercely: "Zhao family girl, and Qin Shaofeng child, today you will lose your life!"

Zi Taikang's angry shout, accompanied by a strong breath, seemed to be a strong wind, blowing the grass and trees, rolling up waves of air, and rushing towards Zhao Yuner and Qin Shaofeng, which made them feel A hint of hot flashes.

This is the true strength of the legendary five peak realm?

Feeling this breath, Qin Shaofeng was secretly surprised.

And Zhao Yuner bit her silver teeth, and her heart was cruel, and three dull noises erupted from her body.

This time she directly burned three secret stars!


Zhao Yun'er's body surface breathed, and after burning three secret stars in his body, Zhao Yun'er's breath also soared wildly.

Even at this moment, Zhao Yun'er seemed to have broken some bottleneck, and the breath that radiated slightly, rushing to another realm.

After burning the power of three secret stars, Zhao Yuner temporarily possessed the strength of the legendary realm.

The power of the Secret Star has a limited time to explode, and Zhao Yun'er immediately rushed towards Zi Taikang.

Seeing that Zhao Yun'er actually took the initiative to attack, Zi Taikang was shocked and angry for a while, and greeted him violently, and fought with Zhao Yun'er.

Bang bang bang!

Zi Taikang itself is a legendary five-fold realm, and Zhao Yuner's strength has skyrocketed because of the power of the secret star in her body.

For a while, the two of them were on a par, and it was difficult to distinguish between them. Qin Shaofeng just barely saw two vague figures, entangled and fought.

However, Qin Shaofeng couldn't be troubled by this situation.

Write round eyes, open!

With a low drink in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's eyes instantly turned scarlet, Gou Yu suddenly appeared, and then the two fighting figures made Qin Shaofeng see clearly.

But after seeing it clearly, Qin Shaofeng was even more shocked.

Because Qin Shaofeng found that even if he could see clearly, he couldn't keep up with his speed. If he and Zhao Yun'er changed, he would be defeated by Zi Taikang by a few moves at most.

And in such a situation, once defeated, only death will be faced.

Suddenly, the two inextricably fighting figures slammed into the air with a bang, and the two turned into two streamers, and they flew out in the direction behind each.

After landing, Zhao Yun'er, a petite figure, was flushed at the moment, and her chest was undulating, obviously because of the exhaustion of the battle just now.

On the other side, Zi Taikang's face remained as usual, but it became more gloomy.

Zi Taikang did not expect that Zhao Yuner's strength was far beyond his expectations.

Feeling a bit humiliated, Zi Taikang rushed to Zhao Yuner again.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuner clenched her teeth abruptly, and three dull noises rang out again in her body.

Three secret stars broke out again!

It was just a short time before Zhao Yuner played against each other, exhausting the power of the previous three secret stars.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Yuner was afraid that she would not last long.

Zhao Yun'er obviously understood this, so when she played against Zi Taikang again, she was a little anxious.

Qin Shaofeng naturally knew about this.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng knew that he should make a move.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the Gouyu in his pupils swiftly revolved in an instant, Qin Shaofeng used the writing wheel to its limit.

He wants to find out the flaws in Zi Taikang, and then take action!

Finally, at a certain moment, Zhao Yun'er gritted his teeth and made Zi Taikang panic.

Although it was just that, and it had little effect on Zi Taikang, Zhao Yun'er couldn't get anything cheap at all.

But this was for Qin Shaofeng, who was on the side, to find this flaw.


Qin Shaofeng's right hand shook for an instant, and then three times pierced through the air.

Xiao Li Flying Knife-Flying Knife Three Combo!

Three silver blade lights flashed and erupted instantly, and went straight to the eyes, throat and dantian of Zi Taikang in the distance.

The moment Qin Shaofeng shot, Zi Taikang noticed it.

But Zitaikang only disdain.

A mere ten-fold spiritual vein junior, dare to attack him unexpectedly?

But the next moment, Zi Taikang's face changed suddenly.

Because this time he suddenly felt a hint of danger from the three silver blade lights.

That's right, Qin Shaofeng is indeed only the tenth realm of spiritual veins.

But his Xiao Li Fei Dao was a god-level skill, and once Qin Shaofeng exhausted all the spiritual energy in his body, and Xiao Li Fei Dao exploded once, the power was not an attack from the spiritual vein.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know how powerful the 4th-level Li Fei Dao with a four hundred thousand spiritual aura broke out.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon knew.

Zhao Yuner was aware of Qin Shaofeng's move, so she deliberately dragged Zi Taikang.

Let Zi Taikang suffer these three silver swords abruptly!

The strong master of the legendary realm can naturally also condense the inner qi wall, and the condensed inner qi wall, the defense is absolutely amazing.

With Zi Taikang's realm, the inner Qi wall he condensed with all his might could make him ignore any attacks under the legendary triple layer.

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