Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 284: Fight! juvenile!

The Black Martial Kingdom was destroyed?

When Qin Shaofeng heard such a sentence, the first thing in his heart was not to believe it.

But looking at the person in front of you, I'm afraid it should be impossible to lie, right?

Zhao Yun'er thought of this too, her face at the moment was very ugly.

But the faces of the two fell in the eyes of the captain, but the captain was dumbfounded.

Obviously, Qin Shaofeng's expressions seemed to be related to the fact that they did not know about the Black Martial Kingdom.

In other words, the other party didn't notice the abnormality of Beiyang City, so he found them.


This was the first thought in the captain's mind after discovering this situation.

I wiped it, I knew it was so, what did I stop them doing!

Wouldn't it be okay to let them go!

I can think of it this way. In fact, the captain knew in his heart that by means of organization, they had developed a style of behavior that could do anything to keep it secret.

Even if he knew, the boys and girls in front of him didn't know their identities, but just in case, he would still choose to shoot.

Only this time, they kicked to the iron plate.

The captain's reaction made Qin Shaofeng completely curious.

However, Qin Shaofeng was even more shocked by what he said.

The Black Martial Kingdom was actually destroyed?

However, Qin Shaofeng was a little convinced of the actions of the Zi Family in this exchange match.

And I'm afraid it was precisely because of this that Gu Yuncheng teamed up with the Zi Family to attack them.

As for the specifics, you can only get some information from the population in front of you.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but his eyes fell on the captain.

The captain seemed to have noticed something. He suddenly raised his head. After seeing Qin Shaofeng's gaze, he smiled coldly and said, "Don't waste your time. If you want to tell me something, it's absolutely impossible. I tell..."

But before he could finish his words, Qin Shaofeng shot instantly, pinching his mouth directly, and then staring inside, muttering a little disappointedly, "Hey, there is no poison sac? This doesn't make sense! "

At this time, Qin Shaofeng remembered some novels that he had read on the earth in the past. There were almost killers or people with secrets in them, and they had a poison in their mouths, ready to commit suicide at any time.

Seeing this captain, Qin Shaofeng seemed to be shouldering this task, and he also knew a lot of things, subconsciously because the opponent had such a thing in his mouth.

But now Qin Shaofeng knew that he was thinking too much.

Unable to let go of the other party's mouth, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said, "Well, now are you recruiting yourself, or do you want me to do it myself?"

The captain was muttering before Qin Shaofeng, making him a little at a loss, and he didn't know what Qin Shaofeng was talking about.

But he could understand this sentence.

"Oh, you can just let it go if you have any means!" The captain smiled coldly, with a look of contempt, and looked at Qin Shaofeng with disdain.

He didn't believe that after the training of the organization, there was nothing he could not hold on to the pain he endured.

Want to talk?

Dream it!

"Oh, quite capable!" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, then ignored it, turned his head and smiled at Zhao Yun'er beside him, "Yun'er, you take Tiger Master to the front and wait for me, I will come later!"


Zhao Yun'er knew what would happen next. Although she didn't care about it and wouldn't be afraid, since Qin Shaofeng spoke, she nodded obediently.

After Hu Ye took Zhao Yun'er to leave, Qin Shaofeng turned around, stared at the captain, chuckled, and said, "I hope you really have the backbone, just stick to it!"

"Hmph, come on, no matter what your methods are, I will never frown!" The captain was still very confident.

But soon, his confidence was gone.

Qin Shaofeng really didn't know much about the methods of interrogation.

But although he didn't know it, he had seen a lot of something that had been around for a long time.

Unfortunately, before Qin Shaofeng took out those interrogation methods, the captain couldn't stand it.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't do anything, just circulated the aura in his body and injected it into the captain's body, and then the opponent couldn't stand it anymore.

Before Qin Shaofeng practiced only the "Yi Jin Jing", but after opening the inheritance left by the old alchemist, Qin Shaofeng began to practice the "Pill Sutra".

The "Alchemy" itself is a powerful exercise, and it is still extremely magical.

The cultivation of the "Pill Sutra" does not require any special physique and spiritual roots, even if Qin Shaofeng does not have the fire system spiritual roots, he can still cultivate.

This is the power and magic of the "Alchemy". The most amazing thing is that the "Alchemy" also allows Qin Shaofeng, a person who does not have the root of the fire system, to cultivate the power of the fire system, that is, the pill fire.

As the unique power of the "Sutra of Pills", Pill Fire can be regarded as an alternative fire force.

Incidentally, once after practicing the "Pill Sutra", Qin Shaofeng's spiritual energy also possessed a trace of fire power, which was the power of the pill fire.

Because Qin Shaofeng cultivated the "Pill Sutra", all such power had no effect on him.

But for others, this is extremely difficult.

Qin Shaofeng just injected his own aura into the team leader's body, and then the team leader felt that his body seemed to be burned by a fire, and it was extremely painful.

And the most terrible thing was that he clearly felt that his whole person was burning, but there was no trace of being burned by the flame on the surface or even inside the body.

Such burning seems to be burning on the spiritual level.

And as Qin Shaofeng increased the aura that he injected, the team leader finally felt that his meridians and his dantian had begun to burn.

Real burn!

This kind of pain, even if he is a killer trained by an organization like this, can't bear it at all.

Then in order to have a happy death, the captain told Qin Shaofeng all the things he knew.

A quarter of an hour later, with a scream of relief, Qin Shaofeng walked out.

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng's expression was extremely solemn.

The Black Martial Kingdom is really destroyed!

Although such a thing is too shocking, it is also too unbelievable.

But this is an iron fact.

A Silver Moon country, perhaps it should be said that the Zi family conspired the same plan.

In fact, the ambition of the Zi family already existed.

It's just that before, there is still the existence of Dream Family!

It seems that Mengjia didn't want the area where he lived to be in a state of war, so he deliberately suppressed the three kingdoms and prevented them from fighting.

But now that the Meng family left, the Zi family finally confirmed.

Now, how could the Zi family stand it?

So, the Zi family started.

It turned out that the so-called exchange match this time was really proposed by the Zi family deliberately for the purpose of destroying the Black Martial State.

Of course, the Zi family really didn't plan to do this before discovering that the Meng family had left, but after confirming that the Meng family was really news, the Zi family carefully planned the exchange game again.

Then, with the help of the communication game as the eyes and ears, the Zi family secretly launched a plan to plan the same.

Especially in order to prevent Lianyang Academy from noticing it, he secretly cooperated with Guyun City.

Afterwards, the Zi family took advantage of the exchange match and dispatched a large number of masters to go straight to the Black Martial King City and slaughtered the Black Martial King Clan.

The reason why the Zi Family can do this is because the three strongest worships of the Black Martial King Clan, among which the legendary ten-fold worship, is actually from the Zi Family.

This is incredible!

You know that great worshipper, but an orphan, was picked out by the Black Martial Kings at the age of twelve, and then began to cultivate.

But he is actually a member of the Zi family, and he is also an old man in the generation of the grandfather of the current Zi family.

From this it can be seen that the Zi family's plan for the Black Martial Kingdom had already begun decades ago.

Not only that, but under the promise of the big worship, the other one of the three major worships was also instigated by him.

The only one who belonged to the royal family died under a sneak attack by the two.

Then the sky of Heiwu Kingdom changed!

Up to the big offering, and down to the king's gate guard, there are Zi family members everywhere.

With such a layout, how can the Black Martial Kingdom survive?

In fact, on the day that the final second round of the exchange competition began, the Black Martial Kingdom was in name only.

All royal families are dead!

After annihilating the Black Martial Kingdom, the Zi family also planned to attack Lianyang Kingdom.

But then an accident occurred, and this accident was Qin Shaofeng.

The original plan of the Zi family was to attract the attention and attention of the three major countries in the exchange competition, especially when it was learned that the old national teacher from the Lianyang Kingdom was not in the royal city at the moment, and the Zi family was even more excited.

But the Zi family never expected that the plan went wrong.

Qin Shaofeng rushed out, and with one person, he wiped out all the players in the Silver Moon Kingdom, leaving only a purple moon night.

Then the exchange contest is over.

As soon as the exchange competition was over, the originally energetic little princess Lian Yufeng suddenly became uninterested and went straight back to the city.

The little princess went back, so naturally her grandfather old teacher also went back.

Then the Zi family knew that they had missed the best time to attack Lian Yangguo.

The Lianyang Kingdom is not a Black Martial Kingdom. The Black Martial Kingdom has only existed for two to three hundred years, but the Lianyang Kingdom has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and its background is not comparable to the Black Martial Kingdom.

If it is said that the strongest combat power of the Black Martial Kingdom, it is the three great masters dedicated to such a legendary ten-fold grandmaster.

That Lianyang Kingdom can exist, the strong who stepped into the Yuan Dan realm.

In Lianyang Kingdom, there are two great Yuandan realm powerhouses, one of them is an ancestor of the royal family Lianjia, and the other is the old national teacher.

It is said that the Silver Moon Kingdom also has two Yuan Dan realm powerhouses, but no matter which one they are, they are not even the opponents of the family ancestors and the old national teachers. If one is one, the silver moon country will be defeated.

But if two go together, it's another one.

It is a pity that the time has been missed.

And it is precisely because of this that the Zi Family issued a killing order against Qin Shaofeng!

After learning the news, Qin Shaofeng instantly felt pain.

I'm rubbing, what do you guys do if you mess me in?

I have small arms and thin legs, but I can't hold you up!

But when Qin Shaofeng's heart was depressed and painful, the system actually stepped in.

"Ding Dong!"

"System Tip: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for triggering the system mission-fight! Boy!"

As soon as the system prompt appeared, Qin Shaofeng instantly became messy in the wind.

Fight! juvenile?

What the **** is this so special?


That's the mission. This is the name of Qin Shaofeng's mission.

But after Qin Shaofeng checked it, there was only a shout in his heart!


I fight your sister!

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