Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 285: The true strength of the assassination hall

Fight! juvenile! : Special tasks. Yinyue Kingdom’s wolf ambitions intended to destroy Lianyang Kingdom. As a member of Lianyang Kingdom, how can you ignore Qin Shaofeng, the player? Boy, it's time to defend our country!

Fight! juvenile!

(The system will give different rewards based on the player Qin Shaofeng’s contribution during the mission and the actual situation of Lianyang Country. The more contributions, the richer the rewards.)

One-star completion degree: Lianyang Kingdom is immortal (the minimum requirement is that Lianyang King City is not broken), reward points are 10,000 points, and experience points are 100,000 points.

Two-star Completion Degree: Lianyang Kingdom is immortal (the minimum requirement is that any one of the four cities of Wangcheng and Lianyang City cannot be broken), reward points are 20,000 points, and experience points are 200,000 points.


Five-star completion degree: Lianyang country is complete, reward points are 100,000 points, experience value is 500,000 points, and an ordinary lucky draw opportunity.

Six-star completion: Lianyang Country is complete, and any city in Yinyue Country is captured, reward points are 200,000 points, experience value is 1 million points, and ordinary lottery opportunities are three times.

Seven Stars of Completion Degree: Lianyang Kingdom is complete, and any ten cities in Yinyue Kingdom are captured, reward points are 300,000 points, experience value is 1.5 million points, and ordinary lottery opportunities are five times.

Eight Stars of Completion: Lianyang Country is complete, and any ten cities of Silver Moon Country are captured, plus one of the three main cities of Silver Moon Country, reward points are 500,000 points, experience value is 2 million points, and a special lucky draw opportunity. There are five chances for the normal lottery.

Completion of Nine Stars: Lianyang Country is complete, and the entire Silver Moon Country is captured, 800,000 points are awarded, 3 million experience points, two special lucky draw opportunities, and ten ordinary lucky draw opportunities.

Ten-Star Completion: Completely destroy the Silver Moon Kingdom, reward 1 million points, 5 million experience points, three special draw opportunities, ten ordinary draw opportunities, and a random bonus skill (the minimum reward is a holy one-star skill).

Looking at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to say.

Such a superb task profile is really ridiculous, let's fight! juvenile?

It's faint!

However, Qin Shaofeng was a little concerned about the content of the mission.

"Well, judging from the content of this task, it seems that you have to save Lianyang to complete the task! And there seems to be no restriction, it seems that you can borrow the hands of other people."

With a soft mutter, Qin Shaofeng's heart became active.

Judging from the content of this mission, it seems that there is a good chance that Lianyang Country will be fine. After all, starting from the completion of the six-star degree, it is necessary to conquer the Silver Moon Country. This means that to keep the Lianyang Country intact, that is five stars. The level of difficulty is nothing.

"Capturing?" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, "This is good! Even if it's just to complete the task and improve the degree of completion, I will promote this!"

As soon as he saw the nine-star and ten-star reward for completion below, Qin Shaofeng's heart was hot.

One million points, five million experience points, as well as special and ordinary lottery opportunities, plus a minimum of one holy one-star skill.

These rewards are the richest rewards among all the tasks that have appeared so far.

"Very well, it seems that even God wants to destroy the Silver Moon Kingdom. I'm just pushing the boat along the river!"

He smiled, without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng directly chose to accept this task.

After a system prompt, the task is next.

Then Qin Shaofeng was about to put away his attribute interface, but at this moment, the system unexpectedly heard another prompt sound.

"System reminder: Because the player Qin Shaofeng successfully accepted the task "Fight! Boy!" and met the conditions for triggering the extra task, the system issued the extra task "Extreme Kills"!"

Extra tasks?

Qin Shaofeng's face was dumbfounded, and he was a little confused.

It seems that this is the first time I have met such a task!

What is the mission!

Sweeping his gaze, Qin Shaofeng's gaze returned again, on his attribute interface.

Extreme Kill: Special mission, because ‘fight! juvenile! ’Tasks, and additional tasks triggered. There is no requirement. The evaluation is based on the number of people killed by the enemy Silver Moon Country. After the player Qin Shaofeng completes the degree star requirements, he will be rewarded for the mission. (This task is a trigger task and is a mandatory task.)

One-Star Completion: During the mission period, kill more than one hundred innate enemies of the enemy country, you can complete it! 1000 bonus points and a special purchase card!

Completion degree two-star: within the mission period, kill more than 200 people in the enemy's innate realm, and you can complete it! 2000 bonus points and three special purchase cards!


Six-star completion: within the mission period, kill more than one hundred enemies in the enemy's spirit, and you can complete it! Reward points 10,000 points, 20 special purchase cards!

Seven Stars of Completion Degree: During the mission period, kill enemies above the triple realm of the enemy country's spirit veins, and the number of enemies above one hundred can be completed! Reward points of 100,000 points, 30 special purchase cards!

Eight Stars of Completion: During the mission period, kill the enemies above the sixth level of the enemy's spiritual veins, and the number of enemies above one hundred can be completed! 200,000 bonus points and 40 special purchase cards!

Nine Stars of Completion: During the mission period, kill enemies above the tenth realm of the enemy's spirit veins, and the number of enemies above one hundred can be completed! 500,000 bonus points and 50 special purchase cards!

Ten-Star Completion: During the mission period, kill enemies above the tenth realm of the enemy's spirit veins, more than one hundred people, and kill at least ten legendary masters to complete! 1 million bonus points and 100 special purchase cards!

(Note: If the player Qin Shaofeng can finally reach the ten-star completion degree, the system can be eliminated directly. The player Qin Shaofeng will be promoted from the Spirit Vein Realm to the Legendary Realm. At that time, the player Qin Shaofeng can upgrade freely.)

For this ultimate kill mission, the points are forgotten.

What Qin Shaofeng really cares about is the reward behind-the special purchase card!

The special purchase card is the card that opens the special interface in the system store!

The products in that special interface are all real good things.

"I'll rub, this task has to be ten-star complete!"

Seeing that the ten-star completion not only has one million points, but also a full 100 special purchase cards, Qin Shaofeng was immediately excited.

This is not to mention that once it reaches the ten-star completion degree, even the ultimate upgrade mission of the spiritual veins to promote to the legendary realm can be directly passed.

This must be done!


After watching for a long time, Qin Shaofeng caught up with Zhao Yuner and Hu Ye.

"How about it, did you ask?" Zhao Yuner asked as soon as Qin Shaofeng caught up.

"Well, ask it, and it seems that I have got some great news!" Qin Shaofeng smiled, his face a little weird.

Speaking of the power of the previous captain, Qin Shaofeng is not unfamiliar.

Because he was actually the assassination hall killer Qin Shaofeng knew.

That's right, the assassination hall of the Lu family!

However, the real thing to say is that the owner of this assassination hall is not the Lu family.

Moreover, the real assassination hall was much stronger than Qin Shaofeng had known before.

The real origin of the assassination hall, but a bureau deployed by the Zi Family in the Lianyang State, is just like the Black Martial State, a force planted by the Zi Family.

As for the Lu family, to put it bluntly, it was a dog kept secretly by the Zi family!

The previous captain was a silver-level killer squad in the Assassination Hall, and he was ordered to go to the Lu family and assign tasks to the Lu family.

But by accident, he ran into Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng learned about it.

After hearing Qin Shaofeng say these things, Zhao Yun'er also exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, the Zi family is so ambitious, so then, the Black Martial Kingdom is really destroyed?"

"Well, it was really destroyed!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, but he still couldn't believe it.

It's really incredible that a huge black martial nation was destroyed like this!

"Then, what kind of killer organization is this assassination hall? How strong is it?" Zhao Yuner asked again.

If it were before, Qin Shaofeng was still not sure, but now it is different.

"Very strong!"

After thinking about it slightly, Qin Shaofeng spit out two words, and then said: "The assassination hall has four levels of assassins, gold, silver, bronze, and iron. The lowest level of iron level assassins is at least the strength of the seventh spirit vein, and the bronze level is the spirit. The Nine Meridians, especially the silver-level killer, are all in the realm of the tenth Meridian, just like the five people we met before, they are a silver-level killer team!"

"As for the gold-level assassin, he is the grandmaster-level assassin of the legendary realm, and above the gold-level assassins, there is still a kind of ace assassin. He doesn't know what realm this ace assassin is, but he just explained. Yes, the trump card killers in their organization are at least those who can assassinate the legendary triple realm master."


Hearing what Qin Shaofeng said, Zhao Yun'er's expression became serious.

Especially when I learned that there were countless iron-level and bronze-level assassins in the assassination hall, but there were hundreds of silver-level assassins.

Even the so-called gold-level killer actually has more than one hundred!

A hundred gold-level killers, that is a hundred legendary masters!

Does Zijia have such strength?

This can also explain why the Black Martial Kingdom fell so quickly.

Fortunately, there are not so many ace killers, it seems that they are ten people.

But even so, the strength of this so-called assassination hall is really terrifying.

"Unexpectedly, this Zi Family developed secretly, such a terrifying killer organization, this is amazing!"

Zhao Yuner said solemnly, and after finishing speaking, she said to Qin Shaofeng with a hint of happiness, "Fortunately, you have discovered this. Otherwise, there is no such a killer organization. Once the two countries fight, I am afraid we will even Yang Guo will suffer a big loss!"

Big loss?

More than a big loss!

If it really fights, without the slightest precaution, this Beiyang City may not take much time, and it will change hands.

Especially this time, the order of the Zi family brought by the silver-level killer team, I am afraid that Beiyang City could be taken down without a blood.

The reason for this is because the current city lord of Beiyang seems to have the intention of taking refuge in the Zi family.

It's just that the conditions set by the Zi Family still couldn't satisfy the city lord of Beiyang City, and this was delayed until now.

However, the current situation gave the Zi family no time to think about it, and directly agreed to the request of the city lord of Beiyang.

And the five-person silver-level killer team came with the order of the Zi family.

It’s not that the Zi family doesn’t want to send a gold-level killer, but because of the Black Martial Kingdom, the Lianyang Kingdom is already on full alert. If this suddenly adds a few more legendary masters, even if it’s just a master of the first level of the legend, it can also cause Lian Yang has attached great importance to it.

So, here are five silver-level killers.

But the Zi family was afraid that these five silver-level killers would crash into Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er.

Then, Qin Shaofeng was wiped out.

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