Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 286: While the conspiracy

Those people were not only killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Even under Qin Shaofeng's pill fire aura, Qin Shaofeng's information about the assassination hall and the city lord of Beiyang had been known.

Now that he learned that the city lord of Beiyang City had a problem, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not let it go.

Even for his own mission, Qin Shaofeng would not sit idly by.

Although he didn't seem to have any status in even Yang Country, the only official position, the Young City Lord of Lanjiang City, seemed to have been thrown away by him long ago.


Turning his eyes, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help looking at Zhao Yun'er beside him.

Hey, Yun'er's identity seems to work well not only in Lianyang Academy, but also in the entire Lianyang Country!

Soon Qin Shaofeng noticed that he and Zhao Yun'er were divided into two groups. Zhao Yun'er went to find people from Lianyang Kingdom and reported about the city lord of Beiyang City, while he left behind to observe the movement of Beiyang City in secret.

But as soon as this plan came out, it was opposed by Zhao Yuner.

"No, you stay with me, I don't worry about you staying here!" Zhao Yun'er grabbed Qin Shaofeng's right hand with a look that I didn't want.

Although Zhao Yuner's actions moved Qin Shaofeng a lot.

Good Nizi, think about me everywhere. I am afraid that such a girl will not be found with a lantern!

But even though he felt it in his heart, when he thought of his mission, Qin Shaofeng still said: "Be good, Yuner is obedient, I will go to Beiyang City and watch, and don't do much. Don't worry, it's okay!"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng's right hand could not help but touched Zhao Yun'er's head.

Zhao Yuner was so touched that she was instantly obedient like a tamed puppies, and the obedient appearance made Qin Shaofeng's heart melt.

I rub, such a girl, Xiaoye will never let go even if he is dead!

"Well, that's it! That's good, but you have to be more careful, as soon as I contact the college, I will be back!"

"Well, go, go, go, go back!"

"Okay, I'm going now..."

After a while, Zhao Yuner was finally persuaded by Qin Shaofeng to leave.

This made Qin Shaofeng breathe a sigh of relief, and then a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Just stay and observe secretly?

Oh, Qin Shaofeng didn't believe these words.

"I said, little things, you really won't have problems with this method!"

Glancing at the small ball floating in front of him, Qin Shaofeng asked in a worried tone.

"Are you underestimating me?"

Qin Shaofeng's tone instantly caused the little things to explode.

Now that the little thing finds himself, it seems that Qin Shaofeng gets angry at every turn.

Who is it!

It is extremely handsome, unrestrained and majestic... (a few words are omitted) Everbright, a mere disguise, he knows more.

Actually said it would be exposed?

Is it so simple that it can be seen through by others?

This big devil is really hateful!

In the end, he felt angry, and the little thing threw a sentence directly, and then dived into the original world space, and was completely blind to Qin Shaofeng.

"Believe it or not, if you think that the disguise technique I gave is not good, then don't use it well!"

Seeing that the little thing went back angrily, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but touched his nose, and muttered softly, "Isn't it better for me to be more careful? Just one more question. Is it necessary to be so angry? Alas, it really is. Little things that don't grow up!"

Some little thing in the original world space exploded again...

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these details either, he smiled and his face became sinister.

"Since there is no problem, then the plan can begin. Well, maybe, after this time, I will be able to achieve the seven or eight stars completion rate for that extreme killing mission! Go!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shaofeng hurried to Beiyang City.


An hour later, a figure covered with blood suddenly appeared from a bush outside Beiyang City.

As soon as this person appeared, he ran to the gate of Beiyang City frantically.

Such an abnormal behavior naturally attracted the attention of the guards at the city gate.

But instead of waiting for the guards to ask anything, the blood-stained person shouted loudly: "I am the worship elder of the Lu family. I was attacked by an enemy. Please help."

People from the Lu family?

There seems to be only one Lu family in Beiyang City, as one of the three families under the hands of the city lord.

As a result, the Lu Family's status in Beiyang City would naturally not be low.

At this moment, the guards heard that someone dared to chase down the people of the Lu family, and even chased them to the gate of Beiyang City. How courageous!

Who the **** is this?

Just as these guards were surprised, the ‘Lu Family’ had already rushed to the gate of the city.

At this moment, in the forest-like area in the distance, suddenly, an extremely powerful aura suddenly rang out, and then a deep humming sound rang out.

"Huh, fortune telling you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the voice fell silent, and even its breath disappeared.

But at the moment the guards were shocked.

"That... that is the breath of the legendary realm!"

Among the shocked guards, one of them suddenly exclaimed.

That's right, although the opponent did not show up, the powerful aura belonging to the legendary realm of the opponent was thoroughly exposed.

For a while, those guards immediately stood on alert, and then notified the strong in Beiyang City.

Now that the Black Martial Kingdom had just been destroyed, a legendary master who was chasing the Lu family suddenly appeared. This was not a small matter.

Soon, the legendary master of Beiyang City arrived, but that breath had long since disappeared without a trace, and people were afraid that they would have long since escaped.

People from the Lu family also rushed, and those who rushed were the second elders of the Lu family.

As soon as the second elder heard that his Lu family members were being chased and killed, he rushed over in a hurry.

But when he saw the man, there was a glimmer of doubt in his eyes.

Who is this person?

As if perceiving the doubt in the eyes of the second elder, the man struggled to get up and took out a token, and shook it slightly in front of the second elder without leaving a trace.

After seeing the token, the second elder's eyes shrank instantly, hurried up to hold the person, and asked in a low voice, "This brother, what are you?"

The man did not answer the words of the second elder, but said to the second elder very weakly: "Quickly, take me to see the lord, I have important things to tell the lord!"

The second elder naturally knew who the adult in front of him was.

From the silver token that he just saw, the second elder knew that this person was a silver-level killer in the assassination hall.

Although he hadn't seen it, the token was real, so the second elder believed this person for the first time.

Especially at this moment, the other person's sentence made the second elder completely believe the other person.

In the Assassination Hall in Beiyang City, there was a principal, whose status was quite high even in Yinyue Nation. The people in the Assassination Hall, including their Lu family, all respected him as an adult.

Once the identity of the other party was determined, the second elder didn't delay anything, and immediately picked up the other party and hurried back to the Lu family.

Those people at the gate of Beiyang City thought that the second elder of the Lu family was rushing to save people, so naturally they had no doubts.

Soon, within a quarter of an hour, the second elder returned to Lu's house behind his back.

However, instead of stopping, he walked directly to a corner room deep in the Lu family compound.

"The comer stops!"

Although this is the Lu family, the real person in charge is not the Lu family.

In this place of the Lu family, even if the head of the Lu family comes, he needs to report.

The second elder was stopped as soon as he showed up.

The second elder did not have any dissatisfaction with this. He just thought of the person carrying him, and hurriedly said to the two who stopped him: "Two, this is the brother of the silver token. If there is something eager to see the lord, please two Tell me about it, or it would be too late."

As soon as the two heard this, especially when they saw the person carrying the second elder, they were so angry that they didn't dare to neglect, one of them immediately walked in.

After a while, a middle-aged man walked out.

This person's appearance is somewhat similar to Zi Yueye. This person is Zi Hongming, Zi Yueye's relative uncle, and the younger brother of the current patriarch of the Zi family.

After Zi Hongming came out, he saw the person on the back of the second elder of the Lu family.

Although the person's face was blood red and there were many more wounds, Zi Hongming still saw some familiar traces from it.

"Chen Qi, what happened to you? What happened? Where is your captain?" Zi Hongming asked with a ugly expression.

It seems that I finally heard the voice I wanted to hear. The person on the back of the second elder of the Lu family raised his head struggling, and said weakly: "Big... Your lord is not good, and the news is leaked, home... ...Patriarch...sir, let me...we come...police...warn you..."

When he said this, the man's face suddenly flushed, his eyes glared with anger, and then shouted at Zihong: "My lord, the city lord of Beiyang is untrustworthy. Be small..."

Before he could finish a sentence, the man's head tilted and he immediately lay motionless on the back of the second elder of the Lu family, his breath broke and he died!

"Chen Qi!"

Zi Hongming's face changed suddenly, and he could not help but stepped forward two steps before the second elder, but when he found that the person on the second elder's back was really dead, Zi Hongming's face instantly became gloomy. .

"What a city lord of Beiyang City, Lu Yuanshan, you really have different intentions! No wonder you repeatedly rejected my Zi family, and refused to join our Zi family for so long. It turns out that you have already made a decision in your heart!" Zi Hongming said in a cold voice, a cold murderous intent exuded from his body.

This made the second elder of the Lu Family, who was at the eighth level of spiritual veins, complained.

The opponent is a master of the legendary seventh realm, he has seven spiritual veins!

A full-level gap!

Under the opposing party's powerful murderous intent, he simply couldn't stand it.

But even if there was suffering at this moment, the second elder did not dare to shout out.

Because he could see that the adult in front of him was really angry!

The second elder's guess was right, the roar in Zi Hongming's heart at this moment was surging.

Zi Hongming had no doubt about Chen Qi's words.

But if he takes more seriousness, I am afraid that something is wrong.

But because of preconceptions, Zi Hongming had no good impressions of the insatiable Lu Yuanshan. Now that Chen Qi brought the news at the cost of his life, Zi Hongming immediately believed that Lu Yuanshan had betrayed.

Perhaps Lu Yuanshan has not yet taken refuge in their Zi family, this is not a betrayal.

But these are not important anymore.

Zi Hongming now understands one thing, and that is to take advantage of the powerhouse of Lianyang Kingdom before he rushes to take down Beiyang City completely, and cut off the dog's head from Lu Yuanshan by the way.

"Come on!"

Zi Hongming is also a decisive person. Once he was determined, he told the people around him: "Go on and call all the gold-level killers. We will act tonight to take down the Beiyang City and kill the dog thief in Lu Yuanshan! "

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