Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2921: Who wants to invite you?

"I said, this barbecue is almost burnt, don't we start eating it yet?"

The purple-clothed man saw that it was clearly cooked, Qin Shaofeng did not speak, but it was a barbecue that no one could help, and couldn't help asking.

He is really hungry.

He has too many things to be busy these days, and he hasn't had a good meal for a few days.

Think about it carefully. Before this meal, he seemed to have not eaten for three hours.

If this were changed to be normal, he would have exploded long ago.

Seeing such a fragrant barbecue right in front of his eyes, it was clearly cooked, and further roasting would only make the taste worse, he couldn't help it.

Someone finally spoke.

The atmosphere in the court suddenly changed again.

All the people who were discussing turned their heads and looked at them at the same time.

One by one, the heartbeat seemed to stop suddenly.

The scene before them seemed harmonious, but they knew clearly that if Qin Shaofeng refused to make concessions, blood would probably flow in here.

Chen Yuxin's heart has long been chaotic.

As for Chen Shangsan, he wanted to stop Qin Shaofeng more than once, but due to various speculations about Qin Shaofeng, he never dared to speak.

But even if he didn't express his stance, in his eyes, he betrayed his position.

That was something wrong, so he immediately gave up Qin Shaofeng's plan.

Maybe he thought he was hiding well.

However, in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng and the man in purple, who saw everything and everything, it seemed that there was no hiding at all.

"That's right! It is indeed cooked, and it will be burnt after baking."

After Qin Shaofeng gathered everyone's gaze into his eyes, he opened his mouth full of playfulness.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in the Chen family breathed a sigh of relief.

But the purple-clothed man sitting opposite him couldn't be happy anyway. He was so familiar with that playful smile, wouldn't it be revealed every time he was playing with others?

Chen Yuwan, who was in charge of roasting the meat for the two, even wanted to find a place to sew in.

The neighborhood of these two people feels terrible.

The purple-clothed man has a horrible cultivation base, and she has already recognized that it is the murderer who ranks the number one assassin. It would be nice to destroy them all without being treated well.

But Qin Shaofeng still wants to play with him!

I rely on!

Isn't this crazy?

Being too close to Qin Shaofeng, it was also clear that Qin Shaofeng didn't look like an expression of admitting defeat. She really wanted to drop the barbecue and flee away.

But she didn't have the guts.


Don't wait for her to be afraid, nor for everyone in the Chen family to rejoice.

The words that the purple-clothed man was waiting for came out from Qin Shaofeng's mouth slowly: "But I am used to being served, little master, and I really can't bear to accept some pretentious people acting in front of me."


"We also grilled barbecue, just to attract someone, to invite someone to eat..."

His voice suddenly paused, but the previous words alone were enough to make people thunderous.

It simply doesn't take him seriously.

Everyone in the Chen family was trembling with fright, for fear that the purple-clothed man would kill them all in a burst of rage.

But in the purple-clothed man's heart, he couldn't help thinking.

‘Fun, fun! ’

‘Even if this kid doesn’t know my identity, he can definitely see that my cultivation level is definitely not something he can contend with. ’

‘That’s the case, he dared to hold up the bar like this with me, and all of them have such a confident look. ’

‘Why is he? ’

‘A small stellar ant at the sixth step, able to show a nonchalant expression in front of him, only proves that this person is not just the power behind it. ’

‘Even if he doesn’t have the strength to compete with himself, he can at least be sure that he can’t do what he does, otherwise he doesn’t need to trouble himself for a barbecue. ’

Qin Shaofeng's attitude has long made the purple-clothed man's curiosity to the extreme.

It was the first time that he had encountered a person with such a weak cultivation base. He dared to say something like this to himself, and couldn't help but become curious about what Qin Shaofeng hadn't finished.

Does he dare to fight himself?

Is that a joke?

When he was curious, Qin Shaofeng had already expressed his opinion.

He didn't move, but he said indifferently, "Who do you think you are? Anyway, I've eaten 70% to 80% full before, so it doesn't matter if I don't eat this meal, so someone...hey Hey! Hey!"

If Qin Shaofeng tells the reason, with the identity and cultivation of a man in purple clothes, he will explode even for the sake of face.

But these three hehehehes made him feel messy in the wind.

To benefit!

He actually found what he wanted!

Moreover, listening to the tone he spoke just now, there was even a hint of robbery.

I... I rely on!

The man in purple felt that he was going to be messy in the wind.

Who would have thought that such a **** thing could appear to him?

Although his temper is indeed okay, he can't have the turn of a small sixth-tier star who is so presumptuous, right?

"You want to rob me?"

The purple-clothed man immediately spoke with a gloomy expression.

This is the first time he has encountered such a thing in so many years. Someone dared to rob him in public. Doesn't this kid know how big the gap between them is?

Such thoughts surfaced in the Chen family's mind at the same time.

One by one they grew their mouths, and they couldn't believe what they saw before them.

"I said I would rob you?"

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I'm just telling the truth! How can we serve a stranger for nothing with the food we have worked so hard to get? Is that right?"

There was a playful smile on his face, and his mouth kept talking.

What does it mean to serve strangers for nothing?

The purple-clothed man was about to spew out blood.

How could he not know that Qin Shaofeng's remarks were completely against him at the very beginning.

Such a strong barbecue is to attract him to eat.

I rely on!

Even if things are really like this, you can't humiliate us like this, right?

How to say that the old man is also such a tyrannical existence, okay?

"You can say the same thing, but no matter how you say it, you also made this barbecue to attract this son, are you planning to drive this son away like this?" The purple-clothed man's face has become extremely strange.

According to the cultivation base of the two, he could easily kill Qin Shaofeng. ,

But I don't know why, I can always faintly feel a sense of crisis from Qin Shaofeng.

It was as if Qin Shaofeng, whose cultivation base was no more than ants, could pose a threat to him.

Coupled with Qin Shaofeng's way of speaking, he became more and more curious about Qin Shaofeng. While he didn't want to have a complete fight with Qin Shaofeng, he also had some worries.

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