Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2922: dinner

"Doesn't I want to drive you away?"

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes, and said indifferently to the change in his face: "My little master is not the first day to go out. The natural way is that one more friend has one more way, but I don't even know what your name is. Do you want to give you the barbecue that our faith has made so much?"

"Damn! Where is this kind of reasoning in the world?

He slammed into the crime.

This scream really surprised the man in purple.

It's just that his speech made the purple man's head almost explode.

Does it feel so weird for Mao?

Multiple friends and multiple paths?

Since you know this, why don't you ask me to have a good meal for Mao?

As for not knowing what my name is, it seems to be more conspicuous?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that things were not as simple as he had imagined, but he also knew that Qin Shaofeng's remarks made it difficult for him to refute.

In addition, although he can also order barbecue, technically, he can't compare with the craftsmanship of this little girl.

Not to mention that he had lost most of the things in his previous events.

Without condiments, it is even more difficult to make a good meal.

As for going to the city or town, it is even more difficult.

Although it is not too deep into Tianlian Mountain, it is two hours away from Tianlian Mountain at his speed.

This has not been calculated from the foot of the mountain to where there are towns.

Tianlian Mountain is too dangerous, and no one dared to build a town nearby, making it even more difficult for him to find a place to sell food.

Various factors made him know that Qin Shaofeng had a conspiracy, and he couldn't help but say: "My son Zi Kuang, nicknamed the handsome boy in purple clothes, who are you?"

When Qin Shaofeng heard the words of the man in purple, joy suddenly appeared on his face.

He dared to make the attitude just now, because he really knew too much about Zi Kuang's temper.

With such an old child's temper and mentality, the more you do beyond their imagination, the more curiosity you have.

A seventh-ranked heavenly powerhouse, he naturally can't let it go easily.

And even if something unexpected happened, with his current cultivation as combat power, he didn't need to care too much.

In this state, if he dared not try again, it wouldn't be him.

It turns out.

His guess is really good.

Regardless of which point Zi Kuang made for consideration, since there would be no immediate turnaround, he naturally didn't need to worry about this aspect anymore.

"Qin Shaofeng."

Qin Shaofeng spoke calmly.

But after reporting his name, he began to remain silent again.

Such a move.

Don't say it's the Chen family and Zi Kuang.

Even Chen Yuwan, who thought she had guessed Qin Shaofeng's plan, was stunned.

What is the situation?

You gave up so much effort, you finally got on the line with others.

People also follow your request and start to befriend you. Why do you just give out a name and just shut up and stop talking?

Are you still planning to let people come to curry you?

No way?

Zi Kuang's eyes widened in surprise.

When he first reported his name, he had already given up.

I thought Qin Shaofeng should express his position no matter what he wanted from him, but he couldn't figure out what Qin Shaofeng would do with this move.

It's been a long time.

Before he figured out how to speak, his stomach couldn't hold back the delicious attraction, and he screamed first.

I rely on! please do not?

His old face suddenly turned purple.

Qin Shaofeng also raised his head again at this moment, looking at Zi Kuang with a weird face, and asked with a stunned face, "Brother Zi is hungry?"

With a knowing question, Zi Kuang almost vomited blood.


Since I came here, I seem to have said I was hungry, right?

Do you need to ask knowingly like this?

Is it really good to bully Lao Tzu like this?

"Of course I'm hungry, don't you see it already?" Zi Kuang almost roared out.

Listening to his roar, Qin Shaofeng almost burst out laughing.

"Since I'm hungry, then... Alas! I have some food here, and I'm almost full, so I can't finish eating so much meat..."

"Since you know you can't finish it, can't you eat me lightly?" The purple-clothed man finally couldn't help it.

But he didn't know that Qin Shaofeng was waiting for this sentence.

"Huh? You actually...Okay! Since Brother Zi you have spoken, no matter what you say, brothers can't be hungry, don't you? Come and eat, girl Chen, why don't you give me Brother Zi you meat?"

In just an instant, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have changed a person.

Such a sudden change.

Zi Kuang really wanted to slap him to death.

Since you are willing to invite me to dinner, why don't you tell me earlier?

After giving up such a big circle, I was about to wear out Lao Tzu's patience before he agreed to invite Lao Tzu to dinner.

Do you know that I almost slapped you just now?

The expression on his face changed again and again, but Qin Shaofeng seemed to notice nothing.

Sitting calmly opposite the bonfire, watching Chen Yuwan cut off the best pieces of meat and sent them to Zi Kuang.

At this time, Zi Kuang was hungry to the extreme, how could he care if Qin Shaofeng had another conspiracy?

I picked up the cut barbecue and ate it in big mouthfuls.

After eating two dishes, Qin Shaofeng stood up with a smile on his face, and picked up a pot of wine beside him.

Strode to Zi Kuang's side and squatted down, and at the same time handed the flask over.

"Eat slowly, I'm almost full, and they don't dare to grab it from you, the meat here is enough to fill you up." Qin Shaofeng's voice was smiling.

Zi Kuang, who had just taken the hip flask and was about to take a sip, was suddenly surprised by the smile in his voice.

He turned his head suddenly and asked: "What do you want to do?"

"What do you do? Brother Zi plans to let me do what?"

The smile in Qin Shaofeng’s voice was even stronger, but he said without rushing: "Brother Zi, although this kind of meal is not a big deal, Brother Zi, after all, you are already hungry, and what you are eating But the best piece of meat on the emperor star beast that I have hunted so hard, even if it is not a big favor, is it a small favor?"

Qin Shaofeng spoke slowly, but the words made Zi Kuang almost stared out his eyes.

Although he never eats other people's food for nothing.

But what is his status? There are so many good things in his hands.

He smelled the scent of meat before and walked out of the woods to make this kind of calculation.

It is a great pleasure to eat the other person's food and make the other person grateful.

But he didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng played his cards completely inconsistent with common sense, and now he took the initiative to raise this matter. How could he not feel ghostly?

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