Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2925: Run away!

"Brother Qin, we have been on the road for a full night. Everyone can't bear it anymore. Can we rest for a while?" Chen Yuwan thinks she is the only one who has not deteriorated with Qin Shaofeng. He asked.

Along the way, they have been exhausted.

She had just been replaced a moment ago, but watching the young man who replaced her carrying the stretcher, his legs were still trembling, and it seemed that Chen Shangxiong would fall to the ground at any time, and she had to ask questions.

This sentence immediately asked everyone's heart.

Even Chen Shangsan, who was walking in the front, looked back.

Opening the road all night, he was stained with too much plant sap, and there was a lot of dirt and feces that seemed to be something.

If you were to change to those young people, I am afraid you would have gone violently long ago.

But even if he behaves like this, even if he is extremely tired, he just looks back.

Because of the appearance of Zi Kuang, these people didn't eat anything last night, and now all of them are more than exhausted.

"It seems that I really need to rest."

Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at them straight.

He looked into the distance with cold eyes, and even when he said this, he couldn't help but squat down and stretched out his hand to caress the ground.

Soon, he nodded for confirmation again.

"Everyone immediately swallowed the pill to recover, and then rested on the spot. There should be another moment for a battle to be fought." Qin Shaofeng calmly said a word that shocked everyone.

Everyone was so scared that they almost fell to the ground one by one.

Chen Shangsan couldn't help but quickly rushed over, and asked with a worried expression: "Little Brother Qin, do you know what kind of danger is ahead? Given our current state, should we find a place to hide first?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded hurriedly with approval.

Even when the power is in its heyday, facing too many star beasts, they can only choose to escape.

After all, among them, the only ones who could really fight the Star Beast were Chen Shangsan and the seriously injured Chen Shangxiong.

Right now Chen Shangxiong was seriously injured, and Chen Shangsan was extremely exhausted, making them too scared.

"Hide a shit, it's just a group of wolf cubs, the strongest is at most one or two emperor ranks, and the others are all scum-like existences, and they can be destroyed at will; not to mention, you don't need to fight, you one Why are you afraid of this?" Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes.

Even in the Seven Star Gate, whether it was Kunfeng, Fucheng, or Fan Yuze, everyone he came into contact with had an adventurous spirit.

The attitude of these people really made him somewhat unacceptable.

It's just a group of king-level wolf pups.

Moreover, he was enough to deal with it alone, and even scared them like this. It seems that the heirs in these ordinary families are really not good!

When he was thinking about it, Chen Shangsan hurriedly swallowed the pill.

Reply quickly.

"Brother Qin, what's the situation with the pack of wolves, can you sense it?" He asked again, obviously intending to make preparations in advance.

This sentence made Qin Shaofeng almost scolded his mother.

The reason why he felt it in advance was only because the Sky Void Insect King gave him a vague reminder.

After all, the true level of the Heavenly Void Insect King is probably no less than the peak of the emperor rank.

But it can't communicate with itself, otherwise he would have to reach out and touch the ground personally but feel it.

The cultivation base gap is still that phrase.

Even if he felt the movement of the earth, he couldn't feel anything. He was just pretending to be.

Who knows that Chen Shangsan, who has a higher level of cultivation than himself, does not know how much, and actually asks himself the details?

Who can know the details?

"What is love and what is the situation, the little master who should be talking about has already said, the little master is not your nanny, there is no need to explain to you guys watching the theater." Qin Shaofeng simply raised his head and made a proud look. Looks like.

Chen Shangsan almost fell to the ground by his words.

I rely on!

No matter how I put it, I'm also a 7th-tier Heavenly Star powerhouse. Even if your boy's combat power is against the sky, I don't need me to help fight, at least I can help you defend one or two, right?

Looking at Qin Shaofeng, he didn't pay any attention to his thoughts at all, and he could only withdraw his gaze in hatred.

Hemp egg!

You are so reluctant to say anything, I still won't help you!



The thoughts in Chen Shangsan's mind had just appeared, and waves of howling wolves continued to sound.

No matter how shocked he was, he suddenly took out his weapon and prepared to fight.

However, an unexpected scene appeared.

He just showed some performance, and two figures, one old and one young, quickly rushed towards this side.

Both of them were stained with blood in multiple places, and the injuries were obviously serious.

But their clothes are the same as those of Chen Shangsan and others.

Also from the Chen family?

The two are extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, they have already arrived near them.

"Brother in front, I don't know who is leading the team? I'm Chen Yulu, the eldest son of the Chen family!" The young man was obviously taken. Before he could see Chen Shangsan's face, he shouted.

"Jade Heron? You turned out to be Jade Heron? I'm Chen Shangsan." Chen Shangsan said.

Brothers Chen Yuxin and Chen Yuwan rushed out and asked loudly, "Brother, why are you like this? What about the other people in your team?"

The others are naturally dead.

Standing not far away, Qin Shaofeng, whose eyes had not lingered on them too much, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

But when Chen Yulu heard their shouts, his voice changed drastically.

"Uncle San? It turned out to be your team, why did you come here?"

"Hurry up, a pack of at least a hundred wolves will be chased and killed immediately."

"There are at least two imperial wolf kings among them, and the three uncles in our team have all died in battle. Even if you add a few of you, you can't beat them."

Chen Yulu panted and said a sentence in several paragraphs.

In his opinion, after telling such horrible facts, the once timid brother Chen Yuxin would at least be scared to death.

But when he finished speaking, he didn't see any more expressions on Chen Yuxin's face.

Although a little pale, it was before he came.

Maybe I heard howling a wolf, or maybe... who knows?

But this is not normal at all, right?

"There are a hundred wolves, maybe there are only two imperial wolves?"

Chen Shangsan repeated one sentence and he was relieved immediately.

Unexpectedly, the situation of the wolves is really the same as Qin Shaofeng said.

With Qin Shaofeng's combat power he knew, there was really no difficulty in killing these wolves.

But the change in his expression shocked the old man Chen Yulu again.

"Uncle San, if we don't escape quickly, we won't be able to escape!" Chen Yulu shouted.

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