Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2926: Grand Prince

"Hundreds of wolf pups, it's okay."

After Qin Shaofeng's arrogant tone, Chen Shangsan also subconsciously said the same words.

Qin Shaofeng's ability to say this was based on the fact that Qin Shaofeng had enough combat power to say that.

Such words came out of Chen Shangsan, but they were completely different.

Both belong to the Chen family.

As the young master of the Chen family, Chen Yulu, how could he not know what cultivation level Chen Shangsan and others are?

For a while, Chen Shangsan and the old man covered in blood, even the old man who couldn't see his face, were shocked by his words.

"Uncle San, what's the matter with you? There are hundreds of king-rank star beast wolves, and there are at least two king-rank star beast wolves, even if most of the strong in our family are here, they can't compete with them. !" Chen Yulu said with fear.

He no longer knew what was going on with this group of his own people, he could even say such things in the face of so many star beasts.

"Of course I'm fine. Those star beasts may be strong, but they are not strong enough to make us helpless." He said this, and looked towards Qin Shaofeng.

As early as when Chen Yulu and the two arrived, they had already discovered the existence of Qin Shaofeng.


A young boy with a six-level star position is not in his eyes.

Mo said that his cultivation is about to break through to the star position.

Even the brothers and sisters of Chen Yuxin and Chen Yuwan have the cultivation base of the seventh rank or above, and it can be said that anyone is stronger than Qin Shaofeng.

Even much stronger than him.

It is said that such a young boy can fight such a terrifying wolf pack, even if he is killed, he can't believe it.

But Chen Shangsan looked crazy.

If there are only one or two people, maybe it can be regarded as some kind of stimulation.

He clearly saw that this group of people in their Chen family had such an attitude towards Qin Shaofeng, which was shocking.

Could it be that this guy, who looks shameless, and can even be called a scum, is so tyrannical?

They haven't waited for them to figure out why.

A wolf howl that could be called horror resounded not far away.

"They... They came so soon!?"

Chen Yulu was obviously frightened by those wolves.

The sudden howling of the wolf sounded, and immediately made him tremble with fright, and the trembling sound in the voice was even more heartbreaking.

next moment.

He already ran to Qin Shaofeng.

At this time, there was no attitude on his face that the eldest son of a big family should have.

It can even be called flattery.

"Under the Chen family, Chen Yulu, I don't know who this little brother is named or surnamed. Is there a good way to retreat from the wolf?" Chen Yulu said anxiously in his voice.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at him.

Especially after hearing the sentence he just said, even if most of the Chen Family's strong are here, it may not be able to handle the pack of wolves.

Even if this is the Forbidden Martial Arts Forest, the confinement of martial artists is very serious.

However, some people with higher cultivation bases can barely display some combat power.

Such wolves are indeed scary.

But if there are so five or six celestial powerhouses dispatched together, and they can all be taken down easily, there can be no accident at all.

Such a family, especially the eldest son of such a family, had such an unbearable psychological endurance, which really made him somewhat invisible.

A casual glance.

His eyes immediately looked into the distance.

Those king-rank star beasts are nothing.

However, the two imperial star beasts' Yuan Dan could help him increase his physical strength.

Even if it's just a few, it's pretty good.

These expressions immediately changed the expression of the big young man Chen Yulu who wanted to come and make friends.

How can I say it is also the eldest son of the Chen family.

Even if your kid's combat power is very good, don't you need to give me a face like this?

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't even have any intention of paying attention to him.

The overall combat power is probably not as good as the family of the Seven Star Gate, and the number of pills that can be given to him is really not satisfactory.

Not to mention, he did not save the entire Chen family.

Even if the Chen family is saved, the resources the Chen family can give him may not be much.

He was afraid that he couldn't get any good things in the Chen family, and the reason he had to go there was just for a transition.

That being the case, there seems to be no difference between such a young man and an ant.

A stern shout made Chen Yulu even more unable to hang on her face.

As soon as he was about to get angry, he saw swarms of white wolves coming quickly.

As a high-level star beast, even though it is only a king-level white wolf, it is larger than an adult lion. What's more, it seems to be half the size of an elephant.

There were only 30 wolves that came first, and they had already filled the place here.

With the eyes of everyone in the Chen family, it was really impossible to see the end of the wolf pack.

"This... is this the pack of wolves?"

"It's so terrifying. I am afraid that the wolves in such a terrible pack will not be able to deal with the purple mad of the seventh-order exalted heaven. Is that kid really possible?"

"It is said that there are more than two emperor ranks..."

"Nima, is this still an existence that humans can rival?"

The people who had vowed to Qin Shaofeng were only because they heard about the pack of wolves.

I saw such a shocking scene with my own eyes.

Even Chen Yuxin's direct son, subconsciously leaned behind Chen Shangsan.

Even he knew it very well.

If Qin Shaofeng really couldn't stop the pack of wolves, Chen Shangsan would never take him out.

But the thought of fear of death made him subconsciously make such actions.

Chen Yulu, whose anger had already flooded his heart, was shaking violently, and quickly gave way to Qin Shaofeng.

Especially the voices of the few Chen family teenagers who were talking quietly made him even more frightened.


Such a terrifying pack of wolves, I am afraid that his father will not be able to kill them all?

This kid is just a six-level star ant!

Isn't he a dead soldier sent by which company?

If he didn't want to live anymore, wouldn't he lead us to die in the mouth of these white wolves?

"Little, kid, you're just a small six-tier star ant. Can you really deal with this group of white wolves who are at least king-tier?" Chen Yulu couldn't help but ask this sentence. .

Such words, if they were said a moment earlier.

With Qin Shaofeng's temper, even if he changed his family to learn about the Great Northern Wilderness, he would never care about their life and death.

Fortunately, his words were still a second late.

One second, just one second.

Qin Shaofeng had already unfolded Thunder Thousand Flashes.

In just one second, he rushed towards the wolves with empty hands.

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