Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2932: Chen Family

It's hard to say how the Chen family is a family power.

But according to Qin Shaofeng Road, the position occupied by this family is very good.

The Great Northern Wilderness is a world isolated by Tianlian Mountain.

Speaking of this one piece alone, it is as if a semicircular arc appears on a square piece of paper to isolate it, and this arc is the existence of Tianlian Mountain, making this area extremely narrow and long.

The closer you are to Tianlian Mountain, the more good places you can occupy.

But this kind of good or bad has another relationship.

There is Xiaoyaomen.

It is said that after Xiaoyaomen came to the Great Northern Wilderness, he made a special trip to find a huge island deep in the sea.

Over time, the island became the true core of the Great Northern Wilderness.

Because the island is in the midst of the horror, the closer the forces are to the coast, the easier it is to reach the people sent by Xiaoyaomen.

The location of the Chen family belonged to this narrow area, slightly closer to the corner.

The north-south zone of this location is very short, which makes this family very close to Tianlian Mountain and the coast.

Fortunately, Xiaoyaomen didn't know why, but chose to announce its seat in a seaport city closer to Chen's house.

Moreover, the ownership of that city is also within the scope of competition among five families, including the Chen family.

Every ten years, the five big families will compete.

What makes people feel the most headache is this kind of struggle, not the strongest fighting power of the family, but the high-powered fighting power of the younger generation.

This is why Chen Yuxin and others strongly invited him to visit the Chen family.

And after seeing him agree, one more exciting reason.

Believe that even if he brings his powerful support to the family, it is enough for them to get a lot of benefits, right?

Qin Shaofeng thought about it for a moment, and then left the matter behind.

Anyway, he just wanted to use each other with the Chen family.

Knowing where the Chen family was, Qin Shaofeng was less anxious and rushed as soon as possible.

A group of people stopped and went.

It seemed to him that he couldn't even use a day's journey, but it took three days to complete it.

The Chen family is in a city that is not too vast.

This city is called Zhenshan City. At first glance, the scale of this city can even be considered small.

If you go to the land of shining stars, it is definitely a small city.

But even in such a larger city, according to Qin Shaofeng's understanding, the Chen family is not even the overlord family, or even one of the three forces.

one third!

The three forces divided this small Zhenshan City.

After Qin Shaofeng learned of this phenomenon, he was really shocked.

After he followed the Chen family into the city, he felt even more speechless.

He even began to wonder, how could there be strong people in such a backward area?

He even began to wonder if the forces like the Chen Family were the most powerful forces besides the Xiaoyaomen.

It's no wonder that his vision is too high, but the city is really too small.

Although it can be said that the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, it can't be so small, right?

The size of this city is probably not much stronger than the town.

Moreover, the number of residents in this city is even rarer. Although there are several gorgeous restaurants, there are three squares in the city, each controlled by three.

In addition, there are only two things that Qin Shaofeng can really consider as good.

One is the inn and restaurant where people live.

There are the largest number of such places, but most of them are not too luxurious.

And the other place is a super auction venue like a giant.

According to Chen Shangsan, this is where a branch of Xiaoyaomen was established, and it is also the existence they must be in awe of.

Apart from these, the three major families in this city are still a feature.

Chen family, Luo family, Jiang family.

Three major families shook up the mountain city.

Among them, the Chen family is located near the west gate of the city.

of course.

Such a small city is even divided into four gates, east, west, south, and north, which can be regarded as a small feature.

Enter from the west gate.

Qin Shaofeng only saw some of the characteristics of the city, and he had already arrived outside the courtyard of the Chen family.

This family occupies no more than two thousand square meters.

Calculated according to the average household, it is only the size of ten households.

Such a tiny place turned out to be where the entire Chen family was located, and once again shocked Qin Shaofeng for a while.

"I finally got home, I finally came back, hahaha..."

While Qin Shaofeng was still pondering, he heard the young master Chen Yulu laugh as if he was crazy.

I have to say that although their travel time is not very long, they have all experienced life and death crisis.

Seeing the door again, they really feel very warm.

"Young Master? The Young Master is back?"

The two middle-aged guards of the house saw Chen Yulu's appearance, and hurriedly greeted them.

"No, where are my grandpa and my father? If I ask to see my grandpa and my father." Chen Yulu hurriedly shouted out.

"The owner seems to be meeting guests in the living room now. We don't know where the ancestor is." One person hurriedly answered respectfully.

"In the meeting room?"

Chen Yulu was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Quickly looked back at Qin Shaofeng and said, "Brother Qin, please come with me. I will take you to see my father."

What is he going to do?

Chen Yulu's performance immediately made many people feel that something was wrong.

Does he seem to care too much about Qin Shaofeng?

Qin Shaofeng also adjusted slightly.

But he knew very well that even if this Chen Yulu performed well, it was a weasel giving a New Year greeting to the rooster, and he was not at ease.

However, to be able to see the Chen Family Patriarch is also considered a condition for him.

After thinking about it, he nodded directly.

"Brother Qin, please!"

Chen Yulu's sudden performance shocked the two guards guarding the gate.

‘Who is this young man, how can he get such appreciation from the young master? ’

‘Looks like this kid is going to be lucky! ’

The two were curiously thinking, but they didn't dare to stop it.

The people who led the way were not Chen Yuxin and Chen Shangsan, and they were nothing to Qin Shaofeng. They followed them indifferently, and walked towards the Chen family step by step.

The architecture of the Chen family is also unique.

In the center of the family compound, there are several special small courtyards. Surrounding these small courtyards is a huge garden and a long corridor.

As for the four sides of the courtyard, it is a large building. At least there are three or four floors. The rooms are only connected together. At first glance, it looks like a huge courtyard.

As for the number of people living in this courtyard, at least Qin Shaofeng could no longer calculate.

"Brother Qin, this is just the place where a few branches of our Chen family live. Our direct family members live in Shangfang on the north side. The environment there is better than here. I don't know how many times better." Chen Yuxin seemed to see his thoughts and ran over. Explained.

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