Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2933: Great elder

"That's it."

Qin Shaofeng replied casually.

He really couldn't care how much the Chen family's so-called going to the house would go.

Just looking at the situation here, he lost his intention to think.

Even if it was ten thousand times better than here, it would definitely not reach the place of the shining star.

Anyway, after he gets the necessary resources here, he will immediately leave here, no matter what the situation here, it has nothing to do with him.

Thinking this way in his mind, he looked towards the courtyard in the middle of the courtyard.

Chen Yuxin understood and hurriedly explained: "The best place in the family center is naturally the place where the high-level family lives. The first is the residence of the three family elders, and then the residence of my father, the head of the family, and the residence of my grandfather. The deepest place is also the place with the best environment."

Cow breaking...

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but think about it.

This Great Northern Wilderness family is indeed special enough.

I just don't know if the entire Great Northern Wilderness family is like this. If you change to him, even if you can't bear this place in the city, it will only treat it as a temporary residence.

And a management station that manages this city, but such a big family will never be located here.

Let alone make it look like this.

If it hadn't been for Chen Yuxin and others to lead the way, he would really not be able to connect here with a family with a powerful and powerful person.

"The family living room is in front. Brother Qin, please come with me!"

When they were talking, they had already come to the end of the family. Looking at the same row of buildings in front and the separate living room, Chen Yulu hurriedly spoke.

His gaze swept across Chen Yuxin and others at the same time, and said: "Third brother, you have been out for so long and have encountered so many things. You must be exhausted, so go back and rest first!"

"What? I go back to rest?"

Chen Yuxin was not a shrewd person, and immediately jumped up.

In his opinion, Qin Shaofeng was the person he specially invited over.

Not only did Chen Yulu didn't say a word of invitation, he even angered Qin Shaofeng several times.

Had it not been for their request, he thought Qin Shaofeng would have left long ago.

Now when he returned to the family, he had to go to his father to claim credit. Chen Yulu unexpectedly ran out to cut his beard. Even if he was not the eldest son, he could not recognize this kind of grievance.

"Big Brother, Big Brother Qin is the powerful help I invited back. Why do you make me avoid it?" Chen Yuxin was so angry that he directly told the truth.

Originally because of Chen Yulu's words, Chen Shangsan, who also wanted to have an attack, had to shut his mouth.

This third son is too two, right?

Chen Yulu's expression changed abruptly, and said: "The third brother, the eldest brother is just for your hard work along the way, not to mention that this kind of thing naturally requires me, the big young man, to come forward. Why don't you go back to rest?"

When he spoke this time, he immediately began to use his identity to suppress others.

What do you call him this big son?

Although Chen Yuxin was not angry, in front of him, the eldest brother, he was really afraid.

After his identity was suppressed, he was very angry, but he had to say: "Then I will retire first!"

This is a bit of a gritted teeth, anyone can hear his unwillingness.

Chen Yulu only sneered.


"Let Chen Yuxin go back to rest?"

Seeing that things were about to settle down like this, a slight and playful voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

Chen Yulu was furious subconsciously.

He really couldn't stand the provocations of these identities being inferior to his family's children.

But when he turned around, what he saw was Qin Shaofeng with a joke on his face.

"Brother Qin, what did you just say? Yuxin was on the verge of life and death a few times. I told him to go back, but I just didn't want to watch him continue to suffer." Chen Yulu hurriedly explained.

He didn't want to provoke Qin Shaofeng's anger at this time, otherwise, no matter how reasonable he was, he wouldn't want to get the benefits of bringing Qin Shaofeng.

"He also played in the forest for a few days. He didn't participate in a real battle. What's so tired of him?" Qin Shaofeng glanced at him coldly.

Immediately, his eyes were retracted.

"Anyone who is alive, there are a few people, and a few people will follow me to see your family leader. If anyone wants to leave, it's not impossible. Just take out the life that the young master saved." Qin Shaofeng's voice did not say anything. The slightest emotional opening.

Among them, there are two full-time young masters.

The arrival of the young man, the two young masters, naturally caused many people in the Chen family to watch from afar.

When they heard Chen Yulu's words, they already had a guess.

That strange boy was obviously the help of the two young masters.

But they just wanted the two young masters to fight for their interests, but they didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng would have invited them.

Naturally, they were even more surprised that Qin Shaofeng would actually say such a thing.

"Who is that kid, he is crazy?"

"Listening to what he meant, it seemed that he had saved the lives of the two young masters, but even so, his tone was too big, right?"

"Dare to be in our Chen family and threaten the young master of our Chen family in public. This kid is simply tired of life!"

"The two young masters have invited me to help. Maybe they are too self-confident."

"An ant with a star-level cultivation base on the sixth terrace, I am!"

"Dare to threaten the two young masters in public, even if he is really the help of the young masters, he will not be able to get out of the Chen family alive."

"What a kid who doesn't know good or bad, dare to come to our Chen family to find death."

Contemptuous voices kept ringing.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't hear it naturally.

What I didn't know was that even if Qin Shaofeng heard it, he wouldn't care at all.

The threatening voice ended.

His cold eyes looked at Chen Yulu and asked, "Are you going to collect the body for your brother or lead the way?"


Chen Yulu suddenly became dumb.

Of course he wanted to say that he wanted to collect his brother's body.

But he also knew that if he really dared to say such a thing, then he was really finished.

On the other hand, Chen Yuxin, who was threatened by Qin Shaofeng with life and death, not only did not show the slightest unwillingness on his face, but also showed a provocative expression and gave Chen Yulu a fierce look.

"Who is making a noise here?"

Before Chen Yulu could tell why, a hoarse voice came from the living room.

Soon, a middle-aged man walked out of it.

"Yulu has seen the great elder. This is my nephew who is going out this time and he personally invited him to think that he is a strong young man. As long as Brother Qin takes the shot, our Chen family will definitely win." Chen Yulu Speak anxiously.

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