Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2954: Test ghost three cut

"Remember, the one who killed you, Qin Shaofeng!"

Qin Shaofeng had no plans to talk nonsense with them from the beginning.

Facing this group of people full of foul language, he really didn't have any plans to stay, and when he started with a long sword, Ghost Three Slash had already started.

"Damn! This kid is really crazy. With his little six-tiered star-positioned ant, he dared to say what murderer Qin Shaofeng to our eight star-positioned peak powers?"

"Hahaha, I'm really laughing at me!"

"It doesn't seem to be a good lesson to teach you, you really don't know what you are, do you?"

"Originally I planned to wait for you to show my baby, so I would kneel down and call grandpa, and grandpas will be kind to you and spare your life. Since your kid wants to die, don't blame the grandpas for being merciless!"

As Qin Shaofeng spoke, Jiang Xu and the others had already uttered a bunch of ugly roars.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know their origins, otherwise they would never have a chance to speak.

But at this moment, Zheng Shuo and the two of them turned hard to look.

They all knew that Jiang Xu and the others in front of them were all the elder brothers of the two big families. Even if their combat power was not much weaker than them, they had some problems with their IQ due to family reasons.

But I didn't expect them to have some problems with IQ, it is a big problem!

Qin Shaofeng has a treasure on his body.

This kind of news has been learned by them. Besides being greedy, they should also pay attention to it.

Especially when Qin Shaofeng couldn't help speaking, he had already taken out his weapon and said that.

As long as it is not a person with a brain problem, he should naturally think that Qin Shaofeng, who is carrying a lot of treasures, may be difficult to deal with. Otherwise, how can the Chen family worry about his treasures and ask him to do this for the Chen family?

Shouldn't it be robbed directly, so as to avoid any accidents?

So many accidents happened.

Even if they didn't delay for a while, they would wait for the people from the Sun family and gather all their strength to kill him, thus taking the treasure from him.

At least we should prepare for battle!

disdain? Called scolding?

Damn it!

Are you going to scold someone to death?

It's clear that it will only create hatred, okay?

You can’t tell, are they planning to destroy you?

Even if you think that people cannot be the opponent of so many of you, you must have the least respect for the battle, right?

This group of family children are simply pig teammates!

They complained in their hearts.

After all, they want to benefit from the Jiang family, and they don't dare to speak out about their unhappiness.

Once turned around, they will lose a lot!

Not daring to wait too much, the two hurriedly took out the weapon.

However, changes occurred at this moment.

In the entire Jiang Family Alliance, only when the two of them had just taken out their weapons, Qin Shaofeng's attack was already on display.

"One cut, ghost cut!"

Qin Shaofeng's crisp shout made everyone in the Jiang Family Alliance wake up completely.

That little ant with a star-level cultivation base at the sixth level, really dared to attack them!

Furious emotions suddenly surfaced in everyone's hearts.

"kill him!"

"The ants with the star position cultivation base on the sixth terrace are not qualified to provoke us!"

"If you don't want to torture this kid, you can't survive, you can't die, I won't be called Luo Bashan!"

When the young people took out their weapons, they still babbled, but they didn't notice Qin Shaofeng who was three meters away from them.

Since the shot, Qin Shaofeng would not leave these people a half chance.

However, after a moment of slowness, it gave these guys so many opportunities to speak foul language.

Ghost Sanzhan shot.

The speed rose sharply.

He has been trained to a cut.

This cut made Qin Shaofeng feel that it seemed to be as powerful as his seven or eight flashes of Thunder, but the consumption was even greater than that of Thunder.

This conclusion immediately made him understand that the rank of Thunder Thousand Flash martial skills is definitely much higher than that of Divine Rank martial skills.

The peak of the gods is not necessarily its limit.

While thinking in my heart, there will be no mercy from his subordinates.

Facing a group of little guys with the peak cultivation base of the earth star position, he didn't need to use Ghost Three Slashes, and even when he used Thunder Thousand Flashes, he didn't need to use the power of the second flash.

But he was very clear.

The enemy he is about to face is not the scum that can only shout in front of him.

Chen Junzhan, ancestor of the Chen family!

That is the power of respecting the heavens, even if only the strength of the third-order respecting the heavens, it should not be underestimated.

In this line, he not only needs to use the first Ghost Slash in the Ghost Three Slashes, but also use the power of the Thunder Thousand Flashes and Eight Flashes.

Even if that kind of martial arts consumes him extremely seriously, he can't control that much.

Can't be absolutely familiar with these martial arts, absolutely know the power of martial arts, he will be planted in the battle of the Chen family if he is not careful.

Ghost Slash shot, he suddenly seemed to have become a ghost.

Moreover, this ghost image is not as simple as other people think, even in his feelings, it seems that he can be sure that he has only become a shadow.

"Is this the real Demon Slash?"

This thought suddenly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's mind.

His erratic figure had already appeared in front of Jiang Xu and the others.

"Ghost cut!"

A few people only heard Qin Shaofeng's voice in their ears.

next moment.

The scene that made their minds trembling appeared before them.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have become a real ghost, actually on the left, sometimes on the right, sometimes in the front, and sometimes suddenly ran behind the group of people.

The two words erratic to describe him are really just right.

In a flash.

The blade in Qin Shaofeng's hand has already been wiped on the neck of the young man who just clamored the most.

The blade passed sharply, but did not make a sound, as if the man's head had disappeared from his neck abruptly.

"Damn! What kind of martial arts is this special, that kid is not a human?"

"What is he and why does it suddenly become like this?"

The sound of exclamation resounded.

When I saw the Jiang family before, I immediately ran out to sell all the news about Qin Shaofeng that I knew to Zheng Shuo and Zhou Fei, who immediately regretted it.

Where is Qin Shaofeng's treasure for the Chen family to covet?

This is really martial arts!

Wonderful martial arts!

That has only appeared in the legend, but it is a martial art of supernatural rank that no one has ever seen!

"This...this is a martial art he uses!?"

"Escape! Everyone, run away, he has the legendary martial arts!"

After all, Jiang Xu came from a big family. Although he didn't know how to martial arts, he had seen people use it before. He was weak and Qin Shaofeng used it many times now.

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