Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2955: Escaped?

"Escape? I just think of running away now, don't you feel too late?"

Qin Shaofeng laughed playfully from the air.

He naturally hates these dregs who do not live or die. According to his temperament, there is no need to waste words with these dregs.

But the real magical martial arts ghost three cuts used, and the extreme daring made him couldn't help saying this.

The ghost three swordsmanship is in hand.

Even without the blessing of Thunder Thousand Flashes, he believes that by raising his cultivation to the top, he can also have a battle with Chen Junzhan, the third-order superior heavenly powerhouse.

If it is full combat power.

Although his strength of blood and energy cannot support him to make a few moves.

But he believed very much that the martial arts and combat power he could display was no less than after he cast the star chaser.

A super combat weapon similar to a star chaser.

Although there are some Glory Star Lands, they are all the treasures of every force. Unless they are exploring places that ordinary people cannot explore, no one will take them out.

Therefore, he believes that after the full burst, he should be able to become a first-rate powerhouse in the entire Yaoxing Land.

As long as you don't encounter any unborn saints.

As long as he doesn't fight against the heaven-defying powerhouses after the eighth rank of respect, then he doesn't need to fear anyone.

Thinking of this in his mind, the moves in his hands were never constant.

In just a few blinks, five heads rolled down under his feet.

Just a few blinks of an eye.

Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that the consumption of energy and blood reached 30,000.

Also let him know that after leaving here, if he fights, he must not fight a continuous battle.

He stood still thinking.

However, the three people who had been scared to pee by his terror means could not stop the violent shaking of their bodies.

A casual glance over the three of them.

Qin Shaofeng put the long knife in his hand on Jiang Xu's neck at a slow speed.

"Jiang Xu? Young Master Jiang?" Qin Shaofeng spoke slowly.

"Yes, it's a villain, the lord is forgiving, forgiving..."

Jiang Xu obviously hadn't seen this kind of battle in front of him. When he said these words, he was so frightened that all the yellow and white things came out, and he immediately polluted the surrounding air.

Qin Shaofeng originally planned to ask him one or two questions, but when he saw this scene, he didn't even have any thoughts.

Use your right hand slightly.


Jiang Xu's head also flew.

Qin Shaofeng turned around, staring coldly at the two Zheng Shuo, who were scared by his powerful combat power and dared not make any moves.

The answer he wanted to get, although it was best to ask Jiang Xu.

But he believed that since these two people are also members of that group, they should naturally know what is right.

Smiled playfully.

"Those dregs are already in a different place. I don't know what you two plan to do?" Qin Shaofeng said slowly.

Compared with Jiang Xu and other Jianghu experience Xiaobai.

Zheng Shuo immediately understood why Qin Shaofeng said this.

He also figured out the reason why Qin Shaofeng asked him for questioning before. A boy with a superb martial skill but no backstage, with such a weak cultivation base, is probably a person who has come from the world outside the Great Northern Wilderness.

Since he asked a lot of things from his own mouth, it was obvious that he still had to ask.

After all, what I said before, the Chen family had to deal with him, even if he had a guess, he would definitely not have much speculation, and it was not as clear as he had specifically inquired.

"What the grown-up wants to know, the villain must know everything and say nothing." Zheng Shuoqiang endured the fear in his heart.

Even under Qin Shaofeng's pressure, he didn't even have the courage to ask for mercy.

"The Jiang family, the Luo family, the Sun family, and the Chen family are all involved in this matter, so what is the situation of getting married?" Qin Shaofeng said.

His questioning immediately made Zheng Shuo look up.


Not answering?

Thinking of all the possibilities, Zheng Shuo's heart became even more frightened.

If he dared not answer Qin Shaofeng's words, as long as Qin Shaofeng used the long knife in his hand, he would immediately be in a different place.

But after answering his words, can it be better by yourself?

That's the Song family!

Thinking of the Song family, he trembled all over.

"That's it, for the sake of your honesty, I will leave you a whole body."

Qin Shaofeng is so hot, even if Zheng Shuo didn't say anything, he could see from the fear in Zheng Shuo's eyes, what kind of identity the Song family played in this industry.

"The Song family's alien army rose suddenly and became stronger, ready to **** the Chen family's soon-to-expiring control rights, so the Luo family and the Sun family, who is led by the Jiang family, were asked for help, and even the Chen family's elder."

"If I hadn't appeared, the five people who participated in this competition would all be married, so naturally there would be no need to think about it."

"I just showed up."

"The Chen family wanted me to help them win that place, but they didn't know the reason, so they suddenly wanted to rob me. For this reason, they were looking for helpers and prepared to set up a net of heaven and earth. After I took this place to him, He joined those people to **** me."

"Hehe, this wishful thinking is done well."

Qin Shaofeng is not a person without any experience in Jianghu. It can even be said that he is smarter than most of the old foxes in the Land of Stars.

Although he had already guessed the Chen family's plot against him.

But with the words and actions of Zheng Shuo, Luo Fei and others, he was able to completely understand the situation inside.

But Zheng Shuo and Zhou Fei, who were frightened by his words and wanted to move again, were once again stunned on the spot.

They know too much about you than Qin Shaofeng.

There are even a lot of things, and they are personally involved in them, and they have some general guesses about this time.

But he didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to see everything through only through their brief conversation.

Isn't this too scary?

The shock of the two did not last long.

When Qin Shaofeng came here, he didn't care about these people.

Since these people came by himself, he wouldn't mind beheading them all.

There are still silver moon rabbits to catch here.

There is still the threat of Ramzun outside, and then he will have to face the battle of the Chen family. He has no time to waste too much here.

At the same time as the guessing words were uttered, the long knife in his hand had already been cut down.

With his current tyrannical strength.

The long knife in his hand was on Zheng Shuo's neck, and Zheng Shuo naturally couldn't escape.

But not far away, Zhou Fei, who was about to flee immediately after seeing him about to do it, was also in a different place behind Zheng Shuo under the flash of his thunder.

Do not! The two are different.

Qin Shaofeng was not a person who didn't count the words, the knife that was cut on Zheng Shuo's neck just cut off Zheng Shuo's throat.

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