Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2959: Soaring

"Damn! What kind of monkey is this? Why is the skin so hard?"

After Qin Shaofeng used the magical martial skill, Ghost Three Slash, he slashed it down, but only let the blade collide with the green-skinned monkey.

There was a sound of steel collision.

With a burst of sparks, there was only a scratch on the green-skinned monkey.

This kind of hardness has exceeded his imagination.

"What a black-named monster, your physical defenses are indeed powerful, but I want to see what your real defenses can achieve." Qin Shaofeng let out a vicious low voice, and rushed up again.

However, what he showed this time was Thunder Thousand Flashes.

"Second flash, flash!"

"Five flashes, flash strikes!"

The first time he attacked with Thunder Thousand Flashes, he would naturally not use the strongest attack, but he did not dare to use the lowest.

Five flashing strikes were already half of his attack power.

And when he made moves, he also used Thunder Thousand Flash's special attack ability to directly slash the attacks of the five figures at the same time in the body of the green-skinned monkey.


One hit.

There was a bang in the green monkey.

With the rumbling, the green-skinned monkey fell to the ground.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The aura flowed, constantly sending out strange air currents, which formed outside of him, and every time it radiated, he felt that the power of his blood suddenly reached its full value.

Such a change made him suddenly overjoyed.

Is this an upgrade?

He subconsciously probed towards himself.

After a glance, his eyes almost came out, just beheading such a green-skinned monkey, which turned his level to 10th.

Such an upgrade speed...

The group of stupid soldiers is still leading the mission.

According to the level of this game, I am afraid that they will not be able to increase the level after another month of missions, right?

As for the equipment issue, it is even more joking.

Before he came out, he had already seen the vendors selling equipment and medicines in the city, and any piece of equipment there had to be purchased from the gold coins brushed out of these monsters.

Any piece of top-level equipment is expensive!

The coolness in my heart is not over yet.

He saw the green-skinned monkey disappear, and what appeared instead was a green sword and a pile of gold coins.



Qin Shaofeng was about to go forward to collect, when he heard the calls of green-skinned monkeys constantly ringing, constantly approaching.

With the combat power of these green-skinned monkeys, if he wants to resist.

According to the game settings, even if he is immortal, he is almost the same.

"Flash, flash!"

"Five flashes, flash strikes!"

He didn't dare to have any reservations, and acted again immediately.

With a slash, another monkey died.

His level increased by three levels accordingly.

"It seems that the higher the level, the more and more experience points are needed to upgrade, this is about the same as ordinary online games!" Qin Shaofeng whispered.

Three consecutive attack shots made his level rise again.

But this time, he couldn't pay attention to the level change, because more green-skinned monkeys had surrounded him, if they couldn't be killed as soon as possible.

Not to mention collecting things from the ground, I'm afraid his life is worrying!

"Wraith Bead!"

Qin Shaofeng's time for getting the Wraith Bead is not short.

But this time, it was the first time he took out the ghost fire bead and used it.

From the time he got the Wraith Fire Orb, he knew that it was definitely a heaven-defying-level treasure, but he could feel that the consumption of the Wraith Fire Orb was too great for him.

Obviously, this thing is not what he can control the battle now.

At the moment, he can no longer care about so much.


As soon as his shout was uttered, the ghost fire bead turned into a green flame and enveloped him.

It was just defense, and it didn't appear too much to bear.

But the next moment.

The energy of the blood in the body seemed to burst, and it was absorbed by the ghost fire beads in the blink of an eye.

Also at the same time.

The flames on the ghost fire ball suddenly rose up, as if it turned into a small nuclear bomb, suddenly resenting a layer of dark green air waves.

But the blast of ghost fire was not comparable to any attacking thing Qin Shaofeng knew.

A momentary attack made him surge wildly.

An instant.

When he saw his surroundings clearly, his eyes were already round.

Because all the green-skinned monkeys he could see had turned into corpses and were slowly disappearing, while pieces of equipment and gold and silver were on the ground.

What surprised him most was his level.

It was just an explosion, and his level turned out to be 32.

This upgrade speed can already be called a perverted level.

What surprised him more was still behind.

After this outbreak, as the level increased, the power of Qi and blood in his body was once again completely restored.

It's really a recovery, absolutely no fake.

"My current level is still not enough, so I'll collect my stuff first!"

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, and immediately rushed forward.

His current cultivation base is already extremely strong, although there are indeed many things in this piece, it is nothing to him.

In the blink of an eye, everything was converged by him.

Twenty-three pieces in white, seven in green, three in blue, one in purple, and one in gold.

Seeing these things, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were full of joy.

This place is simply for him, with his BUG-level ability, and his initiative in this place is far from comparable to others.

He could even think that all the benefits that the Hell Dragon that was about to appear would be his own.

Thinking about it, he turned and walked back.

Although it was only a battle, his storage grid in this game world was about to be full, and he had to choose to return to the city to buy and sell.

When he returned to the city, the soldiers had already taken up the task and left.

I just don't know if they meet Qin Shaofeng, will they be scared by Qin Shaofeng's current level.

Relying on his familiarity with the city, Qin Shaofeng immediately hung up all the equipment above the white outfit except the gold outfit to the consignment office.

White outfits are sold directly to equipment merchants.

After doing this, he has 130,000 game gold coins before calculating the equipment that will be sold.

Relying on his familiarity with this place, he spent 10,000 gold coins to purchase the title of low-key life from a merchant, thus hiding his level as level 1, before heading out of the city again.

Low-key life, you can hide levels and equipment at will.

With the previous experience, Qin Shaofeng didn't have any stay this time, and rushed towards the place where the Eagle King was in the distance.

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