Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2960: Strongest area

"Wraith Bead, come, there is a wave!"

Half an hour later, Qin Shaofeng, who had been wearing three gold outfits and a red outfit, had already come to the place where the most powerful Red Devil was.

The Red Devil has a weird name, but it is more like a demonized Eagle King.

He was so tall and had wings on his back, but he couldn't fly at all because of his huge body.

But they have four like human beings. The ends of one pair of arms are not human hands, but a pair of eagle claws.

Eagle claws are blood red.

Qin Shaofeng understood the difficulty of upgrading here when he really came into contact with this thing.

When he was at the Eagle King's side before, once the Wraith Fire Orb was used, his level jumped to 54. After he changed into a gold outfit, he used it again.

As a level 61, he returned with 40 pieces of equipment.

Some sale.

He just went to the place where the bull demon was.

With the same two casts of the Wraith Orb, his level smoothly jumped to level 82, and his equipment also collected three gold outfits and one red outfit.

This game world is like a simplified large-scale online game.

The equipment is divided into six grades: white, green, blue, purple, gold, and red, and can be hit with gems to +12, can hit 2 holes, and can be inlaid with three kinds of gems of fine whiteboard to increase offensive and defensive power in turn.

What surprises him most is that the equipment can be equipped with a series of special effects such as crit, blessing, shattering, beheading and so on.

However, after the shotgun change, he came to the Red Devil for the first time, but hit a wall.

It was still the WISP attack, but it only killed one third of the Red Devil's blood.

If he had not figured out how to use the Ghost Fire Orb before the attack, leaving himself some vitality value, and then regaining some energy by swallowing the pill, he would be torn to pieces by the Red Devils.

That's the case, he also beheaded three Red Devils through the superposition of Ghost Three Slashes and Thunder Thousand Flashes, which barely increased his level by one.

Another WISP attack.

After another series of attacks, the level finally rose to 84, and his eyes showed a look of desire.

Through the previous battles, he has determined that as long as they don't escape to the roadside to get out of the battle, the red devils will not return blood.

At this moment, the blood volume of the Red Devils was below one-third.

"WISP, give me a burst!"

Qin Shaofeng growled suddenly.

The dark green light shone again, once again as if a small nuclear bomb exploded, immediately blasting all the red devils around into corpses.

Pieces of equipment gold and silver once again appeared all over the ground.

With this outbreak, his level directly rushed to 91.

Although he had just passed the 90th level threshold, he was able to directly replace it with a red makeup sword that he got when he was killed by the bull demon.

Those were not in a hurry, he immediately looked forward, and immediately saw it. When there was a red armored sword and a red armored armor lying on it, he almost laughed.

Although the equipment in this game world is only used temporarily, he has clearly felt that the equipment here can increase his combat power here.

In other words, the stronger his equipment, the stronger his combat power will be if it is necessary to kill others.

Not to mention the threat of **** dragons.

The equipment here obviously needs to be done too.

These red outfits will naturally have a great bonus to him.

After quickly taking the equipment, his look began to become weird. It turned out that all the equipment was level 100, and it seemed that he could not use it in a short time.

It's also called so-called.

After quickly collecting everything, his eyes suddenly straightened.

In the previous battles, although the game gold coins he could obtain were not many, he could do one more time, that is, to collect from the bull demon, but it was only a mere 3 million.

But the wave of the Red Devils allowed him to obtain more than 17 million game gold coins.

This amount is more than five times that of the Red Devils.

He still remembered that although the equipment for making equipment in the city was very expensive, twenty million was enough for him to make a lot of things.

Putting everything away quickly, he ran into the city again.

The harvest this time is huge.

Selling things quickly, the game gold coins in his hand directly exceeded 100 million.

In the last sale, the price of many of the equipment is not comparable to the previous equipment.

When he was about to leave again, he saw several people with the number 6 on their heads appearing in front of him.

These people are all six levels.

There are exactly six people here, and they are officially married to the Sun family.

As soon as the two parties met, the expressions on the faces of the three Suns began to become weird.

"This kid turned out to be only level 1. Didn't he do anything after he came here? Or did he just want to eat ready-made?"

"Anyway, there are so many soldiers fighting, even if they lie down, they can pass the customs and leave, right?"

"Some people's thoughts! It just makes people speechless. I didn't expect the Chen family to ask such a person for help."

Several people looked at the number 1 on Qin Shaofeng's head and the equipment in their hands that had been modified by a low-key life, almost bursting into laughter.

However, Qin Shaofeng's battle in the mountains really worries the married couple.

Hearing the laughter of several people, Cheng Zixian immediately shouted: "Enough, people have other people's ideas, we are not qualified to kidnap anything morally, not to mention that it would be better for him not to fight? Let's go and do the next task. ."

Cheng Zixian was obviously worried about fighting Qin Shaofeng.

Their level 6 might get some help from the game realm, but it's not very big. He doesn't have that strong confidence yet and can keep Qin Shaofeng here.

When they left, Qin Shaofeng left with a sneer on his face.

It's hard to tell what the **** dragon is about to appear. He doesn't need to fall out with these guys now. When the **** dragon comes out, these guys can be counted as cannon fodder!

Qin Shaofeng smiled and returned to the place where the blood demon was.

Another round of killing began.

Round after round, round after round.

Although the number of beheadings and experience points are constantly improving, the equipment exploded from the blood demon is getting less and less.

Especially the red outfit has become a rare thing.

That's it.

A full day and night passed.

His level was finally raised to the full level 100.

He became the first full-level player in the entire game region, and immediately put on his body a red suit that had been brushed out all day.

Although this equipment can't really help him, it makes him feel more in line with this game space.

"I'm back to the city, let's get the equipment first, and then continue to upgrade."

Qin Shaofeng went up and tried a few times with a pair of knives in his hands, and then returned.

With his current equipment, he couldn't do normal combat.

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