Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2961: Make equipment

"Yeah! Isn't this the genius invited by the Chen family? Why did you just rise to level ten in a day?"

"The level of this game world is not so easy to improve. With that kid's inertia, it is extremely rare to be able to raise the level to level 10, hahaha..."

"Although Uncle Xian wouldn't let me say it, I still couldn't help despising him."

As soon as Qin Shaofeng returned to the city, he once again ran into everyone from the married family and the Sun family.

It is clear.

No one in the Sun family got any news.

After seeing Qin Shaofeng, he still couldn't help but laugh loudly.

Faced with their laughter, Qin Shaofeng was not only not angry, but his heart was full of laughter.

Unexpectedly, the title of low-key life is so easy to use, and it can keep these guys blinded for so long.

Anyway, a married family, Cheng Zixian, once again stood up and spoke.

Qin Shaofeng didn't bother to say anything to these people, and immediately walked towards the equipment manufacturer.

After this day and night of killing, the number of game gold coins in his hand has reached a full 1.3 billion.

Sit in front of the equipment maker and start making the equipment directly.

There are six pieces of equipment for this game.

Headwear, necklaces, rings, tabards, shoes, and a pair of weapons.

Among them, shoes increase agility and dodge, weapons and rings increase attack.

Tabard, headwear and necklace add defense.

Among them, double knives and battle robe have the greatest effect.

Qin Shaofeng was the first to take out the sword and hand it to the weapon maker.

His move immediately caused the married and Sun family members who were about to leave the city to laugh again: "The kid was only at level ten, and he went to the weapon maker to make equipment. It seems that he is alone, There is really no way to survive here! Hahaha..."

It was the Sun family who laughed again.

But after a family and a son Xian, his brows frowned.

I don't know why, he always feels that Qin Shaofeng is absolutely impossible to be so simple, but that 10th-level green-equipped broadsword, no matter how you look at it, there is nothing strange?

Full of doubt and confusion, he led people quickly towards the outside of the city.

A little bit of time passed.

A full hour.

Qin Shaofeng's first sword has been made.

+12 double hole excellent treasure, start with the crit attribute red sword.

He immediately felt the special nature of this weapon, and almost immediately let the weapon maker continue to make the next sword.

But just as the sword was handed over, a group of people walked over from the city gate.

There are forty of these people.

The headed one has reached the height of level 42. Although the combat power of the team is uneven, it also shows that the combat power of these people is extraordinary.

What made Qin Shaofeng more speechless was that he had also seen this group of people, and they turned out to be the first group of people in the army he encountered.

Unexpectedly, it happened again in one day.

He saw those people at the same time.

The captain saw him again.

A look of dislike flashed in his eyes.

This day, the slowest person in his team to upgrade has also passed the threshold of level 30. Unexpectedly, this kid who came only a moment later than them was only level 10, which is really unaffordable!

"Captain, that kid started making equipment at level 10. Could it be because there is no team that can't upgrade quickly, should we help him?" a soldier asked.

"Help him? He is only level 10, and there is no way to use the combat power in the real world here, how can we help him?" The team leader was furious.

"But his level will not help us at all by then?"

"Then kill it!"

The team leader is also ruthless enough, so he said this directly, and said coldly: "If he asked us to take in from the beginning, I would naturally take him to upgrade. It's a pity...huh! If he can't contribute, he will regret it then. It's too late."

Qin Shaofeng heard all their conversations.

But he had no plans to speak.

Kill him?

Qin Shaofeng wouldn't care about these people, especially after hearing the team leader say that there is no way to use real-world abilities here.

He still waited for the production of the equipment merchant.

It's another hour.

When he finished making another soldier's sword, he became a pauper again.

"It seems that I have to kill the Red Devils for a few more days."

Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

According to his estimation, with 3 billion game coins, it should be almost the same.

After thinking about it, he walked towards the city gate again.


When he just arrived at the city gate.


A loud voice interrupted Qin Shaofeng's footsteps.

Look back.

I saw another army.

And the person with the highest level of them has reached the level of 54. Obviously he is the highest level of all.

When Qin Shaofeng looked back, he happened to see the unhappy look in that person's eyes.

"Level 10? When did you come here? How come you are only level 10 in a day? Don't you know that the lower the level, the faster the increase? Even if you are only killing rabbits, you should exceed level 10, right?" A murderous intent flashed in the general's eyes.


Qin Shaofeng would not have a good expression on those who were hostile to him.

Especially when the murderous aura is so obvious.

He didn't even look at the general.

The Hell Dragon doesn't know when it will come. He now needs to complete the equipment as soon as possible, but he has no time to play with this group of cannon fodder.

With a lazy answer, he immediately rushed towards the outside of the city.

There was no intention to pay attention to the group of sergeants.

"Damn! What's the matter with this kid, he even dared to answer the commander's question like this?" A small team leader suddenly became angry.

"What a **** who knows nothing about life and death, chase me up and kill him!"

The general was not a good-tempered person, especially when several people in the team died tragically during the upgrade these days.

Qin Shaofeng made him so embarrassed that he almost exploded with anger.

In the roar, he was the first to catch up.

Immediately, more than forty people followed me mightily.

But soon, the general found something wrong, because they had already chased Qin Shaofeng to the green-skinned monkey they had done before.

"What's the matter with that kid, the only 10th-level kid, dare to lead us to the 50th or 60th level monster territory?"

A small team leader immediately noticed the problem and asked out loud.

However, it was obviously impossible for any of them to understand, because the generals never stopped, they had to follow.

But this following only lasted for a short ten breaths, and everyone stopped at the same time.

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