Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2962: Two hours

"I rely on the commander, that kid wouldn't die like this even if he was tired of his life?"

"You ran into the territory of the Red Devil?"

"The Red Devil Territory, that's a place where you can only upgrade in the past at level 90!"

"That kid dared to come here, it seems that he is bound to die!"

When these people chased all the way, seeing that they could chase Qin Shaofeng and kill him to dispel their hatred, they didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to come here directly.

With their 54-level team, even if they enter the territory of the Eagle King, there is no life, let alone the highest-level Red Devil area, that is even more joking!

"Commander, do we still want to chase?" the team leader asked.

In this situation, where is it necessary to ask?

Another squad leader, as well as a shrewd man, mocked in their hearts at the same time.

"Fart! Go and do the task!"

The commander lost face in front of Qin Shaofeng, but only got such a result. If it weren't for that team leader's identity was not much worse than him, and there were people on it, he might have exploded long ago.

A group of people leave quickly. For them, it is not worth wasting time with a dead person.

But at the same time they left.

Qin Shaofeng also launched a killing in the Red Devil group.

"Megatron Bahuang!"

"Megatron Bahuang!"

"I cut and cut..."

Finally getting the weapon that is really suitable for fighting here, Qin Shaofeng first tried to fight in the way of the game world.

Now under the coverage of this kind of equipment, he would not consume too much when fighting.

Moreover, under the bombardment of a pair of big swords, although it is impossible to achieve the terrifying combat power of the ghost fire ball, it only takes ten knives to kill a blood demon.

It was another short moment.

His first big move explosive skill finally arrived.

Start vigorously!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that time had become ten times slower.

A pair of scarlet swords were swung, and slices of blood demon life could be harvested almost in the blink of an eye.

At the end of one burst of skills, the next rage value has already been accumulated.

After he quickly collected the things on the ground, he could directly start the next resolute battle.

Whoosh whoosh!

Qin Shaofeng shot, as if it turned into a hurricane, the speed can be called appalling.

Even after he was really familiar with this method of killing, the speed of beheading had surpassed the use of the WISP.

After all, the consumption of the Wraith and Blood Orb is too terrifying.

One day later.

Really understand the game equipment Qin Shaofeng, once again came to the Red Devil area.

It's just that, this time he came out of the city, his equipment was once again equipped with a top equipment ring, and all other equipment has been attached with top crit attributes, inlaid with double excellent treasures.

This time he shot, his killing speed really became terrifying.

Under the superposition of many equipment attacks, he only needs eight knives to kill the Red Devils, and with the blessing of the full crit attribute, his shots are almost a crit.

Under the crit effect, the attack doubled again, making it possible to bombard and kill a piece of Red Devils with four swords.

Without any choice.

He had to connect the bull demon area not far away with the blood demon area here, and start harvesting at a speed that can be called crazy.

Such a harvesting speed has made his forehead bursting skills unstoppable.

It was another half day later.

"The gate of **** is open, and the territorial dragon is about to descend in two hours!"

An abrupt sound resounded throughout the game world.

Even Qin Shaofeng, who was still enjoying the ultimate killing, stopped at this moment.

At this moment, the number of gold coins he obtained was almost the same.

There may be insufficient, I believe it should be the same.

Moreover, this voice sounded at this time, which made him believe even more that the Hell Dragon should appear in the first top suit.

Without thinking about it, he immediately ran towards the city.

The production of equipment takes time.

If the **** dragon appears, as he imagined, he will make the equipment at the same time, the **** dragon will appear.

In order to avoid accidents, he has no time to waste at all.

The first time he thought about it clearly, he rushed straight towards the city with two swords in his hand.

With double knives in hand, and he still has the bonus of being attacked and moving speed.

With all his strength on the road, he seemed to have become a hurricane.

The commander was leading the team on a mission in the level 80 Eagle King area. Hearing this voice, his face suddenly changed.

"How can it be so fast, shouldn't the **** dragon be released before the first full level appears?" the commander subconsciously said.

But before his voice fell off, the screams rang out one after another.

"what is that?"

"A wind?"

"What kind of wind is that? How come all the Eagle Kings who were touched by the wind died?"

When the leader was suspicious, he was awakened by the sound of a film.

Subconsciously looking in the direction everyone was pointing, he just saw a piece of blood fog emerging from a hurricane, and the Eagle King on the road was killed and injured.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Under Qin Shaofeng's vigorous vigor, the speed was beyond the imagination of this group.

And after knowing that everyone here is not pleasing to his eyes, he doesn't need to have any reservations.

The blood mist enveloped him, and his pair of swords flew wildly.

In a few blinks, he swept away from this group of people, and while taking away the lives of seven people, they had disappeared.

"Ah! What is going on here? Ah!"

A soldier screamed suddenly.

When Qin Shaofeng passed, although he did not take his life away, he also left ten **** knives on half of his body.

"Asshole! Is that **** a human or a ghost? He even killed us?" The commander jumped up angrily.

But in this short period of time, Qin Shaofeng had already gone.

It's another **** storm.

Qin Shaofeng finally returned to the city, still sitting leisurely in front of the equipment manufacturer, waiting leisurely.

"There are two hours left, and things here are about to end."

Qin Shaofeng's gaze was far away from the city gate, but the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked with a sly smile: "This game world is definitely not just the ones we encountered and saw, the **** dragon, the surprise reward, absolutely not simple."

"Tomb House..."

"If I were the master of this tomb mansion, if I didn't want people to steal my tomb mansion, if I played such a game..."

"I will let them have civil strife and kill each other before killing them one by one!"

Qin Shaofeng muttered to himself, but his thoughts made him jump.

Wouldn't it be so cruel?

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