Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 296: Break the gate with one sword

Zhao Yuner would naturally not object to Qin Shaofeng's plan.

Soon the two rushed to Beiyang City.

Because of the urgency on the way, Qin Shaofeng made Tiger Lord rush at full speed regardless of consumption, and finally consumed nearly ten ordinary version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yuner finally arrived outside Dongyang City.

Putting away the tired Tiger Lord, Qin Shaofeng stared at Dongyang City in the distance.

Gouyu appeared, and Qin Shaofeng directly opened the writing wheel.

In the state of Shalanyan, Qin Shaofeng's eyesight was exceptionally good. Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but secretly guessed that Shalanyan had also improved the eyesight of Fiery Golden Eye.

Looking from a distance, Qin Shaofeng saw the gate of Dongyang City. He was on guard at this moment, and judging from the clothing of the guards, they all belonged to the symbol of Yinyue Nation. Obviously, Dongyang City really belonged to Yinyue Nation.

Although Qin Shaofeng was more than five hundred meters away from that city gate at the moment, and his glaring perception domain was 500 meters away, based on Qin Shaofeng's experience, he could see that those guards were at the lowest level experts in the spiritual vein.

And I'm afraid that he's still a master of Spiritual Vessel Realm!

Suddenly, from the corner of Qin Shaofeng's eye, Qin Shaofeng caught something hundreds of meters to his right.


After realizing the situation, Qin Shaofeng looked towards that place, and then saw a few vague figures shaking among the trees.

With a movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng said to Zhao Yun'er, and the two suppressed their breath and quietly lurked in the past.

Whether it is the Yundan condensed by Qin Shaofeng or the secret star condensed by Zhao Yuner, they are all capable of converging their aura perfectly, and most people simply cannot notice it.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er came to that place, and then they hid them to observe in secret.

With this observation, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er were surprised to find that there were still many people hiding like this, and there were actually 20 to 30 people.

Listening carefully, Qin Shaofeng vaguely heard the conversations of several people.

"Are everyone here?"

"All right, Qin San, the old wine head and the others are ready, just waiting for your order!"

"Well, wait a moment to listen to my orders and rush up together!"

"ok, I got it!"

"By the way, I will confirm with everyone. This time, we are all dead. If anyone is afraid, we should quit now and don't run away and make trouble!"

"Boss, don't worry, Dongyang City is our home. Now it has been taken by the thieves of the Silver Moon Kingdom. We have to take it back even if we die. No one will go back!"

"Well, that's all right, then get ready to act!"


From these conversations, Qin Shaofeng knew the origin of this group of people.

It turned out that this group of people were all from Dongyang City, and depending on the situation, they were all those who survived by chance against Dongyang City in Yinyue Kingdom.

But now that their homes have been taken, these people want to regain their homes with death will.

And there are many of these people. The twenty or thirty people Qin Shaofeng saw were only a part of them. There were a dozen or twenty people in many places not far away, and all of them were probably two to three hundred people.

"Let's help them!" Zhao Yun'er, who was next to Qin Shaofeng, heard these conversations and was very moved and smiled to Qin Shaofeng.

Women are indeed emotional!

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sigh when he heard Zhao Yun'er's words.

But at the same time it is very painful.


How can I help?

Auntie, grandma, we are only two!

Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, feeling extremely helpless.

Don't look at Zhao Yuner's strength, but Qin Shaofeng knows that if this is a legendary triple master, it will be enough to make Zhao Yuner feel a little troublesome.

If this is a legendary five master, then...

Then wash and sleep!

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't say much about the appearance of Zhao Yun'er.

Qin Shaofeng's original plan was to assassinate the people of the Silver Moon Kingdom everywhere with the techniques they practiced, secretly touching the medicinal materials.

Anyway, Dongyang City was so big, with one shot for another, and the flowers everywhere, Qin Shaofeng didn't believe that Yinyue Nation could do the two of them.

Besides, Lianyang Academy and the official masters of Lianyang Kingdom almost arrived.

At that time, it was the real attack.

But now the appearance of these people in the distance completely disrupted Qin Shaofeng's plan.


Seeing the clusters of figures in the distance, Qin Shaofeng was a little helpless.

What should I do now?

Go out and stop these people?

Qin Shaofeng immediately dispelled this thought.

What are you kidding about? If you look at these things, if you go out to persuade you, you might be treated as a spy of the Silver Moon Nation, and then beaten to death with a stick.

Therefore, it is absolutely unwise to step forward.

Finally, after thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng could only sigh to Zhao Yun'er: "Hey, in this case, we will follow up together, and then we will pick the troublesome people to solve it, and reduce the burden for them!"

That said, but Qin Shaofeng had already condemned this group of people as dead in his heart.

Since Yinyue Kingdom dared to make a move, then there are definitely a lot of masters of Yinyue Kingdom in Dongyang City at this moment, plus some of Dongyang City's original masters, at this moment, Dongyang City is Longtan Tiger Den.

If the strength is not enough, going up is pure death.

Zhao Yuner didn't know what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, and nodded very excitedly.

"Well, good, just do it!"

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but reminded: "Yun'er, be careful later. If the situation is not right, save yourself for the first time and run for your life, know?"

"Yeah! Got it!" Zhao Yuner nodded docilely.


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly heard a noise from the distant bushes, and Qin Shaofeng understood that the group of people had acted.

Although Qin Shaofeng was not optimistic about these people, he had to admire those who had good brains among them.

Because they didn't rush to Dongyang City so carelessly, first, three masters with nine levels of spiritual veins approached the city gate pretending to be ordinary people.

Now the gate of Dongyang City has long been sealed off, leaving only a small gate, and the small gate is still held by heavy guards.

This sudden appearance of three civilians, those guards will naturally not let go, directly intend to take it.

But just as they acted, the three nine-layer spirit vein masters suddenly violently violently killed the guards.

As soon as the guard died, Qin Shaofeng suddenly heard, not far in front of him, a roar broke out!

"Brothers, come! Kill the thieves of Silver Moon Kingdom and retake our home!"


This roar, as if igniting a barrel of explosives, one after another black shadows shot out from the bushes and directly slammed towards the gate of Dongyang City.

Yinyue Country obviously did not expect such a situation to occur.

Although Yinyue Kingdom is also very clear, Lian Yangguo will soon make a counterattack.

But the people of Yinyue Nation obviously did not expect that Yinyue Nation would counterattack so quickly.

At this moment, the former city lord of Dongyang who received the news paled for a while.

"Come! Come! The Lianyang royal family finally sent someone!"

Although he was from Yinyue Kingdom, in fact he didn't want to betray Lianyang Kingdom, because he felt that he was the Lord of Dongyang City, but he was very comfortable.

The grand plan of Yinyue Kingdom?

Don't care about him!

All this, even if Yinyue Nation had won Lianyang Nation, he would still be a city lord at most, it made no difference at all!

Therefore, in his opinion, it is not guilty to risk being chased and killed by Lian Yang, and the whole position of not being promoted or demoted.

But there was no reason for him. After all, he was just a puppet from the Zi family, worse than that of Beiyang City Lord Lu Yuanshan.

Hearing that someone had entered the city gate at this moment, the city lord of Dongyang City was completely panicked.

"Why do you panic? Kill as soon as you come, is there no one on our side!"

A cold snort came and awakened the panic-stricken City Lord Dongyang.

The Lord of the City just remembered that there are people around him!

He couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the young man not far away. The lord of the city immediately smiled flatteringly: "Yes, yes, the subordinates are confused. There is a young master, you are a master of the country, it is not a concern at all. !"

Little Lord?

That's right, the young man in front of the Lord of the City Lord was the purple moon night.

The failure of the exchange match mission and the death of Zi Taikang caused Zi Yueye to be blamed by his father after returning to Zi's house.

In the end, to make up for the loss in the exchange competition, Zi Yueye, under his father's order, brought a lot of assassination hall killers and came to Dongyang City to sit down.

Ziyueye felt Dongyang City before it dawned today, so no one knew that at this moment, in addition to the silveryue country masters before, there were also many assassin hall killers in Dongyang City.


With the roar of the city gate, Qin Shaofeng discovered that this group of people was a lot more than he expected, probably five or six hundred.

However, the cultivation base of these people is not very strong, even the acquired martial artist has many.

The congenital realm is the most, about more than half of the people, but the spiritual realm is only the group of twenty or thirty people that Qin Shaofeng saw before, and the other team is afraid that it will only be 50 people at most.

Although there are a few masters with ten levels of spiritual veins, even so, they are afraid it will be difficult to break through the heavily guarded city gate.

Even if it is barely breached, there are not many people left.


Let's help them!

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng sighed slightly, and then said to Zhao Yun'er who was beside him: "Yun'er, you and Lord Tiger act together, be careful, I'll break through this city gate!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng didn't wait for Zhao Yun'er to respond, and with a light wave of his right hand, after summoning the tiger who had not been resting for a long time, he flew towards the gate.

During the period Qin Shaofeng passed by, and when he met those people, the other party didn't think Qin Shaofeng was special, and thought that Qin Shaofeng was one of them.

But the next moment, when Qin Shaofeng took out the profound iron heavy sword, those people were puzzled.

Hey, who is this person?

It seems that none of us has such a huge sword, right?

Did this person join on the road?

But the next moment, their doubts turned into shock.

Because they only saw that the young man with the huge sword suddenly appeared, after arriving at the gate, he suddenly raised the huge sword in his hand.

Swing up, cut down!


With a loud bang, a scene that made everyone dumbfounded happened.

I saw that the giant sword young man swung the giant sword and cut open the entire city gate.

Looking at the giant gate poured by the fine iron, there was a loud bang, and everyone was shocked after it fell.

What a great sword!

What a terrible cut!

Break the gate with one sword!

What is the origin of this great sword boy?

But at this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from the crowd.

"Ah! It's him! It's Qin Shaofeng!"


The crowd was stunned.

Is this great sword boy Qin Shaofeng?

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