Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 297: After all, we are human

Qin Shaofeng everyone naturally knew.

There is no way who called Qin Shaofeng in the exchange competition, so much limelight, I don't know that he can't do it!

At this time, everyone seemed to remember.

It seems that Qin Shaofeng has an exaggerated giant sword, which is probably comparable to the giant sword of the giant sword boy in front of him.

Is this person Qin Shaofeng?

But everyone never thought that Qin Shaofeng would actually appear here, and for a while, those people were ecstatic.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to appear. This is really great!"

"Idols are idols, they just broke through the gates with a single sword, bull!"

"Great, with Qin Shaofeng here, we will definitely be able to recapture Dongyang City this time!"


Unlike these people outside the city, the people inside the city, especially those guarding the city gate, were shocked at this moment.

As a member of the Silver Moon Nation, now when I think of the exchange competition, dozens of geniuses in my country have been slaughtered by one person, and no one is not worried.

Many people from Yinyue Nation are already somewhat timid about Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, when the person who broke the city was Qin Shaofeng, many people panicked.

Although none of them retreated due to the army, all of them subconsciously avoided Qin Shaofeng.


A cold light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and he swallowed a first-grade nine-layer spirit pill without leaving a trace.

That sword just now seemed incomparably unrestrained, but it was only clear to Qin Shaofeng himself that the gates of Dongyang City were not ordinary after all, and he broke out with his full strength before breaking open.

Not only did the spiritual energy run out in an instant, even Qin Shaofeng felt his hands numb now!

But Qin Shaofeng fully recovered in an instant after a normal version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill was put down.

Hey, this nine-fold spirit pill is indeed a good thing!

It is definitely the best weapon for battle!

After this time is over, I must refine more.

As for now...

With a slight turn of his eyes, Qin Shaofeng fell to the gate of the city, on those people with ten levels of spiritual veins, and then his body shook slightly and rushed up in an instant.

With Qin Shaofeng's current strength, even with the ordinary profound iron epee, this ordinary ten-tiered spiritual master is not his opponent.

Only for an instant, after reaching the place, Qin Shaofeng raised the profound iron heavy sword and slapped it fiercely.

Then there were several more corpses on the ground, and each corpse was infinitely close to the mud.

For a while, those city gate guards panicked again and again, and some timid people ran away directly.

In order to make the people behind him safer, Qin Shaofeng basically killed the people in the seventh realm of Lingmai directly.

Under such circumstances, the hundreds of people quickly rushed into the city gate and began to fight with the people of Silver Moon Kingdom.

At the same time, Zi Yueye in the city lord's mansion suddenly heard Qin Shaofeng appear at the city gate, his eyes flashed, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Hahaha, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in, Qin Shaofeng this time I see how you die!"

"The Assassination Hall listened to the order and went to the city gate quickly to support. At all costs, it is bound to kill that Qin Shaofeng for me!" Zi Yueye roared murderously in her eyes.

Following the order of Zi Yueye, dozens of black shadows flew out.

These are all killers in the assassination hall, if Qin Shaofeng were here, he would definitely be shocked.

Because these assassins are actually silver-level assassins, and there is not even a nine-fold bronze-level assassin with spirit veins, which means they are all masters with ten-fold spirit veins.

And not only that, but there are also a few particularly powerful figures in this figure.

Awesomely the gold-level killer of the legendary realm!


"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing a master of the tenth realm of Lingmai, gaining the title and bonus card experience bonus, and gaining a total of 4,000 experience points!"

It was another system prompt, Qin Shaofeng was a little numb.

With such an opportunity to increase experience points, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not stop buying experience bonus cards.

It's another five times experience bonus card!

But this kind of effect is gratifying, because after just such a short while, Qin Shaofeng found that his experience value was already full.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Tenfold Spirit Vessel

Experience value: 1191500/999999


Not only was it full, it even added nearly 200,000 points.

Because this time the sudden limit kill mission, if the completion degree reaches ten levels, it can directly save the limit upgrade mission of the spirit vein realm to promote the legendary realm.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng's experience value reached the current limit, the system gave a prompt.

You can't upgrade now, but you can continue to accumulate experience points.

But there is one thing, if Qin Shaofeng's limit kill mission this time does not reach the ten-star completion degree, then the accumulated experience points will disappear directly after the mission ends.

However, at this moment Qin Shaofeng had full confidence to complete this extreme kill mission to the ten-star completion.

Because it was the first to complete the ten-star level, killing enemies above the tenth level of the enemy country's spiritual veins, more than one hundred people, Qin Shaofeng has now completed more than 80%.

In other words, now that he kills more than a dozen or twenty silver-moon masters with ten levels of spiritual veins, the first goal is even completed.

And only the last ten powerful men of the Legendary Realm Silver Moon Kingdom were left.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes and jade magic appeared, the field of fiery eyes and golden eyes were fully opened, and he was looking for enemies in the tenth realm of spiritual veins everywhere.

But what made Qin Shaofeng helpless was that there were still people in the tenth realm of spiritual veins who had just been killed by him, and now he couldn't find any of them.

Huh, is that?

Just when Qin Shaofeng was disappointed in his heart, suddenly there was a figure of tenth realm of spiritual veins in the area of ​​the perception field with fiery eyes.

With joy in his heart, Qin Shaofeng planned to run over.

But at this time, the sound of a small ball suddenly rang in his heart.

"Idiot Demon King, don't go there, run away!"


Qin Shaofeng was instantly confused.

I was finished within a dozen or so people. After all, a person with ten spiritual veins appeared. You actually let me escape?

But in the next moment, Qin Shaofeng understood why the ball made him escape.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt his fiery perceptive field, and suddenly dozens of powerful auras appeared.

It's all ten spiritual veins!

But it was more than that. What really made Qin Shaofeng dumbfounded was that among these auras, there were seven auras that were particularly noticeable.


There are seven legendary masters!

No, it should be the gold-level killer of the seven assassination halls!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already sensed that the aura on the opponent's people was very similar to the assassination hall assassins he had encountered, and they were obviously from the Zi family.

Qin Shaofeng finally understood why Xiaoqiuqi opened his mouth and let himself escape!

Sister, this wind is too tight, hurry up!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng quickly retreated, and at the same time roared fiercely.

"Listen, everyone, there is a killer from the assassination hall. If the situation is not good, go back!"

Qin Shaofeng's words naturally shouted to the people who had rushed in with him.

By now, even Qin Shaofeng was enough to take care of those people.

But at this moment, less than half of those people are still alive.

Those acquired martial artists are all dead, and the congenital martial artists are almost there.

Although most of the remaining spiritual veins are still alive, many of them are seriously injured.

It can be said to be extremely disastrous!

If it hadn't been for Qin Shaofeng's sudden appearance, just relying on these people, I am afraid that they would really not even be able to pass through the city gate, they would have simply died.

But now it's different. If you don't retreat in time, I'm afraid it won't take long. After the killers in the assassination hall are killed, the remaining people will definitely die.

It's a pity that even if Qin Shaofeng reacted quickly, the killers in the assassination hall quickly killed him.




Those killers in the assassination hall, like a tiger into a flock, rushed into Qin Shaofeng's group, but a series of screams rang out in an instant.

Under Qin Shaofeng's field of perception, at this moment, the aura of more than fifty people on his side disappeared.

In this case, if the breath disappears, it means being killed!

Qin Shaofeng's face changed slightly, becoming gloomy, and suddenly, the assassination hall's assassins stopped directly, and then walked out alone, facing Qin Shaofeng.

"Oh, this is not our Qin Dashao Qin Shaofeng! Why, come to me as a guest?"

Purple moon night!

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with killing intent.

He hadn't noticed before, but now Qin Shaofeng discovered that these assassination hall killers had actually been brought by Zi Yueye.

"Guest?" A sarcastic smile flashed across Qin Shaofeng's face, "Zi Yueye, can you keep your eyes open and tell lies, okay? When will we become yours in Dongyang City, Lianyang Country?"

Seeing that the assassination hall was faintly blocked by the assassin, Qin Shaofeng didn't escape.

At this time, those who were still alive also gathered to Qin Shaofeng.

But no one noticed that at this moment, somewhere in the distance, Zhao Yuner, who was about to rush over with Master Tiger, suddenly seemed to hear something, and then slowly backed away with Master Tiger, hiding in a corner. .

Qin Shaofeng's ridicule caused Zi Yueye to instantly become angry.

But she seemed to think of something. Zi Yueye showed a smug smile at the corner of her mouth, and smiled: "Dongyang City of Lianyang Country? Ha, or before, I am now in charge of this place, called Zhugang City, because there are so many pigs!"


Zi Yueye's words instantly caused those people in Dongyang City to become angry.

"Zi Yueye what do you mean?"

"I wiped, I dare to call us a pig, Zi Yueye, I wiped your mother next door!"

"Zi Yueye, your wife is the pig, and your whole family is pig!"


In the face of the angry crowd behind him, Qin Shaofeng also had a fire in his heart, but he still stretched out his hand and pressed it down, saying in a deep voice, "Everyone is quiet!"

Now Qin Shaofeng has a lot of prestige in these people's hearts. As soon as Qin Shaofeng spoke, they shut up quickly, but the anger in his eyes could not be extinguished.

In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng himself was also slightly surprised, he did not expect how everyone would give himself face.

However, it is also true that he is even more eager to save everyone's lives.

Looking back at Zi Yueye again, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and said: "Pigluo City? Tsk! Piggluo City!"

After repeating a sentence, Qin Shaofeng smiled under the eyes of the people who were somewhat incomprehensible, and said to Zi Yueye: "I, Qin Shaofeng, have a long experience today. This Dongyang City is where people live in Lianyang Country. After Yinyue Nation seized it with conspiracy and tricks, it turned out to be a piggy city. It seems that this is the nature of your Yinyue Nation!"

this is?

Qin Shaofeng's words became more and more difficult for people to understand.

Even Zi Yueye frowned because he always felt that Qin Shaofeng's words seemed to mean something else.

Soon, Zi Yueye knew that she was right.

I saw Qin Shaofeng shout loudly, and said with a sense of righteousness: "But because of this, I, Qin Shaofeng, swears to the death to retake Dongyang City, because I don’t want my compatriots from Lianyang Country to live in Zhugang City and live with some pigs. , After all, we are human!"

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