Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 298: Escape?

We are human!

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone stayed!

Then people quickly reacted.

Yes, you call it the Pig's City on Ziyueye, saying that the people living here are Pig's.

But before that, here was the Dongyang City of Lianyang State, and the people living in Lianyang State.

It's better now, once you were taken over by your Silver Moon Kingdom, it became a city of pigs, and then some pigs lived.

Doesn't it mean that our human territory was captured by a group of pigs, and then it became a city of pigs?

In the original words of Ziyueye, this is definitely not what he meant. He meant that the people of Lianyang Kingdom were just a bunch of pigs.

But when Qin Shaofeng said that, that meaning completely changed.

Dongyang City was occupied by a group of pigs.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to be captured by the pig, but after all, we are human!

It's human!

After understanding it, the people around Qin Shaofeng couldn't help it anymore.

"Haha, yes! We are humans, not Silvermoon Country."

"I rub, we are so useless, we were actually occupied by a group of pigs."

"Hey, don't be embarrassed, monster beasts are also very powerful these years!"

"Idols are idols, what they say is so reasonable!"


Zi Yueye was so angry in her heart!

What is this called?

If you can't make a mockery, you will be humiliated!

In anger, Zi Yueye didn't say much, just roared, and shouted at the assassination hall assassins around him: "Go, let me go! Kill Qin Shaofeng for me, and I want him to die! "

When Zi Yueye shouted so, those assassins shot out instantly.


A cold light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and the crowd behind him was also cheering up at this moment.

None of the killers in the assassination hall are simple.

This time they are afraid they are completely finished!

However, no one was timid, and they were mentally prepared to die before they came.

In this state of mind, at this moment, facing the attack of those assassins, everyone laughed.

"The pig is here, everyone, be careful!"

"Haha, let's kill the pigs together!"

"Yes, kill one is enough, kill one pair to earn one!"



In the laughter, everyone rushed to the group of killers without hesitation, but Qin Shaofeng's face didn't smile at all.

Because he knew that these people in front of him had no intention of living anymore.

But precisely because of this, fighting together, their final eruption was extremely shocking.


A silver-ranked killer slammed a sword and pierced a person with six spiritual veins through his chest.

The blood in the population poured out frantically, but he smiled grimly, directly holding the silver-level killer's sword with both hands, and shouting frantically: "Hands!"


As soon as that person finished roaring, behind him rushed out of the same sixth-level spiritual vein person.

This person suddenly rushed out, holding a sharp dagger in his hand, and pierced directly into the heart of the silver-level killer.

The silver-ranked killer's face changed in an instant, and he drew his sword away, but the sharp sword in his hand was held tightly, and he couldn't pull it out for a while.

Under such circumstances, the silver-level killer made a decision in his heart—abandon the sword!

But only then did I think of Abandoning Sword, it was too late.


The dagger entered the body, and the silver-level killer was stabbed in his heart. Seeing that he could not survive, the silver-level killer was also determined and burst out abruptly, blasting towards the head of the person who stabbed him.

The silver-level killer in the assassination hall is a master of the tenth level of spiritual veins, and his strength is naturally not what ordinary people with six levels of spiritual veins can resist.

And it goes without saying that at this moment it was the last blow of the killer before he died.

So soon, with a bang, the person in the Sixth Level of Spirit Vessel was directly blasted to his head by the silver-level killer and died instantly.

After the blow, the body of the silver-ranked killer also fell backwards, and suddenly he lost his breath and died.

The person of the Sixth Level of Spirit Vessels whose one sword pierced his chest, although the blood continued to flow in his mouth, looked at the fallen assassin's corpse, he burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, it's worth it. The two brothers are in the sixth level of spiritual veins. Now they can actually pull down a silver-level killer and make a lot of money."

Speaking of looking at the headless corpse on the ground, the man smiled slightly: "Brother, don't worry, brother, I am here!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man fell backward.

Before his body fell to the ground, he closed his eyes forever.

Situations like this can be seen everywhere on this battlefield at this moment.

Some people successfully dragged down a killer, and some had no chance at all.

But what is surprising is that the team that was originally seriously injured and seemingly vulnerable killed many killers in an instant.

But the more so, the more angry Qin Shaofeng was at the moment.

"Can Zi Yueye dare to fight?"

With a sudden roar, Qin Shaofeng raised the profound iron epee in his hand and pointed to the distant Zi Yueye.

These words stimulated Zi Yueye.

World War I?

Fight a fart!

After experiencing Qin Shaofeng's strength in the exchange match, even though 11 million people were unwilling in her heart, Zi Yueye still had to admit that she was not Qin Shaofeng's opponent.

At this moment, facing Qin Shaofeng's cries, how dare he go up.

Of course, even though she thought of it in her heart, Zi Yueye suddenly sneered: "Qin Shaofeng, are you stupid? The two countries are fighting, but the difference is life and death. You think this is the winning or losing in the ring!"

With that said, Zi Yueye slammed to two of the gold-ranked assassins around him, instructing: "You two will go and retrieve Qin Shaofeng's head now."

Although the two gold-ranked assassins were master masters in the first level of the legend, they were extremely obedient to Zi Yueye's orders.


One after another responded, the two gold-ranked assassins rushed out instantly, waving their hands, and the goal was directed at Qin Shaofeng's head.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng's actions surprised everyone present, including Zi Yueye.

I saw Qin Shaofeng jumped up, then made a sharp turn, and ran backwards.

Is he trying to escape?

Zi Yueye was dumbfounded.

The killers at the scene, as well as those in Dongyang City, were also dumbfounded.

how come?

How could Qin Shaofeng escape?

Those people in Dongyang City seemed to be unable to accept this.

But that Zi Yueye burst into laughter suddenly: "Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng is so awe-inspiring because of what you said, but now you are the first to run away? How ridiculous!"

During the laughter, Zi Yueye's eyes flashed with cold light, and she sneered loudly, "Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng can't escape even if you run away this time!"

With that, Zi Yueye waved her hand suddenly.

Huh huh!

The five remaining gold-level killers around Zi Yueye also rushed out at this time.

Although four of the seven gold-level killers are in the first level of the legend, among the remaining three, there are two of the second level of the legend, and the last one has the cultivation base of the third level of the legend.

At this moment, the seven of them chased after Qin Shaofeng in a short while.

Then, the seven of them obeyed Zi Yueye's order, and the moment they caught up with Qin Shaofeng, they shot Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment, a huge black shadow in vain flashed out from the side corner.

Immediately afterwards, before the seven gold-ranked assassins could react, there was a violent roar.


Tiger Roar: Tiger Roar Lion's talent skills, after activation, can burst out a powerful sonic attack, the more aura value consumed, the greater the power.

This huge figure that suddenly appeared was the Tiger Lord.

As early as the beginning, as soon as Zi Yueye appeared, Qin Shaofeng asked Zhao Yuner, who was preparing to come over, to hide first with Lord Tiger.

With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, although he opened up the sea of ​​consciousness, it was obviously impossible for him to use the weak to explosive sea of ​​consciousness and such a bit of divine consciousness that was so hard to look at.

But Zhao Yun'er is Qin Shaofeng's family member, and naturally can communicate with Qin Shaofeng, although the two can only have a short-distance spiritual dialogue, and it is still very difficult.

But a sentence or two is completely fine.

Therefore, Zhao Yuner went into hiding. At this moment, after Qin Shaofeng led the gold-ranked killers to her hiding place, he was reminded by Qin Shaofeng that Zhao Yuner let Tiger Master take action in an instant.

Oh, it should be an exit!

The roar of Tiger Lord came suddenly, and the addition of Lord Tiger was now in the first level of the legend, this roar, he was the gold-level killer of the third level of legend, and it was also slightly dazed.

At this time, Zhao Yuner shot!


With this shot, Zhao Yuner directly burned a secret star in the star realm in his body.

Before, Zhao Yuner needed to burn three secret stars to promote herself to the legendary realm.

But now as Qin Shaofeng's family member, after the body of stars evolved into the body of stars, Zhao Yun'er was already in the realm of the legendary first level.

Burning the secret star in the body at this moment, the strength is far beyond the average person can compare.

And this was not over yet, Zhao Yun'er leaned forward at the moment he shot.


In an instant, there were three more figures beside Zhao Yuner.

That is her star clone!

The avatar plus the deity, exactly four people, respectively, faced the four legendary first-level gold-level killers.

With Zhao Yun'er's strength, even if she didn't burn the Secret Star, the four golden assassins in the first realm of the legend would not be her opponent.

Now that the Secret Star burned, Zhao Yuner's strength instantly burst.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With four explosions, everyone saw four silhouettes flying upside down suddenly, piercing several walls, and smashing to the ground fiercely, without any movement.


With one shot, four legendary killers were killed!


Only at this moment did the crowd at the scene react.

All of this seems complicated, but in fact it happened in a very short time. Before everyone awoke from Qin Shaofeng's immediate escape, they were shocked by the scene before them.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't froze. At the moment Tiger Lord roared, Qin Shaofeng turned around and returned.

At this moment, after the four legendary first-level gold-level killers were killed by Zhao Yun'er, Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted at the startled crowd, "What are you still doing? Fight!"

While roaring, Qin Shaofeng had already rushed into the assassin group, raised the profound iron heavy sword in his hand, and waved it frantically.

With every swing, one or two or three silver-level killers can be shot dead.

At this time, everyone realized that Qin Shaofeng didn't want to run away, but led the opponent's legendary gold-level killer into the trap!

"Haha, sure enough, let me just say, how could Qin Shaofeng escape!"

"That is, my idol wants to come to Niu Cha. How can a few killers scare him away?"

"What else are you talking about, hurry up and kill!"


The battle started again, and compared to before, the fighting spirit of the people on Qin Shaofeng's side was more vigorous at this moment.

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