Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 299: Wu's Sanxiong

Faced with such a situation, Zi Yueye in the distance was shocked.

Especially Zhao Yuner's demonstrated strength, but he frightened him.

How can this be possible to instantly kill four killers in the first realm of the legend?

And what is the situation with the sudden appearance of Sandao who is exactly the same as Zhao Yuner?


What kind of practice is this after all!

And what makes Zi Yueye the most jealous is that he has already noticed Zhao Yun'er's breath at this moment.

Zhao Yuner has entered the realm of legend!

What a hateful thing this is!

He didn't even enter the legendary realm, but Zhao Yun'er, a woman who entered the legendary realm before him, was completely unreasonable!

At this moment, the thing that Zi Yueye had been reluctant to face was the matter of admitting that she was inferior to Zhao Yun'er.

But now after feeling the breath of Zhao Yun'er, Zi Yueye finally admitted somewhat helplessly.

But as soon as he admitted that he was inferior to Zhao Yun'er, Zi Yueye saw that Qin Shaofeng, who had entered the crowd, was slaying the Quartet against a silver-level killer like himself!

how come?

This is another unbelievable surprise!

Because Zi Yueye suddenly saw that in the face of someone like Qin Shaofeng who suddenly broke in, the silver-level killer who had specially cultivated the tenth realm of spiritual veins in his Zi family was not Qin Shaofeng's opponent at all.

In such a short while, the number of silver-level killers who died in Qin Shaofeng's hands was probably no fewer than twenty.

too fast!

Qin Shaofeng's actions made Zi Yueye feel more shocked than Zhao Yun'er.

This is a total slaughter!


"Qin Shaofeng's strength is actually stronger than in the exchange competition."

Angrily in her heart, Zi Yueye gave a low voice.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng saw him and yelled abruptly: "Zi Yue Ye is here to pay!"

Only at this moment, Zi Yueye discovered that, coupled with Qin Shaofeng's one-sided massacre, and the crazy brutal killing of that unknown demon tiger, there were actually very few silver-level killers she had brought.

Qin Shaofeng had already killed all the assassins around him, and was rushing towards him.

not good!

With a flickering in his heart, Zi Yueye didn't even think of fighting Qin Shaofeng for the first time, but instead looked around.

But there is no one around him at the moment, the seven gold-level killers he brought, and the four of the legendary first heavy have died.

The remaining two legendary doubles are being fought by Zhao Yuner's three clones!

And depending on the situation, it seems that it won't take long before the two killers will be defeated.

As for the gold-level killer of the legendary triple realm, he was fighting with Zhao Yuner's deity.

The two of you are coming and going, and they are fighting inextricably, how can there be time to control him Zi Yueye?

Therefore, at this moment, Zi Yueye suddenly realized that there was no one around her.


Anxious in her heart, Zi Yueye didn't even think about it, so she turned around and fled.

The same turned around and fled, but Qin Shaofeng was plotting to attract the enemy, this Zi Yueye really escaped!

Want to escape?

Seeing Zi Yueye running away in panic, Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, and then shook his right hand slightly.

call out!

A flash of silver sword light flashed, and Xiao Li Fei Dao broke out instantly!

Zi Yueye had no fighting spirit, and just wanted to escape.

Therefore, in the face of Qin Shaofeng's sudden eruption of Xiao Li Fei Dao, he had only time to resist and condense a wall of inner energy.

But for this Xiao Li flying knife, Qin Shaofeng spent a quarter of his spiritual energy, and a full 100,000 points of spiritual energy burst out. The power can be imagined.


With a blast, the inner Qi wall in front of Zi Yueye was instantly pierced, and the silver blade light directly blasted Zi Yueye's body.

But at the moment when Xiao Li Fei Dao hit Zi Yue Ye's body, a faint yellow light flashed across Zi Yue Ye's body, and then she blocked the Xiao Li Fei Dao, and did not bring Zi Yue Ye to her heart.

But even so, after being resisted, Xiao Li Fei Dao exploded instantly.

The force of the explosion directly shook Zi Yueye away, vomiting blood, obviously injured.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, Wukong technique and Lingbo's microsteps, his body shook slightly, and he immediately rushed towards Ziyueye.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng rushing towards her, Zi Yueye had no time to check her injuries, and retreated frantically with fright and anger.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly smiled at him, and with his right hand, another silver knife light flew out.

not good!

The moment she saw the silver sword light, Zi Yueye was out of the sky.

Even with the soft body armor, it could withstand the silver blade light, but when I remembered the fierce explosive power just now, Zi Yueye's expression instantly changed.

Suffering another attack like this, I would definitely be seriously injured, and then I couldn't escape Qin Shaofeng at all.

That's it!

what should I do?

There was despair in Zi Yueye's heart, but at this moment, with a flash, Zi Yueye saw a figure appear before her eyes, and then heard a voice.

"Young Master, don't panic with me!"

This voice...

It is the city lord of Dongyang City!

After hearing the voice clearly, Zi Yueye was ecstatic in her heart.

Although the city lord of Dongyang City is not as good as Zi Taikang, he is also a person of the legendary five-level realm, and is definitely not an opponent Qin Shaofeng can deal with.

Even thinking of the lord of Dongyang City, Zi Yueye felt regretful in her heart.

Damn it!

Why did I forget him, if I called him over earlier, how could I get hurt?

However, it is not too late!

With a cold gaze, Zi Yueye forcibly endured the pain from her chest, stared fiercely at Qin Shaofeng not far away, and shouted at the city lord of Dongyang City: "Quick, kill Qin Shaofeng for me!"

Thinking about it, Zi Yueye felt that it was not good enough, so she hurriedly said: "No, let me catch him alive and let me solve him by myself!"

"Understand!" Dongyang City City Lord nodded and responded.

Although he was reluctant to betray Lian Yangguo, after all, he had betrayed now, and the matter was at this point, and there was no room for turning back.

In fact, this matter was already doomed from the moment he was born.

I rub!

Seeing the city lord of Dongyang City who suddenly appeared, Qin Shaofeng cursed in his heart.

Why did I forget this stuff? Damn it!

Qin Shaofeng was secretly vigilant in his heart, and at the same time, his mind swiftly moved, several thoughts suddenly came to life.

But in the face of a legendary five-fold grandmaster, Qin Shaofeng found that all his plans and all methods could not be carried out.

Sure enough, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are useless.

For Qin Shaofeng right now, it was such a situation.

There is no way this strength is too different.

"Haha, Chen Jiangping, you are finally out!"

Suddenly when Qin Shaofeng was helpless, a sudden laugh came from behind him.


Qin Shaofeng was startled, and hurriedly looked back, only to discover that at some point, there were three more people on the scene.

The reason why they are extra is because there were no three of them before, and they definitely appeared suddenly.

If they had appeared long ago, Qin Shaofeng would have discovered it long ago.

Because these three are all powerful masters of the legendary realm, although they are not as good as the city master of Dongyang City, the three of them are at least the realm of the legendary triple stage, and even one of them has reached the realm of the legendary fourth stage late stage.

Chen Jiangping is the name of the city lord of Dongyang City. Looking at the three people who suddenly appeared at this moment, Chen Jiangping's expression changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "It is actually your three brothers, so it seems that this attack was planned by the three of you. Isn’t it the three males of the Wu family?"

Wu's three males, three legendary masters of casual repair in Dongyang City, the three brothers committed a crime in their early years and killed several officials in Lianyang.

In the end, they were suppressed and captured by the Qiuhuo King's men, but in the end, the Qiuhuo King saw that the three of them were not bad in nature, but were forced to kill, so he spared them.

Then the three brothers returned to Dongyang City and stayed there honestly. Not only did they not cause trouble anymore, they even got the name of the Wu family's three heroes.

Chen Jiangping didn't expect that at this time the Wu family's three heroes appeared.

When he announced his surrender to Yinyue Nation before, many people opposed it, and the Wu family's three males were three of them.

But with the help of the master of Yinyue Nation, Chen Jiangping killed all those who opposed it.

He thought that Wu's three males were also killed by the people of Yinyue Kingdom, but now he doesn't want to be like that.

As if seeing the surprise of Chen Jiangping’s expression, the boss of Wu's three males sneered and said: "Huh, Chen Jiangping and our three brothers think that they are not good people, but we know that we are the people of Lianyang Country, that Qiuhuo Wang is even more generous to the three of our brothers, and..."

Speaking of this, the boss suddenly looked at Qin Shaofeng, smiled at Qin Shaofeng, and then turned around to stare at Chen Jiangping with a mocking smile: "I don't want to, the homeland where I was born will be occupied by a pig and become a city of pigs!"

As soon as the boss talked, the second and third child beside him also laughed.

"Right, I don't want my home to be transformed into a pigsty!"

"Hey, just to say! We are humans, not like your Silver Moon Nation, all of them are pigs!"

Qin Shaofeng could see it clearly.

Feelings are behind the attack this time, uh, that's not right, it should be the three Wus Sanxiong in front of them who finally mobilized people!

Also, if there were no legendary masters behind, those people in Dongyang City would probably not really blindly die.

But having said that, the appearance of the Wu family's three heroes would have already put life and death out.

"So courageous!"

Chen Jiangping, the lord of Dongyang City, was furious and shot out with anger.

"Xiu has gained the benefit of his tongue, today I want to make you Wu's three heroes a dead bear!"

Although Chen Jiangping was a master of the legendary five-level realm, Wu's three heroes were not afraid. Seeing Chen Jiangping had been killed, they all greeted him with a roar.

Soon, the four were fighting together.

Under such circumstances, that Zi Yueye's expression changed slightly, for fear that Qin Shaofeng would find herself again without Chen Jiangping.

However, soon he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because these are some of Chen Jiangping's subordinates, they have already dared to come over.

Not many people came here, that is, four people, but these four are all legendary masters, three of them are legendary first, and the other is legendary triple powerhouse.

Sister, why are there four more?

Qin Shaofeng's egg hurts.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng, you're done!"

As soon as the four of them arrived, Zi Yueye smiled triumphantly, very rampant, so rampant that she forgot the pain on her body.

But when Zi Yueye's words fell, she suddenly remembered a cold snort of disdain.

"Fucked? Are you talking about yourself?"

this is?

Hearing this familiar voice, Zi Yueye's expression suddenly changed, and then hurriedly looked up, and at this glance he saw a wonderful ketone body floating in the air ten meters above the ground.

It's Zhao Yuner!

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