Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2967: Second turn

"Equipment consignment merchant, equipment consignment merchant, it seems that our previous guess is really correct!"

"It's really just equipment consignment, and it's still consignment from players like us."

"Asshole! He is so powerful, because Mao still has the level 30 words on his head. Isn't this really cheating?"

"I knew he was so awesome, who would dare to provoke him!"

"His level is fake. It seems that all of his equipment is fake. He can burst out so many level 100 gold outfits and red outfits. It is impossible for him to not use a set of 100 level red outfits himself."

"It's definitely not that simple. I just noticed that he can cut the Red Devil's blood volume with a single knife to 80,000 HP, and there is a crit X2 behind the burst of blood volume."

"I rely on crit?!"

"Isn't that the equipment manufacturer, the cost is the most expensive, and it is the least likely to produce the best equipment attributes?"

"He even did equipment attributes?!"

In the conversation between Cheng Zixian and others either furious, shocked, or envy, jealousy, and hatred, Qin Shaofeng rushed into the city vigorously all the way.

Since the movement he made was not very big, no one noticed when he came near the person responsible for reincarnation.

"The second reincarnation costs 1 billion gold coins to get three combos. You can choose the reincarnation skills. Please choose."

"Continue to be reincarnated as a warrior, I have three combos, and give me another skill I need!"

Qin Shaofeng is not clear about the various professional skills.

Now that he has a healing skill, another basic pharmacist skill is obviously useless, so he will naturally not choose any more, but he is not clear about other professional skills.

"Warrior player, your warrior class is the highest attack class. It is recommended that you choose the pharmacist's healing skills or the warrior's defense skills."

"There are only two options? Then show me the fighter's defense skills."

Qin Shaofeng spoke, although his voice was not loud, it was considered to have caused some movement.

Although the distribution of pills was almost the same, everyone in the army who was still distributing the pills immediately looked back.


The effect of Qin Shaofeng's resolute action has disappeared when he watched the skills.

All they can see is still a waste boy with a green suit and only level 30.

"Damn, what did that kid scream in front of the reincarnated official again?"

"A boy with only level 30, even if he knows how to reincarnate, he has a fart?"

"Don't look at the waste, it's better to continue to discuss who the pill should be allocated."

Without Qin Shaofeng, who was shrouded in vigor and resoluteness, it seemed that he was really nothing but ordinary.

In fact, all these soldiers saw was Qin Shaofeng, who was in a **** wind. Even if Qin Shaofeng was vigorous and vigorous, they couldn't see that the person in front of them was the one who killed more than a dozen of them.

King Kong: Consumes 10 points of stamina to form a defensive shield on the body surface, which can resist a certain degree of enemy attacks.

Invincibility: Consumes 100 points of stamina to make its defense close to invincibility, and rebounds 80% of the enemy's attacks for one minute.

"This invincible skill is good, I want this invincible!"

Anyway, there is no outsider to observe, he just opened his mouth to choose.

Successful reincarnation!

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt as if an invisible energy appeared in his body. This energy was unclear, but he believed that it must exist.

In addition, he has clearly felt the two skills.

When he was thinking, he suddenly felt that the unnamed energy was agitated in his body, and immediately, it turned into two red and two blue four lights and appeared, crossed and rotated outside the body, and then escaped into the body again.

"Huh? Is this the real manifestation of Rank 2? I just don't know what the four rays of light are for." Qin Shaofeng said to himself, and walked towards the equipment consignment merchant.

Soon, he turned around again and wanted to walk to the gate.

Because of his previous actions, this time he left, no one even looked back.

In just a few minutes, he once again returned to where the Red Devils were.

Cheng Zixian and the others, who were still resting here, immediately noticed his existence and quickly looked at him, just in time to see the red and blue light appearing on his body.

"Have you seen the two rays of light on him?"

"What two rays, there are clearly four rays of light, two red and two blue."

"What kind of light is that?"

"Will it be proof of reincarnation?"

"Didn't he have been reincarnated before, so he came to the Red Devils to level up?"

"Two...second reincarnation!"

"Second reincarnation, there really is a second reincarnation!"

This time, even Cheng Zixian, who considered himself extremely deep in the city, couldn't help but exclaim.

Although Qin Shaofeng, who had long known that possessing martial arts of supernatural rank, was definitely not as simple as they seemed, he did not expect that he was already terrifying.

Kill the Gorefiend easily to upgrade.

All the equipment in the equipment consignment merchant came from his hands.

He turned out to be the only second reincarnated existence in the entire game world.

Qin Shaofeng once again entered the Red Devil crowd.

Swipe it out.


"Huh? What about three combos?"

Qin Shaofeng shot with a single knife, and suddenly realized that the three-strike combo that was a passive attack had not appeared.

But he knew very well that when the original equipment had just added a critical strike, due to insufficient critical strike attributes, crit damage was rarely seen.

In that case, the three combos should also have something to do with what he just learned.

After figuring it out, he immediately swung his knife at the Red Devil again.



After he swung two swords again, a series of attacks appeared instantly.

Even Qin Shaofeng's attack speed couldn't understand how fast those three attacks were.

A moment?

Do not! It's definitely much faster than an instant.

It can even be said that at the same time that his second knife fell, those three attacks had already been cut down.

"Okay! What a triple strike!"

Qin Shaofeng yelled in excitement, and immediately caused those who were still a little skeptical to bow their heads in complete shame.

It turns out that Qin Shaofeng is already a second-tier powerhouse.


The same player who has just arrived in this world for three days, even Qin Shaofeng didn't do much to do the task, why did he become so terrifying, and even if they used the **** pill to upgrade, they were only more than 80 levels?

When they cried out injustice, Qin Shaofeng's upgraded aperture appeared again.

Resolutely appeared once.

But this time he killed the Red Devils faster than before, not knowing how many times faster.

"Forget it, don't read it anymore. The gap between us and him is already too wide. No matter why he is so strong, it is not our turn to talk about it. Let's hurry up and pay for it!" Cheng Zixian was a little bit decadent. To speak.

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