Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2968: Threat

Qin Shaofeng never paid attention to Cheng Zixian and others.

It was another quarter of an hour to upgrade, and his level once again successfully broke through the ninetieth level.

For others, it is almost as difficult as the upgrading of the sky, but in front of him it is completely like pediatrics.

Only when he really improved to level 100 on his own did he know that the only real difficulty was the next ten levels. Due to the increase in level, the Red Devil was already a red name.

The amount of experience gained is far less than that of the black name. After level 95, after watching the red devil's name become white, there is no experience value at all.

It was at this time that he chose to swallow a ten **** pill.

The level jumps directly to level 100.

Only then did he collect a large amount of gold coins and equipment that had just been exploded, but did not rush to return, and continued to fight monsters here for an hour before taking back the weapons.

The final battle is coming, and he needs to take a good rest.

As for the three combos, he has already fully trained his proficiency in this more than hour, and now the trigger rate is as high as 70%.

When I returned to the city, I saw Cheng Zixian and others had returned.

And they are waiting at the equipment consignment merchant, obviously waiting for a new round of equipment that may appear at any time.

On the other hand, those soldiers gathered in the equipment manufacturing merchants.

"New equipment has appeared, all of which are level 100 equipment!"

Cheng Zixian was really old and spicy, and realizing that Qin Shaofeng would definitely be the first to come, he immediately shouted these words out loud.

He obviously didn't want Qin Shaofeng's rank and combat power to be known to others.

After all, his selfishness is greater than others.

No matter why Qin Shaofeng didn't attack him now, he knew that they were the real enemies when they got married, and it was impossible to have no hostility towards them.

But he believed that, depending on the Chen family's attitude towards Qin Shaofeng, as long as he didn't mess around, Qin Shaofeng would not specifically trouble him.

It doesn't matter even if he gives people a feeling of hugging Qin Shaofeng's thigh.

As long as he can leave with Qin Shaofeng alive, that is his ultimate goal.

When the time comes, he will be able to soar into the sky immediately with the merits of his martial arts.

Having endured for so many years, he can do these things with ease!

"help me?"

Qin Shaofeng was also taken aback.

But he really didn't expect Cheng Zixian to be plotting something.

To him, Cheng Zixian's shout was a great help.

Hearing that, he rushed over.

Taking advantage of the time when the soldiers were unable to arrive in a short time, he immediately hung up all the equipment to the consignment merchant.

But it was also at this time that a soldier pushed him away.

And he just followed the force of this push and quickly avoided.

When he went to the equipment maker again, there were only five pieces of equipment left on his body, but soon the necklace was retrieved by him.

The necklace is completely made.

It's a pity that he has few gold coins left at the equipment maker.

The last one was only half done.

When the last few game gold coins in his hand were about to be thrown out, they re-directed towards the equipment consignment merchant who had already gone to the empty building.

After taking the gold coins consigned for the last time, he came back and gave them all out.

Looking at the tables and chairs already occupied by soldiers, he randomly found a place to sit down.

Now, only the last half hour is left before the arrival of the Hell Dragon.

There are even shortcomings.

He needs to make the most of this last period of rest.

Lie down halfway, he quickly fell asleep.

Others are not as laid-back as him. Everyone is piled up with equipment manufacturers, constantly calculating how to make equipment to reach the highest level.

"Damn, that kid just fell asleep like this?"

"It's a silly blessing. A 30-level ant can sleep so soundly."

"A bad person is a bad person, and he blindly wants to rely on us to rush to the front."

"What kind of person! Pooh!"


The original army, under the unrestrained heart, everyone collectively turned into a swearing wife.

The voice couldn't wake Qin Shaofeng, and it couldn't even attract Qin Shaofeng's attention.

But Cheng Zixian and others, who clearly saw Qin Shaofeng's combat power, kept shaking their mouths, and were obviously surprised by the words of these soldiers.

Similarly, Qin Shaofeng's practice was also silent.

It's clearly tyrannical to the point of defying the sky, even pretending to be weak, it's simply too bad!

"it is as expected!"

At the same time, Cheng Zixian found the title of low-key life in Yi Rong merchants.

He finally understood the biggest question in his mind.

Several people in the team immediately leaned in on hearing this.

They were different from those soldiers. They knew best what Cheng Zixian was looking for. They all saw a simple narrative about low-key life in the first place.

Nima, this kid has already known that this thing is for sale here.

It's a pity, if we see here early, we won't be able to trouble him.

That kid is too disgusting.

This group of people thought in their hearts, but no one dared to really say it.

Soon, they returned to the equipment manufacturer again, as if the previous movement was not caused by them at all.

A little bit of time passed.

Half an hour is not a long time, and some people have not even made the equipment completely.

"The **** dragon descends outside the city, everyone please leave the city as soon as possible, otherwise they will be forcibly sent out of the city." A voice came from the direction of the city lord's mansion.

Immediately, a dragon chant sounded from outside the city.

"Here, the **** dragon is here!"

"I feel the power of the city's repulsion, let's get out of the city!"

A soldier yelled, and everyone immediately stood up.

Just about to move, he found that Qin Shaofeng was walking towards this side again, and he was seated in the position where they had just given way.

"Damn!? What's the matter with this kid, why haven't you hurry up?"

"You guy is really ready to take refuge in the city?"

"Didn't you hear what you just said? It's impossible for you to take refuge here."

"Hurry up and fight with us, or after you leave the city, we will kill you first even if we don't kill the **** dragon."

"Don't think that you have the ability to hide in the Red Devil, but you can continue to escape without being attacked by the Red Devil. We already have twenty level 100 strong, a piece of +4 suit strong."

Those soldiers from the Great Northern Wilderness clamored again.

It's just that Cheng Zixian and the others, who might have been very happy, heard their words this time and almost choked to death without catching a breath.

They already know the source of the equipment, and they also know that they need to rely on game coins to equip post-production.

These guys gave a lot of game coins to others.

Pile up people into fear of being top equipment, and dare to threaten them with a small +4 suit?

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