Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2975: Catch live

"The ghost fire!"

Qin Shaofeng had a deep understanding of the ghost fire beads during this time.

Especially after repeated use in the game world, it made him understand the horror of the ghost fire beads.

But because of his inadequate control of the Ghost Fire Orb, coupled with the fact that the power of Qi and blood was not enough to use it for a long time, he couldn't use it continuously.

When he used the Wraith Fire Orb, he never thought about using it to kill the enemy.

In front of him, there are so many super powers with respect to heaven.

No matter how strong the Ghost Fire Orb is, I am afraid that his cultivation level is not high enough to be able to kill everyone, let alone the strong Saint Star position.

No matter what kind of thought the ram bottle of the saint star's cultivation base is, once the ram bottle is allowed to take action, he really has no way to survive.

Now, all he can do is escape quickly.

The emerald green wildfire burned and turned into a light-shielded fire wall.

The wild fire can be bright green and dark green.

Different colors have different powers.

But similarly, the consumption for him was a world of difference, and now Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to consume too much suddenly.

"What is this?"

"Whatever he is, stop him quickly!"

"Silver Moon Rabbit is on him, that's what the Lord Ram wants. You can't let this kid lose it."

Many high-ranking powerhouses in the family rushed towards the emerald green light curtain at the first moment.

They only know that Ram Zun wants Silver Moon Rabbit to heal his injuries.

But don't know.

For Gongyangzun, Qin Shaofeng is much more important than Yinyue Rabbit.

After losing this Silver Moon Rabbit, he had a big deal to find a way to find out about the Silver Moon Rabbit, but if Qin Shaofeng beheaded and the Sky Dragon City dissipated, he would never have a chance.

A small world like Sky Dragon City can't appear casually.

There are more legends.

The person carrying the Sky Dragon City originally came from a wider world outside of the land of the shining star, otherwise it would not have been so many years, only one would appear.

Therefore, he absolutely must ensure that nothing is lost.

Hearing that these people are actually going to kill Qin Shaofeng, he immediately shouted: "Don't kill, the Silver Moon Rabbit that the old man wants can only be obtained if he is alive. If anyone dares to kill him, the old man will destroy his clan!"

"Huh? To catch alive?"

The senior members of the five major families were all taken aback.

But soon, they were relieved.

After all, Qin Shaofeng had to cultivate a small star position.

Even if he has a lot of magical methods, it is absolutely impossible for them to be an opponent of so many heavenly powerhouses.

Wanting to take it down is just a matter of hand.

The only thing they need to worry about is how to bring Qin Shaofeng over while other families are chasing and intercepting them.

But I don't know that when everyone moves, the heads of the two families have different colors in their eyes.

One is naturally the ancestors of the Chen family and others.

They didn't believe the lies that Qin Shaofeng made up casually.

They only believed in what they saw, and Qin Shaofeng absolutely possessed martial arts of superb quality.

Even they are wondering if the Ram Zun wants to live alive, is it necessary to ask God's Martial Skills from his mouth.

So they have to do more than other families.

Not only had to escape from other families, but without knowing it, Qin Shaofeng had to ask Qin Shaofeng about his martial arts skills.

In addition to the Chen family, it is the man who got married.

Cheng Zixian is someone who has seen Qin Shaofeng's bug-like ability.

He didn't believe that he could be able to kill so many high-ranking powerhouses just like cutting melons and vegetables.

That must be a martial art of superb quality.

After Cheng Zixian reported the matter, Cheng's family all agreed.

That's a martial art of superb rank.

And Qin Shaofeng had also confessed in a lie.

It's just that the ancestors of a family are not as determined as the ancestors of the Chen family, Chen Junzhan, but are preparing to do this with the idea of ​​killing mistakes rather than letting go.

Although two of the five families have other preparations.

But that was something that could only be considered after Qin Shaofeng was taken down.

The most important thing now is to take Qin Shaofeng first.


Dozens of strong men from five families attacked the ghost fire barrier almost simultaneously.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of a series of bombardments, almost instantly, had already blasted the emerald green ghost fire shield everywhere.

After all, the emerald flame is just the lowest power that the ghost fire beads can exert.

This kind of defense is naturally impossible to resist the simultaneous attacks of so many powerful people.


Qin Shaofeng never considered allowing the emerald defense to resist these people for too long.

With the strong man with the saint star position, even if he creates a shield that can withstand the strong man with the saint star position, it is impossible to block the steps of those people.

Now the most important thing is to escape first, and then escape into Tianlian Mountain.

He has the body of God and Demon Spirit Code, and he is not restricted by the Forbidden Martial Forest of Tianlian Mountain.

But others can't.

Even if it is a powerful person with a treasure, even if it is a powerful person with respect to the heavens, the strength of the cultivation base will be suppressed a lot.

Therefore, while he let the ghost fire bead form a protection, the power of thunder has surrounded.

"Ten flashes, flashes!"

Under such a crisis, he dared not slow down even the slightest.

Once shot, it is directly full.

But there was a burst of cyan light shining on his body, as if it turned into an emerald green light, suddenly fleeing towards the distant Tianlian Mountain.

"What a powerful escape technique! Is that... a holy grade escape technique, or a divine grade?" Seeing Qin Shaofeng's move, Gong Yang Zun suddenly became weird.

Even if it is him, the speed is no more than that under the full force.

But Qin Shaofeng was just a small six-level star ant.

I don't know.

Qin Shaofeng used it this time and went straight to three miles away.

But the power of Qi and blood in his body was also consumed this time, completely empty.

Sanli did not much ease his danger at this time.

"System Upgrade!"

"Ten flashes, flashes!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current seventh-tier star position..."

Qin Shaofeng also had a lot of knowledge about the upgrade here.

After the upgrade, as his vitality power increased, he immediately recovered.

Without hesitation.

At the same time that Thunder Thousand Flash performed again, he shouted again: "Upgrade!"

"system hint……"

"Ten flashes, flashes!"

Qin Shaofeng's movements were so fast that he seemed to be uninterrupted.

Of course, his shouting speed is getting faster and faster.

But when he escaped more than ten miles later.

After shouting out the upgrade again, the power of blood and blood did not recover instantly.

On the contrary, the sound of the system revived.

It was just this sound that almost made him spit out old blood.

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