Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2976: Cut into family ancestor

"System prompt: Player Qin Shaofeng has entered the promotion stage, please wait a moment."

Please wait?

Such a sentence almost caused Qin Shao's spirit to be out of anger.

When I was promoted before, there was no such situation!

He didn't know.

Every time the cultivation base of the Glory Star Land was improved, it was a qualitative leap.

He didn't feel it before, it was just because the cultivation base was too low.

But the elevation of the earth star position to the sky star position was a great leap.

The average warrior who wants to upgrade this period requires resources and time that are definitely a hundred times the time of rising to the earth star position.

Even if it is so consumed, it may not be able to pass smoothly.

After all, ordinary martial artists in the earth star position stage, the energy and blood power that can be obtained is only 100,000 or less, even for very special people, there are few who reach 200,000.

Under his various blessings, his power of qi and blood can already be more than many of the stars.

Even most of the first-order heavenly stars can't compare to him.

Under such circumstances, even if the holy rank is a system, it should be calculated how much energy and blood power to improve.

The system is not powerful, and Qin Shaofeng dare not really waste that time.

In the first place, he put an ultimate healing Dan Tun in his mouth.

The entrance of pill.

His eyes suddenly flashed.

When he left the game world, he guessed that this thing hadn't disappeared, and it should be able to be used as a similar recovery medicine.

But I didn't expect the effect to be so good.

When a pill enters the abdomen, the power of the medicine is directly transformed into pure energy, which not only completely restores the power of his blood, but also restores his injuries and exhausted spirit to perfection.

"These ultimate healing pills turned out to be such heaven-defying pills. It's a shame to use them so much, what a shame, what a shame!" The more Qin Shaofeng thought about it, the more it hurts.

Such a pill can definitely be called a **** pill.

He can even believe it.

The effect of these ultimate healing pills is absolutely above that of the Silver Moon Rabbit.

I just don’t know why it will appear in which form.

I was thinking.

Before he had time to directly cast Thunder Thousand Flashes, an angry voice came from behind him.

"Boy, where do you want to escape? Don't go back with the old man quickly!"

Qin Shaofeng was not very familiar with this voice, but as soon as he turned his head, he had already seen the person who had caught up with him, who was the ancestor of the family.

The speed of this person is not at all like the person of the third-order respected heaven should have.

Even if the speed is not as fast as the peak powerhouse Ximen Li that I have ever seen before, it is definitely faster than the general sixth-order celestial powerhouse.

"Why this old thing is so fast, it's just... now it has entered the Forbidden Martial Forest." Qin Shaofeng's mouth was drawn with a playful smile.

Even if it is not very deep into the Forbidden Forest.

Even unable to bring too much influence to the ancestors of the family, but as he continues to deepen, suppress it more and more.

Of course, this is not what he really smiles.

This ancestor of a family is indeed extremely fast, but it is worthy of the cultivation of the third-order respect.

In front of him, it is not worth mentioning.

At least he couldn't stop his attack.

Such a strong person with speed against the sky was slightly suppressed by the Forbidden Martial Forest, but the target must be beheaded first.

Otherwise, it won't be so easy to deal with until he draws other people over.

Thinking in mind.

With a thought, the star chaser has already started.

Even if the Star Chaser only has the last twenty-nine usage rights, it is not the time to continue saving.

"Ten flashes, flashes!"

"Ten flashes, blitz!"

"Ghost Three Slash, Ghost Slash!"

"Star chaser, kill!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted four consecutive angry voices.

The tyrannical aura fluctuated suddenly from him.

"Nine-level land star cultivation base?!"

"No, you are not the cultivation base of the sixth-order star position? Did you hide the cultivation base before?"

"It's impossible!"

"The old man is a third-order celestial powerhouse. If you hide something, the old man can't see it."

"This, this martial skill..."

"No, this knife!"

The horror in the hearts of the ancestors of the married family suddenly reached its extreme.

Although he was a little curious about Qin Shaofeng before, he was definitely not serious.

At least not in his eyes.

But watching Qin Shaofeng's full shot, he had an unstoppable ability.

Even the sudden increase in Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base was nothing under this shock.

That kid has such a terrifying weapon!

Is the seventh-order respected heavenly combat power **** soldier?

Didn’t it mean that there were no such soldiers in this world?

His idea has just emerged.

A scene that made him even more frightened appeared.

I saw that Qin Shaofeng, who was terrifying but still had the power of a battle just now, suddenly appeared ten figures when this sword was used.

Even his deity has as many as eleven people.

And these figures, no matter which one they were, gave him an invincible feeling.

"how is this possible?"

"He is just a small ant, how could he give me this feeling?"

"How could he have such a god-defying soldier?"

The married ancestors exclaimed one after another.

It is a pity that with his strength, even if he is not suppressed at all, it is impossible to be the enemy of Qin Shaofeng, not to mention that although this place has just entered Tianlian Mountain, it has suppressed nearly one-tenth of his combat power. .

He couldn't even make a resisting posture, so Qin Shaofeng slashed his head off.

"Dragon City, close!"

Qin Shaofeng screamed in the first instant.

The ancestors of the married family fell, but even a drop of blood could not fall to the ground, and Qin Shaofeng was included in the Sky Dragon City in the first time.

Even though his blood might have contaminated Sky Dragon City, Qin Shaofeng couldn't take care of that much now.

Although the consideration time is short.

But when he saw the ancestors of a family, he already had a full set of ideas in his mind.

Killing it is just the first.

Then put his body away.

Since his cultivation was still only a small sixth-order star position in the eyes of others, he would definitely not have thought that he would kill the ancestor of the family.

Even if you feel the fluctuations in the battle here, you will only think that the ancestors of the family will grab yourself.

According to the requirements of the Ram Zun, those people would definitely go after them in the thinking way of the ancestors.

Even if it is only a short time, it is also precious escape time for him.

It is for this reason that he will be so desperate to shoot.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for his successful upgrade, the current first-order star position."

"Finally succeeded!"

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed.

However, when a crisis would arise at any time, he didn't care to investigate the situation after the upgrade, and immediately displayed Thunder Thousand Flashes again.

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