Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2984: Chen family

"I have the means to lay down those people, you can't feel it naturally, Aunt Ying."

Qin Shaofeng still smiled lightly and said: "They are galloping towards us in a semicircle range. I believe they can come in at most a stick of incense."

"Tsk tsk, I can find it here, there should be search experts among them."

"I just don't know if only their family has it, or if they all have it, but it looks like it's coming out of the nest, shouldn't it be mixed with other families?"

He seemed to say no one else.

Except for the first sentence, everything was talking to himself.

But the things contained in these words made the three of Zi Tianying uncomfortable.

Family, or many families?

What exactly did this kid do to be chased by multiple families?

And the one that came out in full force?

"If those people have masters who search for footprints, we won't have time to leave now. I would like to see who dares to search on this mountain." Zi Tianying's pair of white and tender fists clenched immediately.

It's just that part of the semicircle drawn by Qin Shaofeng is a place where they haven't come to search eagerly.

Hope the **** won't find there first.

Since there is only one stick of incense time.

In order that those people would not interfere with them again, Zi Tianying immediately ordered to wait for the arrival of those people.

The waiting time is not very long.

A lot of footsteps sounded from the woods not far away.

Listening to the sound, there are at least a hundred people coming.

How come there are so many?

Before they could figure it out, they had already been surrounded by people.

Seeing the visitor clearly, Zi Tianying was suddenly stunned.

"The Chen Family of Zhenshan City? Are you not under the responsibility of the people of Tianyang Mountain, are vying for the ownership of the coastal city wharf? Why did you come here?" The doubt on Zi Tianying's face went to the extreme.

He can recognize the Chen family at a glance, but it does not mean that the Chen family can also recognize her.

After all, her status is so much higher than these people.

The headed Chen Junzhan didn't even look at her.

Even if she is a 7th-ranked celestial powerhouse, her breath is hidden, and the excitement of seeing Qin Shaofeng makes the Chen family no longer care about the people around Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng, let's meet again!" Chen Junzhan immediately laughed heartily.

"Yeah, we met again."

Qin Shaofeng spoke in a non-salty or indifferent voice. He glanced at the people at the same time and sneered: "What? Only you from the Chen family, no one else with you?"

"It's only our Chen family, isn't it enough to catch your kid?"

Chen Junzhan laughed and said, "Little guy, when you were in our Chen family, the old man didn't treat you badly, didn't you? As long as you are willing to hand over things, the old man promises that no one can move your hair."

"Huh? Old stuff, did you really use Xiaoye as a three-year-old kid?"

Qin Shaofeng burst into laughter.

"Why is your Chen family so good to the young master? You know it best in your heart that you dare to tell the young master what is known to passers-by. I am afraid that only you and the old man can do it? "

His words were full of jokes.

Hear this sentence.

Chen Junzhan's face suddenly became weird.

He naturally knew the reason why he was good to Qin Shaofeng, and he expected that he would be humiliated by Qin Shaofeng.

But he couldn't imagine that Qin Shaofeng was so bold that he even dared to scold Mr. Gongyang.

The curse is so ugly.

Is this kid really tired of living?

"Old guy, you don't need to talk so much nonsense with the young master. Since your Chen family came out all over the place, you don't need the young master to go to Zhenshan City again, come on!" Qin Shaofeng said with a sword. Take it out.

If Ram Zun appeared here, he did need to use the star chaser.

It's the same even if the powerhouses of the five big families came at the same time.

But when he met this little Chen family alone, he really didn't need to have too much dread when facing only such a powerful man.

"Do you still want to go to Zhenshan City?"

Chen Junzhan laughed at the same time, waved his hand immediately, and called the two old men from behind the crowd.

"Little Friend Qin, the old man will introduce to you first. This is my second brother Chen Junxing, a third-ranked powerhouse."

"This is my third brother Chen Junyao, the second-tier respected heavenly powerhouse."

Chen Junzhan thought he was sure of Qin Shaofeng, and he was still holding back the introduction with excitement in his heart.

He didn't want to accidentally hurt Qin Shaofeng.

It would be the best way to deter Qin Shaofeng and let him hand over everything obediently.

But he didn't notice that many of the people he brought had grown up with mouths.

"Every day... the star position... Tier 4!"

When Chen Junzhan finished the introduction, a voice came from behind him.

Family members who stay together all day.

He naturally stopped immediately, the voice was from the elder of the Chen family.

Even the great elders who were always in chaos in the past were shocked like this.

Especially this sentence.

Chen Junzhan also looked at Qin Shaofeng suddenly.

The gap in cultivation level made him see Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level at a glance.

"The fourth-order star position? No, how is this possible?!"

Chen Junzhan also jumped up abruptly: "Aren't you an ant in the sixth-order star position? It's just a few days ago. The old man can be sure that you don't have any medicine to accelerate your cultivation, and you don't even have time to practice. How could you? Suddenly become the fourth-order star position?!"

There is no concealment in his words.

The Chen family's disciple who knew Qin Shaofeng's cultivation for a long time was slightly better.

They are all about to be relieved from their extreme shock.

But the three of Zi Tianying, who had been acquainted with Qin Shaofeng not long ago, were shaken like thunder.

"What did we hear?"

"A few days ago was the level 6 star position cultivation base?"

"Just the past few days?"

"Without the cultivation medicine, without the cultivation time, he has suddenly become the fourth-order heavenly star strength?"

"And... it looks like... he had already killed the Emperor-rank star beast Miluo Leopard when he was only at the sixth-order star position?"

"No way?"

"How can that kid be so scary?"

The three found that there was a paste in their minds.

Brother and sister Zi Xun and Zi Yue had already understood why Qin Shaofeng had come all the way, and their eyes were somewhat similar to Zi Tianying.

He even refused to make a move.

When it was the sixth-order star position, he had killed the imperial-level behavior.

Now it has become a fourth-order star position.

He saw the Wang Tier star beast probably the same as they saw an ant, and he really couldn't raise his interest in fighting!

The question is how did he do it?

From the sixth-order star position to the fourth-order star position, that is not an increase in several cultivation base levels, but there is a jump in the star position!

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