Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2985: pain

"You can improve so much in just a few days. Even if you keep a lot of it before, you can't do it if you hide a lot."

"It takes at least half a month for ordinary people to rise from the pinnacle of the earth star to the star star. How did you do it?"

"Boy, as long as you are willing to tell the old man this secret, the old man promises to keep you alive, how about it?"

Chen Junzhan knew from Qin Shaofeng's attitude towards him that it was absolutely impossible to be tough.

He simply started to do both soft and hard.

And he believed that even if Qin Shaofeng had no fear in his heart when facing him, he would definitely be extremely afraid of the team.

With the assurance of his words, no matter how he should be moved.

But he didn't know.

Qin Shaofeng was indeed afraid of the Ram Zun, but he was not afraid of it.

This is the Forbidden Forest.

Even to the place where the forbidden force is the most powerful.

Even if the Ram Zun at his peak came here, he believed that he would be able to save his life if he tried his best.

It really doesn't work, he can even go to Tianlian Mountain forcibly by relying on his cultivation base that has been promoted to a position close to the fifth-order star.

He has the guts to return to the land of the stars.

He didn't believe that Ram Zun also had the guts.

Chen Junzhan's words are not even a fart to him.

At least the fart can make him stink for a while.

"Aren't you all ready to take the little master and ask? Why don't you try it?" Qin Shaofeng chuckled.

Before the laughter subsided, he continued to speak: "By the way, I heard that you, an old fellow, Ding Xingwang, has four sons and 17 offspring, right?"

But his words have become a little marginal.

"Why only fifteen came, why didn't that girl, Chen Yuwan, who had served the little master before, come?" Qin Shaofeng continued to ask.

"There are people like us here, isn't it enough to find your trace?" Chen Junzhan asked in confusion.

"of course not."

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently, and said jokingly: "That girl seems to be the most important to your old thing. That girl is not there. It seems that I can't make your heartache the worst."

"What?" Chen Junzhan was puzzled.

"That seems to be your grandson, right?"

Qin Shaofeng pointed to a young man from the Chen family not far away, and said with a smile, "He seems to be in pain!"

"I am in pain?"

The young man spoke in doubt.

Everyone turned their heads together.

Seeing the same young man, he was shocked at the same time: No, that kid is going to cheat!


Before they looked at Qin Shaofeng again, they saw the young man trembling all over and fell to the ground.

This person is only the fourth-order star position cultivation base.

Even if it is a Heavenly Void Worm that is difficult to resist even if it is only one, killing him is as simple as killing a dog.

In just a few breaths, the Tianxu Worm came out of the young man.

Immediately turned into a virtual body.

Before everyone could react, they returned to Qin Shaofeng's left arm.


The heartache voice immediately came from the mouth of the three elders.

Chen Junzhan and others have already seen the Sky Void Worm, but there is no time to do anything.

They looked at Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

One binocular like to breathe fire.

"Huh? Old stuff, you just died of a grandson. As for looking at Xiaoye with such a look?" Qin Shaofeng laughed happily.

The laughter was half, but suddenly stopped.

There was a look of hideousness on his smiling face immediately, and he said, "Old guy, do you really think that the little master who can't kill even the sky and mountains does not have some means?"

"From the day you agreed to the young master's terms, the young master has already guessed your purpose."

"Since you old grandpa doesn't care about them so much, let them all try this comforting feeling!"

The smile on Qin Shaofeng's face grew thicker.

In the past, he just wanted to deter the Chen family by relying on the Heavenly Void Worm.

But he didn't expect that the appearance of a ram bottle turned all his backhands into ultimate moves.

A snapped finger hit.

In the crisp voice, one after another screams came from all over the Chen family.

Fifteen in full.

It is all the direct descendants of the Chen family that Qin Shaofeng said before.

Such a scream made Chen Junzhan's eyes red immediately.

This is especially true for Chen Yulu, who is most hopeful of becoming the Young Patriarch, and it makes his heart drip!

Fortunately, Wan'er is not here!

Fortunately, he immediately dragged Chen Yulu to his side, preparing to suppress it.

"Old thing, my worm is called Tianxu worm. It is obtained from this mountain. Even if you are invaded by this worm, it is difficult to suppress. Not to mention just such a trash kid. The vitality in his body has been lost. Are you almost eating?" Qin Shaofeng smiled.

This is Chen Junzhan's pro-grandson, and also with all his grandsons.

Even if Chen Junzhan wanted to strip Qin Shaofeng alive, he had to try to suppress the Tianxu insect for Chen Yulu.

But when he probed Chen Yulu's body clearly, he felt his hands and feet numb.

There was indeed only one Sky Void insect that Qin Shaofeng planted on Chen Yulu.

But swallowed in Chen Yulu's undefended body, almost doubled the number in the blink of an eye.

Even with the exception of one, all are incorporeal.

Just this short time.

There are hundreds of Tianxu insects in Chen Yulu's body.

Moreover, Chen Yulu had only the cultivation of the third-tier respect.

Only when he incorporated the little energy of Qi and blood he could exert into Chen Yulu's body, he fully understood Qin Shaofeng's words.

The power he can exert right now is not even enough to suppress ten Void Insects.

It is impossible to save Chen Yulu.

Chen Yulu had turned into a corpse before he figured out a way.

The Sky Worm flew out of its corpse.

"Niezha, die for the old man!"

Chen Jun was so angry that he slapped Voidworm in the sky.

If he had been prepared to ambush the Sky Void Insect, his strength could indeed kill the Sky Void Insect.

But he made a temporary intention.

Moreover, after the Heavenly Void Worm swallowed Chen Yulu, it had also become a scorpion-shaped adult Heavenly Void Worm, not to mention that he could kill at will.

Turning into a virtual body, he immediately came to Qin Shaofeng.

Just a blink of an eye.

Fifteen more bodies appeared, all of them direct descendants of the Chen family.

"That kid actually knows the demon method, he actually uses the demon method to drive those bugs to kill people."

"He is just a small sixth-level star ant, how can there be so many such terrifying bugs?"

"He just shot the direct disciple. How many such bugs are in his hand, do I have them in my body?"

Everyone in the Chen family suddenly panicked.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's methods were too terrifying. With just a snap of his fingers, the Heavenly Void Worm could eat a big living person into a virtual shell.

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