Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2986: A knife

"Niezhang, the old man is going to kill you, kill you..."

When Chen Junzhan watched all his grandsons except Chen Yuwan die tragically in Qin Shaofeng's hands, he suddenly became distraught.

On the other hand, I also saw two brothers whose relatives were killed.

But when he was always in tears, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

What Qin Shaofeng killed was indeed the person called their grandfather.

But to them, they can be counted as enemies.

If these people are not dead, the Chen family and Chen Junzhan's line can be said to be thriving.

But all these people fell.

Even if one Chen Yuwan survives, Chen Junzhan's third generation obviously has no hope.

Even if the three of Chen Shangqing can recreate a few more.

Due to the gap of more than two decades, a serious fault will also appear.

Or many teenagers, can they do something?

After all, they are also the Chen family, and they are the real bloodline of the Chen family!

The two men became active.

In their eyes, Qin Shaofeng had no threat at all even if he had become a Tier 4 Celestial Star cultivation base.

But I don't know that their plan is so pale as paper in the face of the upcoming war.

"Man cry, cry, it's not a sin!"

Qin Shaofeng looked at the tearful old Chen Junzhan, but hummed the song that was once a hit on the earth.

The singing voice almost made Chen Jun's battle angry.

Everyone in the Chen family is in danger.

Even the three of Zi Tianying are no exception.

Qin Shaofeng's thoughts were so terrifying that he unexpectedly caused the Chen family to suffer such a heavy blow.

The most terrible thing is that no one in the Chen family knew before he took the trouble.

Then they...

They have been with Qin Shaofeng for so long, will he also plant that terrifying bug?

Chen Junzhan, who has the cultivation base of the third-tier respect, can not be suppressed, so can their aunt Zi Tianying, who is the seventh-order respectable cultivation, suppress it?

They also began to become frightened.

It was as if this young man who had walked with them all the way, like the big boy next door, instantly became a demon crawling out of hell.

"Qin Shaofeng, if the old man does not kill you, he will not be a man! The old man will not only kill you, but also let you live for ten days and ten nights. The old man will let you taste all the torture in the world before you die, ah ah ah..."

Chen Junzhan, whose eyes were torn apart, stared at Qin Shaofeng with a roar, and immediately rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

He wanted to take Qin Shaofeng too much.

Therefore, he did not take out the weapon, so as not to make Qin Shaofeng die too comfortable.

This way of fighting made Qin Shaofeng almost laugh.

The existence of the three powerhouses made him feel a bit tricky.

If the battle here makes too much noise, it would be bad to attract other people. Should the star chaser be taken out?

Before thinking about it clearly, Chen Junzhan came to the door by himself.

The power of thunder had already appeared in him.

"Since you brought it to the door by yourself, the little master will accept it without any kind, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help laughing.

In the face of so many people, he wouldn't take it seriously.

If it is impossible to quickly kill Chen Junzhan and make everyone encircle it, even in the Forbidden Forest, it will not be so easy to solve.

"Ghost cut!"

"Ten flashes, blitz!"

Qin Shaofeng's shot was directly to ward off a few hole cards.

Master martial arts shots.

His figure suddenly became erratic.

As if seriously turned into a ghost, Chen Junzhan suddenly stopped.

Electric light flint room.

A cold glow suddenly appeared in Chen Junzhan's throat.

Although Chen Junzhan has stopped.

But he didn't know Qin Shaofeng's methods, let alone take out the weapons, and even before he had time to make a defense, how could he block Qin Shaofeng's sword?

"Big brother, be careful, that kid's attacking power is too strong!"

"Brother, go back!"

Chen Junzhan's two venerable brothers, even though they considered themselves to be powerful, under the suppression of this forbidden force, they were shocked when they saw Qin Shaofeng displaying such martial skills.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng's knife was enough to kill Chen Junzhan, he couldn't help but remind him.

After all, Chen Junzhan died at this time, which is not a good thing for them. It is best to lose both sides!

Their shouts thought they were fast, but for Qin Shaofeng and the two, it was still too late.

The shouts had just entered Chen Junzhan's ears, and the sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand had already arrived.

Ghost Sanzhan is a martial art of superb rank.

In this Forbidden Forest, under Qin Shaofeng's three ghosts, his combat power is no less than Chen Junzhan.

He was still worried about no results, and even displayed a thousand flashes of thunder.

So slashed.

Don't say that Chen Junzhan hasn't come in a hurry to make a defensive attitude, even if he can come in a hurry to resist with his bare hands, he will never be able to stop Qin Shaofeng's sword.

Let alone the current situation.


The blade of light flashed by.

Without the power to resist the forbidden force, Chen Junzhan, who could only display less than 20% of his combat power in Tianlian Mountain, was suddenly cut off by Qin Shaofeng's head.

The head was thrown into the air.

The blood also spewed out at the same time, spilling on the faces and clothes of many people.

"I... what did I see?"

"Isn't the ancestor a third-tier respected powerhouse?"

"The ancestor was killed? Killed by a little guy with Tier 4 stars?"

"A Tier 4 Heavenly Star, killed the Tier 3 Supreme Heavenly Powerful with a single blow?"

"How is this possible, we must be dazzled collectively."

"No! We are dreaming, and it's still a nightmare."

The Chen family shouted one after another.

The shout came from far away.

The three of Zi Tianying trembled three times in this shout.

Originally, when they saw Qin Shaofeng and heard Qin Shaofeng say that Zi Tianying should help a little bit, they guessed that Qin Shaofeng's enemy was very strong.

Even Qin Shaofeng himself should not be weak.

Before a stick of incense, I saw Qin Shaofeng easily slay the emperor star beast Miluo Leopard.

But even if the kinds of them add up, they are far inferior to the one at hand!

The opponent is a third-tier respected heavenly powerhouse.

One star position is stronger than him.

Even if the forbidden force of Tianlian Mountain suppressed more than 80% of his energy and blood, it should be easy to kill the fourth-order Heavenly Star at the peak of combat power by relying on the last 20%.

Even if he didn't take the weapon.

Even if he didn't take precautions.

Even if it is mental arithmetic or unintentional.

But he was killed by Qin Shaofeng so easily, and the three of them couldn't believe it!

Is Chen Junzhan weak as a dog, or is Qin Shaofeng really tyrannical?

What kind of martial skill is the martial skill he just displayed?

"This is the powerhouse of the third-order star position, tusk tusk tusk!"

Qin Shaofeng relieved the ghost three-slashing martial arts and made a painful feeling of suffering from martial arts backlash, picked up Chen Tianzhan's storage bag, and laughed out loud.

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