Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2987: Another cut

"One, one sword? How could Big Brother Qin kill the powerhouse of Tier 3 with a single sword?" Ziyue's big eyes filled with consternation.

Hearing her words, Zi Xun hurriedly turned around and asked, "Auntie, did you see it just now? Is that cut true?"

The facts are now in sight, where is there any need to doubt?

Even Zi Tianying felt strange in her heart.

How could she be willing to blind date Qin Shaofeng?

But the fact is right in front of her, even if she doesn't want to believe it, she knows that she has to believe what she sees with her eyes.

After all, the scene just now was true.

After adding that cut, Qin Shaofeng even truly took Chen Junzhan's storage bag, which is equivalent to having proved everything.

Thinking for a long while.

She had no choice but to laugh bitterly, and said: "No wonder this kid said that we only need a little help. It seems that even Auntie I underestimate him!"

"What? He, he actually killed a powerful man?!"

"Aunt, are you sure it's not an illusion or something?"

The two asked at the same time, they couldn't believe that Qin Shaofeng could really dominate to such a degree.

Zi Tianying smiled bitterly.


Where is the illusion to represent the battle like this?

Not to mention that even if Qin Shaofeng really creates an illusion, he can't change anything.

There is no need for him to do such thankless things.

"We all underestimated him!"

Zi Tianying said this again.

This time.

The siblings were completely shocked.

Qin Shaofeng, a small Tier 4 star, actually killed a Tier 3 celestial power with a single blow.

"Boy, what the **** did you do just now, where is my big brother now?"

In the mouth of the ancestors of the Chen family, the second brother of the third-ranked heavenly powerhouse immediately shouted.

All kinds of things in front of them, in their opinion, are too unrealistic.

Tier 4 Celestial Position kills Tier 3 Venerable Celestial Position?

This is an unscientific thing.

Not to mention that Qin Shaofeng can create such a record with a light knife. How can this make them believe?

Don't say believe or not.

When they all knew that Qin Shaofeng possessed martial arts of supernatural quality, they all went crazy long ago.

But Qin Shaofeng's stab was not a small shock to them.

This makes them think of using people like the Chen family.

Anyway, they have betrayed the Chen family.

When Chen Junzhan fell, they did have a great opportunity.

However, compared with the superb martial skills of a small Chen family, they can still make a decision in the first time.

As long as you can get the martial arts of supernatural rank, even if you go to Xiaoyaomen, you will definitely be in a good position.

If you can make good use of the martial arts of the gods.

Even if they want to create a Zongmen Mountain Mansion power that is only under the jurisdiction of Xiaoyao Sect, it is not necessarily impossible that the Zongmen Mountain Mansion where Gongyangzun is located.

Once greedy thoughts appeared, they directly influenced their thoughts.

When Chen's second child spoke.

His third brother understood his thoughts in an instant, and immediately shouted: "Everyone in the Chen family listens, that kid knows the magic trick. He must have used some kind of fantasy means to trap your ancestor in it, and then Give us an illusion that he is unmatched and wants to scare us all away!"

"Don't bother with this illusion. As long as this kid is killed, we will find a way to get your ancestors out."

"A small Tier 4 star ant slaying a Tier 3 celestial powerhouse?"

"How is this possible?"

Chen Lao Er also hurriedly spoke.

As soon as the two vowed words were spoken, most of them nodded.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's combat power differed too much from Chen Junzhan.

Even though the combat power of Chen Junzhan suppressed by the power of heaven and earth here is very low, it is by no means comparable to a small Tier 4 star ant.

Even if his cultivation reached the 9th-order Heavenly Star position, and he could play with all his strength, it was impossible for him to be the opponent of the ancestor.

When such thoughts appeared, they immediately gained confidence again.

"Kill the kid who knows how to magic arts, and rescue the ancestors!"

"kill him!"


Before they came here, the ancestors of the Chen family had already given great benefits.

As long as the elders.

If anyone can win Qin Shaofeng, he can directly squeeze the Patriarch down.


If the children of the general family win Qin Shaofeng, they will be given the position of elder directly, even overpowering the super-high status of the great elder.

And the family will never control the rights they can get because of blood.

In other words, those who take Qin Shaofeng will surely soar into the sky.

The words given to them by the two ancestors made them almost scared, and their thoughts of wanting to escape instantly changed.

Winning Qin Shaofeng, even if only beheaded, would surely fly into the sky.

Who doesn't want such a good opportunity?

Even Chen Shangqing, the head of the Chen family who couldn't get more benefits, did not dare to slack off.

After all, the identity of the Patriarch was taken away.

Then his future life will be difficult.

With such a sense of crisis, he naturally has a stronger idea of ​​keeping the position of Patriarch.

In this way.

The members of the Chen family were unsure of Qin Shaofeng's true combat power, and they all came to the door by themselves.

"A good group of people who do not live or die."

Qin Shaofeng showed a joking smile and said to himself: "That's good, it will make the little master killer more at ease, let these guys become my opportunity to be promoted to Tier 5 stars!"

The sword in his hand swung slightly.

next moment.

One person has already rushed into the crowd with one knife.

"Ghost cut!"

Ghost three cut the first sword to perform.

He seemed to be a ghost again.

Gui San Zhan is not as overbearing as Thunder Thousand Flashes, but it has all aspects of victory.

Martial arts shot.

The speed of his offensive and defensive method suddenly went to another level.

Ghost flickering.

The screams immediately began to resound.


The Chen family elder was killed by Qin Shaofeng with a single knife.

Once again witnessing the instant death of the strong, the expressions of all the children of the Chen family began to change slightly.

"Isn't the knife he used to kill the ancestor just now a blindfold?"

"He is just a small fourth-order star-level martial artist, but the big elder is a eighth-level star martial artist. How can he kill the big elder with a single blow?"

"It seems something is wrong?"

"You said...Will the ancestor really be killed by him?"

A young man outside a married family spoke with fear in his heart.

Such remarks may be temporarily forgotten by them because of temporary benefits when no one mentions them.

But once it was lifted up, it was like a spark.

Suddenly, people's hearts are turbulent.

Someone exclaimed in fear: "He can kill the Great Elder with one blow, maybe it is really possible to kill the ancestor with one blow!"

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