Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2988: Take an inch

"No, no... isn't it?"

"Like me, he is only a fourth-tier Celestial Star. This kind of cultivation, let alone fighting with the ancestors, even if the elder whose cultivation is suppressed, can he easily kill me?"

"How can you calculate that kid according to normal circumstances, that kid can be magical!"

"Quick, run away!"

"That kid beheading the elder is like cutting melons and vegetables, and only two old gentlemen can fight him, let's run away!"

"Quickly run away, otherwise he will be dragged by him to the funeral and it will be over."

"Why can he still display such tyrannical combat power in the depths of Tianlian Mountain?"

Once the panic occurs, it is like breaking the **** and the waves are out of control.

From the first escape appeared.

In just a short period of two breaths, over a hundred people disappeared.


Qin Shaofeng's expression immediately became difficult to look.

His combat power is indeed unmatched.

But the Chen family has too many people, and he also needs to pay attention to increasing his shooting power when dealing with the strong players in the late stage of the star.

This makes him waste a lot of time during the battle.

In addition, there are too many people he wants to kill. In this short period of two breaths, he can only come quickly to kill the few strong men who rushed to the front.

Under such circumstances, even Chen Shangqing, the head of the Chen family, began to feel fear in his heart.

When Qin Shaofeng escaped into Tianlian Mountain specially, he felt that something was wrong.

The appearance of this scene made him immediately believe every word of Chen Yuxin.

This kid's cultivation base is wrong.

The energy of other people in Tianlian Mountain will be suppressed, even if the cultivation base reaches his level, and the treasure lent personally by the ram bottle to ensure that Qin Shaofeng is taken, can only display less than 10% of the blood. Power.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng again, where is the slightest suppressed appearance?

"He, he is a forbidden martial artist? The legendary forbidden martial artist?!"

Chen Shangqing finally thought of a certain possibility.

The Forbidden Martial Arts can be described as walking all over the land in the shining star, but in the Great Northern Wilderness where the Forbidden Martial Arts forest is extremely rare, the Forbidden Martial Arts can hardly appear.

Ascertaining Qin Shaofeng's identity, his heart suddenly became flustered.

No wonder this kid flees here.

Forbidden Martial Artists entering the Forbidden Martial Forest, their combat power can be described as directly soaring by more than half of the stars.

Even for those who don't have a treasure, it's like a nightmare.

Fight forbidden warriors in the forbidden war forest.

The ancestor seems to have really fallen.

But it wasn't because of insufficient combat power, but because of underestimation of this kid.


Who would have thought that such a Forbidden Martial Artist would suddenly appear?

With speculation in his mind, he didn't dare to delay any longer, turning around to flee towards the distance.

"Those **** ran away, so what else do you think of?"

Qin Shaofeng is powerless to deal with this situation, but it doesn't mean that he will stop there.

His eyes turned.

He had already fixed his eyes on Chen Shangqing.

A senior Chen family with a family head, two elders, and seven stars.

"Sky Void Worm, go! Kill me as much as you can!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his left arm, causing all the sixteen scorpion-shaped worms that had just returned to go out.

The battle of Tianxu insect is much simpler than him.

Add the difference in quantity.

At the same time he threw out the Heavenly Void Insect, he almost made sixteen screams sound.

These heavenly worms are just kings.

Even if they are not afraid of the forbidden force of Tianlian Mountain, it is extremely difficult for them to kill the strong heaven star.

At least ten times as long as those ordinary disciples of the Chen family.

Listening to these screams, Qin Shaofeng's mouth slowly conjured up a smile, and walked towards Chen Shangqing and the others step by step with a sword in his hand.

"Chen Patriarch, aren't you coveting Xiaoye's fake martial arts skills? Why don't you just want to try to snatch, and just choose to escape?" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly.

"False, false martial arts?"

A touch of greed flashed in Chen Shangqing's eyes.

He had lived for so many years, but he knew very well that with their current combat power, even if they were able to take down the martial arts of the supernatural rank, they would never have their turn to claim credit.

The ancestor is dead.

If he is on the right, the Chen family is about to change hands.

"No, no, we don't need anything, as long as we are willing to let us go." Chen Shangqing is not a fool, he naturally knows how to choose.

give up?

Such a decision could not be approved by Qin Shaofeng.

Since they can come once for benefit, if there are enough benefits, they can come again.

And after letting them go, who would dare to say whether they would sell their place?

"It's just that you don't need martial arts. Since you dare to implement the plan to deal with the young master, then go to death with your ancestor!"

"Flash, flash!"

"Flash, blitz!"

Qin Shaofeng shot again.

Because of the Forbidden Martial Forest, his combat power has already surpassed these people in front of him.

If it weren't for him to be anxious to kill all of the Chen family.

He doesn't even use martial arts.

The power of thunder surrounds the body.

In the next moment, the blade in his hand was already in front of Chen Shangqing's neck.

"Since you are here, let's die with your ancestor!"

Qin Shaofeng would not be merciful to his enemies, once he shot it was a killer move.

Even if it only used the most basic Thunder Thousand Flashes.

Facing these enemies who can't use much energy and blood, it is also easy.

But what he didn't notice was.

When everyone in the Chen family rushed away, Zi Tianying, who had always been on the sidelines before, had already moved.

She was originally a seventh-ranked heavenly powerhouse.

Although Tianlianshan's forbidden force suppressed her greatly.

But she wanted to kill these people in the Chen family, but it was easy.

No weapons in her hand.

But as she wandered about, a series of sword lights appeared from her hand.

Even the killing speed of the 16 Heavenly Void Insects has been very fast.

If you compare it to her, it's just a little insignificant.

When Qin Shaofeng said the three words of pseudo-sage martial arts, she was also shocked.

But she just glanced at Qin Shaofeng, turned around and rushed towards the remaining seventy people.

"Crack to death!"

Qin Shaofeng kills each person.

Even if the cultivation base is far inferior to Chen Shangqing and others.

But his power of vigour and blood can be used arbitrarily, making everyone in the Chen family, except Chen Shangqing, no one's enemy of him.

"Qin Shaofeng, you don't want to be too big, don't forget that after you come to our Chen family, the old man and others will take you not thin." Chen Shangqing looked at the corpses all over the floor, his feelings of fear had already made him confused.

Suddenly rushing to the doctor, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help laughing.

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