Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2989: Favor

"Treat me not thin? Haha, treat me not thin!"

The killing intent in Qin Shaofeng's eyes has not diminished because of Chen Shangqing's words, but has become more intense.

The voice became increasingly cold.

"Chen Shangqing, do you really think Xiaoye doesn't know what you're secretly planning?"

"Superb martial skill, what a superb martial skill!"

"Don't say that the young master does not have a martial art of superb rank, even if the martial art I practice is really martial art of superb rank, it is not something you are qualified to covet."

Qin Shaofeng's voice gets colder the more he speaks

Even after finishing the last word, he completely lost his intention to speak to him.

He still has many people to kill, but he can't continue to waste time on Chen Shangqing.

"Chen Shangqing, die! Devil Slash!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted Ghost Zhan, but only increased the power of one flash to the second flash.

The power doubled with a single cut.

If he is outside the Forbidden Forest, Chen Shangqing has a way to escape.

But here is Tianlian Mountain.

This is the Forbidden Forest.

Although he immediately raised the sword above his head to block, he couldn't bear Qin Shaofeng's terrifying energy and blood.

In an instant, the weapon fell.

"The two uncles, how can I say they are also your nephews, are you really going to watch this **** kill me?"

Chen Shangqing shouted loudly before he died.

But the shouting failed to cause the two of them to move, instead, all his own heads were thrown up at the same time.

Close the knife.

When Qin Shaofeng looked around.

Only then did he notice that the more than one hundred Chen family members had died in the hands of Tianxu Chong and Zi Tianying.

I don't know, I was shocked at first glance.

"Aunt Ying, your favor is a little big!"

Qin Shaofeng looked at the two completely different killing methods. There were only more than forty people belonging to the Tianxu insect, and the remaining hundreds of people died in the hands of Zi Tianying.

Even if Zi Tianying is selfish, it can be regarded as a big favor to him.

"You don't need to thank me. If these people attract others, it will hinder our affairs." Zi Tianying didn't appreciate it.

She also knew very well that the impact of these people's escape on Qin Shaofeng was not too great.

Her shots could at best help Qin Shaofeng calm a part of his anger, and did not provide any substantial help.

"So, thank you so much."

Qin Shaofeng clasped his fists, and then looked at the two people who were always waiting in the distance.

The two originally planned to use the lives of the Chen family to consume Qin Shaofeng's energy and blood.

But I didn't expect it.

Qin Shaofeng did kill most of the strong.

The others did not cause him any trouble.

On the other hand, Zi Tianying's shot made them feel a sense of inferiority.

Even if Zi Tianying never really revealed the aura of her cultivation base, they could still feel a strong sense of crisis from Zi Tianying's killing methods.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's gaze, the two of them couldn't help but feel bitter.

Didn't you say that this kid is alone?

How come such a strong man suddenly appeared out of thin air?

What kind of cultivation is she?

Respect for heaven? Third order? Fourth order? Tier 5? Or higher?

One person thought about it for a long time, but couldn't help holding his fist and asked: "This girl, today is our Chen family's personal grievance with this kid, and I ask the girl not to be nosy."

"I'm nosy?"

Zi Tianying was more curious about Qin Shaofeng, and would not be polite to other people.

The sensual change.

As if the two dared to say anything nonsense, she would fight directly.

Even if that person wants to say more.

But before the words could be heard, he was startled by Zi Tianying's expression.

Who is this woman and why does it make me feel so terrible?

Looking at Zi Tianying's appearance on the wall, she immediately looked at Qin Shaofeng and said coldly, "Boy, no matter what you have, you can kill Chen Junzhan, but you can never be the opponent of our two brothers. By handing over the martial arts of the supernatural rank, the two of us can treat it as if you haven't discovered your existence. You can think about it."

"You don't need to think about it, but you are the opportunity for Xiaoye to break through the fifth-order star position. How can you not fight this battle?" Qin Shaofeng grinned.

Even if the emperor rank star beast and the star rank powerhouse are similar in rank.

When it can be converted into a true value, there are some gaps.

Although Tianxu Insect King is his insect beast, it has not been recognized by the system, and the people it kills will naturally not be counted as himself.

As a result, he is still close to 200,000 true values ​​from the breakthrough.

Not much gained from beheading the strongest star.

But when he was beheading Chen Junzhan, he already knew the harvest of beheading the third-ranked celestial powerhouse.

Anyone, that can be more than 300,000 real value!

Since these two men came to chase themselves, naturally they couldn't let them leave.

When the two heard this, they all trembled.

I couldn't help but glanced at Zi Tianying again and made sure that Zi Tianying had no intention of intervening. The expressions of the two began to become ferocious: "Boy, although the girl helped you kill the Chen family, But it may not really help you, you better think clearly."

"Don't think about it, do it!"

With the sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand, his body suddenly became erratic.

Of course, it is erratic, but it is actually just a way of displaying the power of energy and blood.

If it is not in Tianlian Mountain.

Two powerhouses of the third-order respected heavenly cultivation base shot at the same time, it is really possible to hit his body.


This is Tianlian Mountain, in the Forbidden Martial Forest.

"Boy, don't think that we don't know, your martial arts of supernatural rank are only a small part of the martial arts of real supernatural rank, and the cost of your performance is extremely high."

"Even if you do your best, you can really kill the two of us, you will definitely be seriously injured, and you will only benefit the people behind, and our brother really didn't intend to kill you." When the two saw Qin Shaofeng, they tried desperately. The style suddenly became anxious.

They are not afraid of Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng did kill Chen Junzhan, but he just broke out with all his strength by surprise.

They have clearly seen Qin Shaofeng's situation.

If the two sides really fight life and death, they believe that any one of them can easily kill Qin Shaofeng.

But they are really afraid.

It was Zi Tianying who was afraid.

Through Zi Tianying's brief encounter, they could at least be sure that they would be dead or not when they dealt with Zi Tianying alone.

They don't want to leave their lives here because of an unnecessary battle of life and death.

"If you two don't die, let the little master die!"

"Ghost cut!"

Qin Shaofeng screamed, no longer waiting for the two of them to make a decision, and suddenly accelerated, killing them like a ghost.

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