Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2996: Encounter the ghost slave again

"Auntie, why don't we take Brother Qin back directly?"

Although Ziyue knows a lot more than girls of the same age, she is far inferior to Zi Tianying in many things.

Hearing Zi Tianying's seemingly unkind words, she couldn't help but ask.

"What do you know? Are we capable of picking him up now?"

Zi Tianying immediately shook her head and said: "Let's not say that he is the target of Ramzun. Even if it is not the case, our secret method can only guarantee the smooth departure of the three of us."

"What's more, what to do to take him back now?"

"Do you really think we are so safe in this vein?"

"I can guarantee that he will come to our Yaohua line on the first day, and the Four Sages of Tianxiao will come to the door the next day, and even let the battle of life and death be opened in advance."

Her words really seemed to have such a thing.

At least Zixun and Ziyue were stopped by her words.

Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart.

With the power of his eyes and ears, how could he not tell that Zi Tianying didn't want to ask for trouble?

If you really want to pick him up, the vast sea is not a place that Ram Zun can easily find.

He now needs Zi Tianying's help.

What does she think?

Anyway, I didn't intend to really help Xiaoyaomen, his expression remained unchanged, and he nodded in agreement.

In any case, this is the same way, isn’t it?

Immediately, a group of four people quickly searched the last area that they didn't look for.

And their previous battles were really as Qin Shaofeng guessed.

Since the five families who came to search for him were not in harmony, it can even be said that the Chen family was the most isolated one, and Zi Tianying helped to kill others, resulting in no one escaped.

This makes other families still unaware of the situation here.

After searching for more than half an hour again, they found a small mountain crack in an inconspicuous valley in the mountain.

The crack is extremely narrow and can only allow one person to pass through.

I don't know why.

Seeing this crack, Qin Shaofeng would subconsciously think of the one in Feiheng Mountain.

Isn't there that kind of weird ghost slave?

He was secretly worried.

Zi Tianying's face immediately showed a gratified smile, and couldn't help but speak: "We have been searching here for so long, and finally found this entrance. You follow me, let's go in."

Her voice fell into the cracks.

Zi Xun and Zi Yue obviously didn't have much opinion, so they immediately followed.

This made Qin Shaofeng's expression more solemn.

After Zi Tianying's explanation more than half an hour ago, Qin Shaofeng changed Zi Tianying's senses.

On the contrary, the two of them are closer in his heart.

Moreover, he promised to help Zi Tianying, and the spirit fluid of that day really caught his heartstrings, making it impossible for him to easily say things that couldn't get in.

Thinking about it for a long time, he still took out the sword and walked in at the end.

Along the way.

The mountain cracks made him feel more familiar.

Fortunately, they didn't advance for too long before they saw the front underground space.

Because the mountain cracks are too similar to the Feiheng Mountains, sunlight also shines in this underground space, allowing him to see the blurry scene inside.

There is no gate here like Feiheng Mountain.

In the center of the underground space of hundreds of square meters, there is a small pool the size of a basin, in which the spiritual liquid exudes strong spiritual energy fluctuations.

Qin Shaofeng was able to guess how much his physique would be strengthened by absorbing the spirit fluid just by seeing it.

"Really a good thing!"

While he was feeling emotional, the sound of footsteps and the clatter of iron chains pulled him back from his excitement.

There are iron chains on all sides of the mountain, each tied to a person.

Do not! They can no longer be called people.

Qin Shaofeng was so familiar with this thing, it turned out to be the existence he had killed before in the tomb in Feiheng Mountain, the ghost slave.

"Who are you? How could you be imprisoned here?"

Zi Tianying has also seen the existence of the four.

But she had never seen a ghost corpse slave, and thought that these four were all alive, so she felt different.

After all, how can a living person be trapped here for so long without dying?

"Wow! Wow!"

The voice is still coming out in an endless stream.

But after they actually entered this mountain crack, the crack behind them seemed to have entered some kind of illusion, and could no longer be found.

Even Qin Shaofeng couldn't find the crack that was only one step away.

It seemed to have disappeared.

"No, the left crack disappeared. It seems that this place is a certain tyrannical existence, specially used to store the heaven and earth spiritual liquid!" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help shouting.

He clearly knows the combat power of these ghost corpses.

There is no indestructible house here, and there is no door that can easily jam the neck of a ghost slave.

Do not say that among them there are still two burdens, Zi Xun and Zi Yue.

Even if both of them became the seventh-ranked heavenly powerhouses, they could not be the opponents of these ghost corpses.

"Since we found the Heaven and Earth Spirit Liquid, we can't just go back empty-handed."

Zi Tianying's trip was clearly determined to die.

Her eyes suddenly became cold, and she immediately pushed Zi Xun and Zi Yue towards Qin Shaofeng, and said, "Shao Feng, your combat power should not be weaker than me. First help me take care of them and let me Let’s try the power of these guys first."

"They are not human."

Qin Shaofeng had long discovered from the length of the iron chain that all the four ghost corpses could kill them.

Even though Zi Tianying's senses have changed, she has to say: "These are all corpse puppets, named ghost slaves. Their only weakness is their heads, but their heads are just like ordinary heavenly positions. It is also difficult for the pinnacle powerhouse to smash it under the suppression of the forbidden force."

"What are you talking about? These guys are so strong?!"

Zi Tianying was immediately taken aback by Qin Shaofeng's words.

At this time, she even forgot to ask Qin Shaofeng when and where he had seen a ghost slave.

"It will only be stronger by what I said, Aunt Ying, just try it and you will know."

Qin Shaofeng didn't have time to explain to her.

When he was even talking, he had replaced the ordinary sword in his hand with a star chaser.

Let's look at it according to previous combat experience.

He wants to kill a ghost slave, if he doesn't use the star chaser, and he needs at least two swords to show his full strength.

Of course, this is the case when his combat power has increased and his martial skills have increased several times.

But the ghost corpse slave in front of him is obviously different from the one he encountered, so it is better to prepare for the strongest state just in case.

"Then I will first try how powerful these ghost corpse slaves are!" Zi Tianying shouted and rushed up immediately.

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