Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2997: Xiaoyao Sword Art

"Xiaoyao Sword Art!"

After Qin Shaofeng's reminder, Zi Tianying immediately displayed her most powerful combat power.

Xiaoyao Jian Jue.

This is the treasure of Xiaoyaomen's Zhenzong.

Although this sword is by no means a martial art of superb rank, it is very close to the existence of martial art of superb rank.

Even more, Xiaoyaomen became the foothold of the super power.

Moreover, it still let Zi Tianying know that Qin Shaofeng's body possessed abilities that might be related to the martial arts of the gods, and there was no reason to be moved.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's martial skills are not superb martial skills.

Even if it's just a broken version of the martial arts, it is far less powerful than her Xiaoyao Sword Art.

The long sword has just been raised.

It suddenly turned into a dazzling purple light.

The light flickered, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, suddenly slashing towards the head of a ghost slave.

"So strong!"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly took a breath.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to be missing something.

At first, Ximen Li and others could not break the defense of the ghost slaves, but because they were in the Feiheng Mountains.

The suppression and consumption of powerful people like them is even more serious.

And Simon Li was able to drag the corpse king.

Obviously they didn't try their best to deal with ordinary ghost slaves.

It's hard to say even if you try your best.

"Damn! The venerable old guy really deserves to be an old thing that has lived for many years, and he has caused me such a misunderstanding!" Qin Shaofeng snapped his forehead.

Although he is not very familiar with Zi Tianying.

But if Zi Tianying really killed a ghost slave with a single sword, it would still make him a little embarrassed.

"Brother Qin, what's the matter with you?" Ziyue looked over in confusion.

"It's okay, just seeing your aunt's combat power makes me feel like I was deceived by the few old guys who have met with the highest level of cultivation." Qin Shaofeng couldn't smile.

Ziyue stared at those big watery eyes, obviously a little bit unable to understand.

Zi Xun smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Qin doesn't need to say that. The general strong will keep a lot in the Forbidden Martial Forest. After all, the stronger the combat power, the more terrifying it will be consumed."

"What's more, what my aunt is using is the Xiaoyao Sword Art that is infinitely close to the martial arts of the gods. The average peak-respected celestial power is only better than the offensive ability, and it may not be comparable to my aunt."

His words may show off to a degree, but it is also considered a step down for Qin Shaofeng.


The voice just fell.


A crisp sound has already sounded.

Qin Shaofeng and the three hurriedly looked towards the fighting place.

I saw that the ghost slave who was hit in the forehead by Zi Tianying's sword only had a crack on his forehead, but Zi Tianying was shaken by the force and his account was broken, and the whole person was flying over here.

"How could this happen, these ghost corpses are actually stronger than those I have seen!" Qin Shaofeng's face suddenly became more difficult to look.

The sword of Zi Tianying just now can at least be comparable to the flash of Thunder Thousand without using her, and she fully cooperated with the blow of the star chaser.

Such a tyrannical attack didn't even cause much damage to the ghost slave.

The defense of these ghost corpse slaves is so horrible.

"What Shao Feng said is true. The tyrannical level of these ghost and corpse slaves is probably the highest power in the heavens. Using the Xiaoyao Sword Technique may not be able to kill them. We are afraid that it will be worse today."

When Zi Tianying spoke, she swallowed a pill to heal her injuries.

And take one out again, crush it and apply it to the wound.

Until this moment.

Qin Shaofeng could see clearly that the injury at her tiger's mouth was far more serious than he thought due to her full effort.

Even if she can still fight, her combat power will plummet by 70%.

"Auntie, you were hurt so badly? Then we..." Zi Xun's words couldn't go on.

Ziyue's small face was instantly bloodless.

"If there are only two such tyrannical ghost slaves, my aunt can block one, and let Shaofeng find a way to block one. You two will collect the heaven and earth spiritual liquid, and then we will find a way to go out and distribute it."

"But there are four of them...Oh!"

The color of despair appeared in Zi Tianying's eyes.

It is clear.

She thought that even if he and Qin Shaofeng were two powerhouses among them, under the pressure of the four ghost corpses, they would not have the power to escape, let alone find a way to leave.

It would be better if the feeling of despair appeared from Zi Xun or Zi Yue.

It happened to be said by Zi Tianying.

Suddenly the atmosphere here became extremely depressed.

"Let me come!"

Qin Shaofeng sighed.

He wanted to hide part of his strength, but Zi Tianying was already in the mood for appointment and death. No matter how unwilling he was, he could only choose to come forward.

However, after going through the Chen family's affairs, he would not believe people so easily.

The Chen family are just a few venerable powerhouses, and he still doesn't care.

But if Xiaoyaomen is worried about it, it's not that he can really avoid it if he wants to escape this difficulty.

"Can you deal with these ghost corpses?" Zi Tianying turned her head in disbelief.

"Yes, but I have a condition."

"You said."

Zi Tianying's expression changed slightly.

"I need Aunt Ying to swear a poisonous oath, and I will never covet it because of anything about me, let alone treat me badly, or lead others to deal with me." Qin Shaofeng said solemnly.

Originally thought Qin Shaofeng wanted the lion to speak.

But I didn't expect it to be just such an unsatisfactory request.

They are not the ungrateful fellows of the Chen family.

Even if there is any jealousy, he will not really do anything.

Since Qin Shaofeng asked, she immediately took the lead in swearing.

There was even one more word in the oath, that was, under Qin Shaofeng's exposure, he would never mention his true combat power to anyone.

This kind of oath can be seen sincerely.

Qin Shaofeng still spoke in an uneasy voice: "Although the oath may not be repayable, we are all martial arts people. I believe that if you really violate the oath, it will also trigger the appearance of the heart demon, and it will not be so easy to solve. "

This sentence is obviously raising three people.

If someone really violated the oath, even if there is no demon, his words will become someone's demon.

"This is natural."

Zi Tianying looked at the ghost corpse slave who was about to come before, and hurriedly spoke.

"Then I will let you see how I can escape from the hands of a few high-ranking powerhouses." Qin Shaofeng's mouth was lightly outlined.

Suddenly raised his head.

At the same time his eyes were directed at the ghost corpse slave, excitement and fighting spirit appeared at the same time.

Since these ghost corpses are stronger than the ones he once killed, obviously each one can bring him good real value, right?

The burst of shouting sounded at the same time: "Starchaser knife, drive me!"

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