Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 2998: Full blow

"Star chaser? Open?"

The three of Zi Tianying repeated at the same time.

Their hearts were filled with doubts at the same time, and they really didn't understand the meaning of Qin Shaofeng's words.

Is it possible that this knife can increase his combat power several times?

Even if it is true.

It seems that it can't be compared to Zi Tianying, who displays Xiaoyao Sword Art?

You must know that Zi Tianying exerted all his strength, even if the power of qi and blood was suppressed by half, it was enough to fight against the ordinary 7th-ranked heavenly powerhouse.

Looking at the slow-moving ghosts, it seems that except for the ghost slaves who only walk slowly when fighting, she really can't understand.

Shouldn't Qin Shaofeng win with his strange body?

The idea has not disappeared.

A terrifying fluctuation in combat power had already appeared from the blade of the star chaser blade.

"The seventh-ranked respected heaven is attacking the treasure!?"

"How could he have such a treasure in his hands?!"

Even the Great Northern Wilderness has long lost the trace of such treasures.

Zi Tianying was also fortunate to have seen such treasures in books in her early years.

She couldn't imagine that Qin Shaofeng had such a treasure.

"Ghost cut!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted again.

His figure suddenly became illusory just before the shot.

The power of thunder was also at the same time, bursting from him.

"Ten flashes, blitz!"

This sentence was shouted from the heart.

The mighty combat power also broke out when he swung a knife.

It costs one-tenth of the cost of a single cut.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had used a flash escape, he had already guessed it, but he didn't expect the consumption to be so large.

With just one cut, the consumption reached a huge value of 250,000 qi and blood.

Fortunately, his situation is too special.

If it were to be replaced by a general Tier 4 Heavenly Star Warrior, I am afraid that just a single sword would be enough to drain it, right?

The cold light shines.

It originally gave people a kind of terrifying sword light, and suddenly became even more terrifying.

"What a tyrannical martial arts!"

Zi Tianying couldn't help taking a breath, and said: "It seems that he has really learned something from the cruel tricks of a certain martial skill. His sword has at least increased the power of that sword by more than three times with his martial skill. ."

"More than three times? So scary!?"

Zi Xun and Zi Yue both grew their mouths in amazement.

You must know that what Qin Shaofeng displayed was the treasure of the seventh-order respected heavenly power.

If the treasure was replaced by Zi Tianying and the Xiaoyao Sword Art was used, it might not be able to double its power, but Qin Shaofeng's enhancement had reached more than three times.

This is something they can't imagine.

"It should be about three and a half times."

Zi Tianying confirmed again, and couldn't help sighing: "It's no wonder he will let us swear that kind of oath, although his martial arts are not a god, and it's too extreme, and his grade is no less than ours. The Xiaoyao Sword Art of the Xiaoyao Gate."

"Holy Pin Peak Martial Skill! Hiss!"

Both of them took a breath at the same time.

They are all direct descendants of Xiaoyaomen, so they naturally know that there are also great differences in the martial arts of Saint Grade.

The general high-end forces can only possess the first-level martial arts of supernatural rank.

It is said that only Xiaoyaomen, the most powerful in the land of the glorious stars, possesses the highest-level martial arts of the highest rank.

According to Zi Tianying's words, wouldn't the martial skills Qin Shaofeng possess should reach the same level as the Zhenzong martial arts of the two superpowers?

"But this kid does think a little too much."

Zi Tianying obviously saw that they seemed to be wrong, and explained: "His martial arts are too extreme. It should only be understood from the martial arts of the gods, and combined with the martial arts he has learned, resulting in an extremely explosive force. A tyrannical fragment of martial arts."

"This kind of martial arts may surpass the martial arts of many superior forces in the land of the shining star, but it is far from the abilities of the two super powers."

After her explanation, the two people understood thoroughly.

But even if it was just that, the two of them were envious.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng's martial skills are not what Qin Shaofeng has, but his comprehension ability against the sky.

But a pity.

Even Zi Tianying couldn't know.

Is Qin Shaofeng's martial arts as simple as she can imagine?

Even the sage martial arts requires a training process, let alone the terrifying sacred martial arts.

There are only legends in the land of shining stars.

The most tyrannical Thunder Thousand Flash, he only learned one percent of his fur, even if it was Devil Slash, he only used one third, even weaker power.

Zi Tianying is also a self-righteous guess into six martial arts.

Under this kind of thinking, if they can guess something, that would be the real hell!

Their voices are not small.

Qin Shaofeng naturally listened to it all.

But this explanation made him want to laugh three times.

But he didn't know that only people like Zi Tianying who stood at the true peak of the mainland could know how precious the martial arts of the supernatural rank were.

Even if he himself shouted out that he could martial arts, Zi Tianying and Xiaoyaomen's real high-ranking family members, none of them would believe it.

Even the Ram Zun, who was born in Tianyang Mountain, has only curiosity rather than a strong desire to possess.


It's too late to say, then soon!

When Zi Tianying guessed, the knife in Qin Shaofeng's hand had already arrived, in front of the ghost and corpse slave who had been chopped out by Zi Tianying's sword.

With a loud shout, his aura immediately exploded to the peak.

A real full blow.

When the attack power reached its peak, a sword fell on the top of the ghost slave.


There was a sound comparable to an explosion.

The head of the ghost slave suddenly burst open.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing a venerable ghost slave and gaining 700,000 true value."

A seven hundred thousand yuan, seven times more than the ghost slave he once killed.

However, such a value still cannot satisfy Qin Shaofeng.

It is not that the value is not enough.

But after this sword, he discovered that there was a crack in his tiger's mouth, and traces of blood were leaking from it.

This just killed a wounded and took advantage.

One can imagine.

If he kills an intact ghost corpse slave, I am afraid the situation will not be much better than Zi Tianying, or even worse.

"It was actually killed, Brother Qin is so good!"

"Brother Qin is too powerful. From now on, Brother Qin will be my idol. Sooner or later, I will be as strong as Brother Qin."

Zi Xun and Zi Yue both shouted in excitement.

But when they shouted, they didn't notice the change in Qin Shaofeng's expression.


They also did not notice Zi Tianying's focus.

And her look changed.

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