Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3004: Qin Feng

"Big brother's lesson is that it seems that kid is really circling this area."

The person who just spoke nodded immediately.

He said that speculation before, but also because of the full 20 days of searching, he has felt extremely tired.

Even if he didn't agree with what the big brother said, he didn't dare to talk back.

Another third-ranked celestial powerhouse frowned and asked: "Big Brother, don't Master Gongyang give an order, shall we keep searching like this?"

"Do you think I want to find it?"

The ancestor of the Jiang family sighed and said, "Although we found the kid, we may not be able to take him down, but the Sun family was crippled by the kid, but because of a piece of news, Tianyang Mountain was blessed."

"If we don't find anything, and just leave like this, even if Lord Ram is willing to let us go, the Sun family will definitely be able to ride on top of us within 30 years."

"This matter...is it really special!" The third-ranked heavenly powerhouse sighed.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. The people in Tianyang Mountain have already enclosed all the places where Lord Ram has been circled. The only thing left is to close the net. They all cheer me up. It's hard to escape the kid with wings." The ancestor of the Jiang family cheered.

"Okay, keep searching!"

The third-tier respected heavenly powerhouse immediately spoke.

Although they have been searching.

But their search was nothing compared to Qin Shaofeng's caution.

Even Qin Shaofeng didn't expect it.

He had just met these people, and he had obtained the news he wanted from these people without interrogating them.

The people from Tianyang Mountain have already arrived.

And after twenty days, it was definitely the elite of Tianyang Mountain who came.

Even the entire Tianyang Mountain came out.

It seems that the Ram Zun will not give up unless he takes it!

Qin Shaofeng sighed in his heart.

If there are only a few respected heavenly powerhouses, he would naturally not care, but Tianyang Mountain's status far exceeds these families, and I believe the number of powerhouses is similar.

Although it still hasn't reached the bottom line of high-grade forces in the land of the shining star.

But the number of powerhouses at this level of respect for the heavens is not too small.

"Since the next battle is tough, let's clean up some of them!" Qin Shaofeng's mouth hooked slightly.

Immediately, the sword was already in hand.

Walk slowly out of hiding.

The sound of his footsteps immediately caught the attention of the Jiang family.


The four respected heavenly powerhouses of the Jiang family looked back at the same time.

There was no need for Qin Shaofeng to speak, they had already seen Qin Shaofeng's true face clearly.

Recognized at a glance.

"Qin Feng, you really are here!"

The ancestors of the Jiang family shouted immediately, and at the same time took out a bamboo tube with string from his sleeve.

Pulling the thread gently, a red light burst into the air suddenly.


Qin Shaofeng's complexion changed drastically.

"Unexpectedly, the Gongyangzun would even equip you with this kind of thing, but it is a pity that you are still going to die!" Qin Shaofeng snorted and rushed forward suddenly.

The power of thunder surrounds.

"Ghost cut!"

Gui Sanzhan's display suddenly made his figure illusory.

"Ten flashes, blitz!"

With a secret cry in his heart, he suddenly reached the peak of the power of his sword.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Qin Shaofeng's shot and the Jiang family's ancestors sent signals almost at the same time.

Before the ancestor of the Jiang family backhand took out the weapon, the sword in his hand had already been handed to the ancestor of the Jiang family.

"Since you are an ancestor, then you go to die first!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted, and the pinnacle hit the Jiang family ancestor with all his strength.

However, his speed is fast.

There are also people in the Jiang family who are not slow.

The other third-ranked powerhouse had already taken the sword out when he saw him.

When he slashed down, he slashed towards Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's record is indeed shocking.

But as the powerhouses of the third-order respected heaven, they are just wary in their hearts.

As for the fear, there is no such thing.


Although this man used his best with a single knife, nearly half of it was an attack.

His original plan was to immediately backhand attack after blocking Qin Shaofeng's sword.

But he never expected that Qin Shaofeng's sword was far more powerful than he had imagined.

Between sparkling flints.

The two swords have already collided.

"Qin Feng, even if you have a way to plot against the Chen family and the Sun family, it is impossible for us to be the opponent of our two third-order superiors." The ancestor of the Chen family did not forget to laugh.

"Qin Feng?"

Qin Shaofeng heard him call that for the second time.

Just now I thought it was the ancestor of the Chen family who had misremembered his name, or called the wrong name.

But watching him swear so loudly, it suddenly made him feel more confused.

What is this guy doing?

Doubts belong to doubts.

The attack in his hand will not be slowed down by this.

When the ancestor of the Chen family spoke, the terrifying knife had already collided with the battle knife in the hands of the third-ranked heavenly powerhouse.

"Ding Dong!"

There was a crisp sound.

The face of the ancestors of the Chen family suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng's combat power was so tyrannical that he would be able to blast away the sword of the second brother of the third-order exalted heavenly powerhouse.

But he was too big before.

It is too late to escape or take out soldiers to resist.

Before he could respond effectively, the sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand had already been handed over his head.

"No! How could your combat power be so strong?"

The ancestors of the Chen family were so frightened that they hurriedly tried to avoid them.

How powerful and fast is Qin Shaofeng's sword?

Before he could escape halfway, Qin Shaofeng slashed off his left arm.

The intense pain immediately made him scream "Ah!"

But instead of stopping Qin Shaofeng's attack, it just started.

"Cut it again!"

There was another loud shout.

His change is also between the electric light and flint.

Absolutely strong knife, before that other third-order respected heavenly powerhouse could react, it had already broken his stomach.

"You, you...Qin Feng..."

The third-order respected heavenly powerhouse had not finished speaking before he died by Qin Shaofeng's knife.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for beheading the third-order celestial powerhouse and gaining 400,000 true value."

Only four hundred thousand?

Qin Shaofeng was slightly stunned, but there would be no delay due to this.

With a hurried turn of the blade, he rushed toward the other powerful Jiang family members.

His combat power can already be compared to the power of the pinnacle Celestial Star.

But in comparison, the only ones who can be higher than him are the Jiang family ancestors and the powerhouse with the third-order venerable heavenly cultivation base, and killing others is simply easy.

In just a few breaths, he came to the Jiang family ancestor again: "You all call me Qin Feng? Why is this?"

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