Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3005: The origin of Qin Feng

"Qin Feng? Hey! Since you are Qin Feng, you are naturally Qin Feng. Why are there so many?" The ancestors of the Jiang family didn't seem to see the situation clearly.

In other words, he thought that Qin Shaofeng could not kill himself in a short time.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's record is indeed bluffing.

But he is just a small fifth-order Celestial Star cultivation base.

As a dignified third-ranked heavenly powerhouse, as long as he is careful, can he not even wait for reinforcements?

"Don't say it?"

Qin Shaofeng's mouth grinned.

"Are you artificially based on your cultivation base, how can you insist on coming to the Gongyangzun for rescue?" Qin Shaofeng smiled low.

Turning around suddenly, he killed a Jiang family's strong star with a single knife.

"It looks like this is all of your Jiang family, right? I don't know if I kill them all, what will happen to your Jiang family in the future?" Qin Shaofeng laughed again.

This sentence immediately made the ancestors of the Jiang family tremble.

Although they all envied the situation of the Sun family.

But that also took decades of business, and nothing can happen in it.

Because of their great power, the Jiang family has already established many enemies.

If you really let some of them know about it, I'm afraid that you will come to their Jiang family to make trouble if you risk being convicted and hunted down by Lord Gongyang?

At that time, it will not be a matter of development and growth.

Thinking about it this way, he once again began to envy the Sun family.

Although the Sun family is also a family of similar powers, but because of the short period of time, and there are not many strong family members, it is still in the development stage.

This makes the Sun family's enemies too much less.

Thinking about it this way, his face became harder to look.

"Although the name of Xiaoye's killing and killing has been passed on, since you have met people from the Sun family, naturally you should have heard of my reputation?" Qin Shaofeng asked again.

The ancestors of the Jiang family deliberately called him Qin Feng several times, and there must be a reason.

If he could find something out of it, that would be his other vitality.

In that case, it doesn't seem to be a problem if you don't kill these people.

"you sure?"

The ancestors of the Jiang family became active.

If he wants to fight, he may be able to protect himself.

However, with the fall of the third-order respected heavenly brother, he was abolished by another arm. It was naturally extremely difficult to hold Qin Shaofeng.

It seems that it is also an opportunity to use this story to attract him.

"You promise not to kill my Jiang family, and I will tell you why." Jiang family ancestor said.

"Say it!"

Qin Shaofeng said indifferently.

He has obtained more than 20 million true values ​​from the killing.

Anyway, his physical condition could not be further improved, and slaying such a few small shrimps worth less than one hundred thousand real value would not bring her much benefit, it didn't matter whether he killed them or not.

"This matter has been discussed from ten days ago."

The ancestors of the Jiang family knew exactly how to speak.

"At that time, Lord Ram had just joined us, and an unknown boy in black suddenly chased up from behind, and asked Qin Shaofeng who we were chasing?"

"Boy?" Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised.

After all, it seems that there are no young people among the strong people he knows, right?

"Yes, I was there at the time. With that kind of young voice and unconcealed youthful aura, that person's true age is definitely not more than twenty-five years old, but his cultivation has reached the level of the third-order holy star. Even Lord Ram is not his opponent in his heyday."

"How come such a person suddenly appeared? He wanted me?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Go on!"

His question seemed carefree, but in fact the Sky Void Insect had already been sent out, and there was a super-sensing Sky Void Insect King in his body, and he could immediately know who came.

Seeing that he really caused Qin Shaofeng’s thoughts, the ancestors of the Jiang family showed a successful smile on his face, and continued: "Master Gong Yang didn’t know what his intentions were, so he lied and called you Qin Feng. A young and strong man cultivated."

"Fortunately, we sent people back to make people too anxious, so that they didn't say your name."

"That young man should have found some clues in the Chen family."

"No need to talk nonsense, just get to the point."

How could Qin Shaofeng not know that he was using a slowing strategy?

His face changed immediately.

"it is good."

The ancestor of the Jiang family nodded and said, "Then Lord Gongyang also tentatively asked him, why is he looking for you?"

"It seems that the person is also a little afraid of Master Ram's cultivation base, so he has to leave a word, that is, he has what we want."

"We? What do we want?"

Qin Shaofeng sucked in air-conditioning sharply.

Only that one person is the third-order saint star powerhouse, if it is really them, doesn't it mean that there are many saint star powerhouses looking for themselves?

What is there in themselves worthy of their attention?


Before he thought about it clearly, the Tianxu Worm in his body sent a warning.

No longer think so much.

The questions that I wanted to continue to ask were all held back for the first time, turned around and galloped away.

The clean and neat movements made the Jiang family stunned for a long while.

"The kid is running away?"

"The ancestor seems to have nothing to say yet, right?"

"Did he find something?"

"Or does he have finished asking?"

Everyone in the Jiang family stared at them with big eyes.

Even the ancestor of the Jiang family was filled with awe.

Even if he respects the power of heaven, he doesn't have any movement from the Fashen, how did the kid find out?

When I was wondering.

A dozen people rushed over quickly.

Its speed made the ancestors of the Jiang family be astounded for a while.

The person in the front was extremely old, and at first glance it seemed that he was a few dozen years older than the Ram Zun.

But they are very clear.

The old man's name is Gong Yang Lie, and he respects the power of the pinnacle.

And he is also the younger brother of Gongyang Zunhe, like the mountain owner of Yangshan today.

"See Gongyang Shanzhu." The ancestors of the Jiang family hurriedly met.

His arm had been cut off by Qin Shaofeng, making his manners really ugly.

"Have you met Qin Shaofeng?"

Gong Yang Lie's question was a little lacking. If he hadn't met Qin Shaofeng, he believed that the Jiang family would not dare to send a signal even if they were in serious trouble.

"Yes, that kid just fled over there before he breathed." The ancestors of the Jiang family knew exactly what to say now.

He immediately pointed to the direction Qin Shaofeng had escaped from.

I really don't know.

Today's Qin Shaofeng has already changed direction.

"Done well, the Jiang family will be blessed by my Tianyang Mountain in the future!"

Ram Lie laughed a few times in excitement, waved his hand, and immediately galloped away with everyone.

In terms of speed alone, none of this group of people has a cultivation base lower than the seventh-order respected heaven.

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