Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 305: The forces on the Nine Clouds Continent

Dugu Nine Swords: Special skills, the ultimate sword skill created by the sword demon Dugu Qiuqiu, the highest state of swordsmanship, after learning, can break all the moves in the world. There are nine sword styles.

General decision: various changes to perform general tactics. There are three hundred and sixty changes. All kinds of changes are one-stroke sword skills, and when they are successful, they will be sword skills. If they reach the peak, they will be able to win without any moves. Use the heavens and all things as the sword, and the mind as the move, and become an endless sword move.

Sword-breaking style: It can crack the method of sword repaired by the enemy. Although it is one style, it is based on the swordsmanship of the strongest secret swordsmanship of kendo, so its changes are not inferior to the final style.

Knife-breaking style: The method that can crack the knife repaired by the enemy. Pay attention to light and heavy, and fast to slow.

Spear-breaking style: can crack the enemy's slender spear method.

Whip-breaking style: It can break the method of short whip repaired by the enemy.

Cable-breaking style: A method that can crack the rope-fixed device of the enemy.

Palm breaking style: It can crack the enemy's body repair method.

Arrow Breaking: A method that can crack the hidden weapon repaired by the enemy.

Breaking Qi: It can crack the method of the enemy's Qi cultivation.

Note: Dugu Nine Swords is a powerful special sword skill, which is limited by the player's realm. The higher the player's level, the stronger the power of the Dugu Nine Swords. With the current player Qin Shaofeng's level, he can use the Nine Dragon Swords nine times a day. Except for the total tactics that can be used at most once a day, the remaining eight times can use the other eight styles at will.

Looking at the attributes of Dugu Nine Swords, Qin Shaofeng finally calmed down his painful mentality of tens of billions of debts.

After watching it carefully for a while, Qin Shaofeng already had some understanding of Dugu Jiujian.

The strongest of the nine sword styles should be regarded as the general style.

In addition, the broken sword style is not bad, but for the remaining seven sword styles, Qin Shaofeng estimates that most of the powers are not the same, but the sword style is only used against people of different cultivators.

The strongest general formula can only be done once a day, and Qin Shaofeng has also watched it. Judging from his current situation, this sword formula may consume all the aura in his body after a single blow.

All this aura not only refers to the million points of aura that Qin Shaofeng currently possesses, but also the cloud pill condensed from Qin Shaofeng's Dantian, which will also be exhausted together.

The cloud pill that Qin Shaofeng condenses at this moment is not included in the aura value. This is because Qin Shaofeng's cloud pill can only be recovered by training. If the aura in it is consumed in battle, it can not be recovered by taking the pill. of.

It can be seen that this general formula is not a small burden on Qin Shaofeng.

But precisely because of this, Qin Shaofeng was very much looking forward to the power of this general formula.

For the remaining eight sword styles, Qin Shaofeng knows that with his current realm, he can perform nine times without any restriction. For example, he can perform nine sword breaking poses, or four sword breaking poses, two times in one day. Second breaking knife, three breaking air, etc.

In other words, except for the general tactics, every other swordsman can be performed nine times in one day.

With these nine sword styles of Dugu Nine Swords, Qin Shaofeng could deal with any opponent.

And Qin Shaofeng also discovered that although he could only use the Nine Dugu Swords at most nine times a day, after learning the Nine Dugu Swords, Qin Shaofeng found that he was holding a profound iron epee in his hand, and that the jerky touch of kendo was completely gone.

Now even if he doesn't use the Nine Dragon Swords, Qin Shaofeng's simple sword can still perform sword skills, but the power is not strong!

However, Qin Shaofeng estimated that this was all because of his low realm. If he waited for his realm to be higher, this sword skill with a single strike might also have a good power.

"As expected, Dugu Nine Swords is really powerful!"

With a sigh of emotion, Qin Shaofeng couldn't wait to try, the power of this Dugu Nine Sword.

But at this moment, Zhao Yuner came to him unexpectedly.

The arrival of Zhao Yun'er made Qin Shaofeng frown slightly.

Not long after we separated, Yun'er looked for herself. It seemed that something related to her must have happened, and it was probably still a major event.

Qin Shaofeng's guess was correct. The first time he met, Zhao Yuner's words left him speechless.

"Two news, one bad and one good, which one do you want to hear first?"

Two news, one bad and one good?

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a moment, and then became a little speechless, and then said indifferently: "It's up to you, anyway, things have happened, no matter how good or bad it is. I'll just continue."

"Hehe, in that case, let me tell you the good news first!"

Zhao Yuner chuckled, and then said: "The good news is that, congratulations, this time you have gained great military merit in Dongyang City. I have checked it for you. Your military merit now has more than 150,000. Point, it's on record!"

Zhao Yun'er's words, what Qin Shaofeng noticed was not her congratulations to herself, but the phrase ‘I’ve checked it for you’.

Just after returning to college, Qin Shaofeng thought that Zhao Yuner would go to see his parents as soon as possible.

But I don't want to, in the time when this hour is not up, she actually helped herself to check her military merits.

Qin Shaofeng was very grateful for a while, facing Zhao Yuner's concern for him, he didn't know what to say.

"What's the matter? Are you unhappy? One hundred and fifty thousand military points is a good harvest!" Seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest surprise on his face, Zhao Yun'er asked puzzledly.

Qin Shaofeng instantly put away the complicated miss in his heart, and then heard what Zhao Yuner said, and his heart moved slightly.

150,000 military merit points?

This is indeed good news, but Yuner also said that there is a bad news, so that should be the thing.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Qin Shaofeng looked at Zhao Yun'er and smiled and said, "Yun'er, is the bad news you said about one hundred thousand points of military merit, which allows me to enter the great luck? What is wrong? ?"

Zhao Yuner's face was slightly startled, and her small mouth snapped, very surprised.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng didn't wait for her to speak, and then continued: "If I expected it to be good, I should have repented over there, right? This is the bad news you said, right?"

"Yes!" Zhao Yuner nodded her head sharply, and looked at Qin Shaofeng very admiringly, with a faint star in her eyes, "You can guess that, Shaofeng, you are so smart!"

This is also called smart?

Qin Shaofeng looked at Zhao Yun'er, with a bit of crying on his face.

However, after getting Zhao Yun'er's confirmation, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little uncomfortable, and his heart was very unhappy.

Damn, this Lian Yangguo actually regretted it, so shameless!

However, Qin Shaofeng thought for a moment, felt that this matter should not be that simple, even if even Yang Guo repented, I am afraid it would not be so blatant.

After all, even King Qiuhuo had promised himself, so repenting so refuted King Qiuhuo's face.

Those who are from the government of Yangguo should not be so confused in their minds?

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng looked up at Zhao Yun'er and asked, "Yun'er, there should be something in this, right?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Yun'er nodded, a trace of unpleasantness flashed across her face.

As soon as she returned to the college, Zhao Yuner hurried to find her father after seeing her mother.

Ever since he knew that Qin Shaofeng could enter the Qi Luck Array with only one hundred thousand military merit points, Zhao Yun'er looked forward to Qin Shaofeng's 100,000 military merit points as soon as possible.

But this time the battle ended suddenly, causing Qin Shaofeng's military merits to be far less than 100,000.

Zhao Yuner wanted to beg her father, but if it didn't work, she would give her place to Qin Shaofeng.

After she didn't want to find her father, Zhao Yuner was pleasantly surprised to find that after checking with her father, Qin Shaofeng's military merits actually reached 150,000.

This is also thanks to the people in Dongyang City, it is precisely because they regarded Qin Shaofeng as the greatest hero in retaking Dongyang City, this allowed Qin Shaofeng to obtain a lot of military merit points.

But this alone would not allow Qin Shaofeng's military merits to reach as much as 150,000.

The reason for this was that Qin Shaofeng killed Chen Jiangping, the former city lord of Dongyang City.

This was killed in the presence of a legendary six-fold master of the Imperial City Guards, and it would naturally be recorded.

Moreover, it was Chen Jiangping alone who brought Qin Shaofeng a total of 80,000 military merits.

If it wasn't for some people, I felt that Qin Shaofeng didn't rely on his own strength, and Qin Shaofeng was too young, I'm afraid that the crowning of the king would be carried out.

This is the good side and the bad side. Zhao Yun'er is not happy after learning about the situation from her father.

At this moment Qin Shaofeng asked, Zhao Yun'er was depressed, but she quickly explained to Qin Shaofeng.

"Some things have indeed happened, and they are related to the direct end of the war between the two countries this time!"

After that, Zhao Yuner asked Qin Shaofeng fiercely: "Shaofeng, you should know that our continent is a place called Jiuyun Continent, right?"

I know, how can I not know this?

After listening to Zhao Yuner's words, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but think of why something called Jiuyun Continent in Jiuyun Island, the land of bullets, the land of barbarians and so on.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat impressed with this Nine Cloud Continent.

"Well, I know!" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng nodding, Zhao Yuner smiled slightly, and said again: "It's good to know, but, I am afraid you still don't know some forces in the Nine Clouds Continent?"

"We have ten superpowers on the Nine Clouds Continent. They are three sects and seven sects. These three sects refer to the Heavenly Sect, the Imperial Beast Sect, and the Nine Yang Sect. The seven sects refer to the Qianshan Sect, the Blazing Fire Sect, the Qingyun Sect, and the Sea Breeze Sect. The seven sects of Sect, Guiyuan Sect, Xingyue Sect, and Bliss Sect..."

Next, Zhao Yuner explained to Qin Shaofeng that the ten major forces on the Nine Clouds Continent were.

Three sects and seven sects, three sects in front, and seven sects in the back.

The three powers of Tianmen, Yumonmen, and Nine Yangmen are the top three powers of the top ten.

As for the latter seven cases, the strengths are not much different.

However, speaking of it, the Guiyuan Sect is stronger, followed by the Bliss Sect, and then the Qianshan Sect.

The strength of the four sects behind are all similar, and no one can do anything about it.

However, above these ten powers, there is still this transcendent power-Shenfu!

Jiuyun Divine Mansion, a force built by Jiuyunzi, the lord of Jiuyun Continent.

Owning the supreme position on the Nine Clouds Continent, it does not participate in any disputes, and no forces dare to provoke it.

Because it is said that Jiuyunzi is the supreme powerhouse of Saint Yuan Realm in the Three Yuan Realm.

This can be seen from the naming of the Nine Clouds Continent.

However, Jiuyunzi has always been faceless, and many people on Jiuyun Continent have already regarded it as a legend.

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