Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 306: That's it

But what does this have to do with yourself?

Listening to Zhao Yuner's words, Qin Shaofeng was confused.

I just stepped into a large array of luck, and then got some benefits, but what does it have to do with the strength on the Nine Cloud Continent?

As if seeing the doubt in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, Zhao Yuner explained in the realm: "I know you are very confused now. What does what I said has something to do with you, but I can tell you, it really has something to do with you? ."

Yes, this time I feel even more dizzy!

Qin Shaofeng was completely speechless.

But Zhao Yun'er didn’t care, and she said to herself: “I’ve told you that we are not connected with the country, but the entire area of ​​the Black Point Mountain Range is actually under the jurisdiction of the Qianshan Sect. The Kingdom of Yang and the Kingdom of Yinyue are also one of the forces of the Qianshan Sect."

"You may not know that when the Black Martial Kingdom was not destroyed, the three academies of our three countries, but every five years, we will bring a group of students to participate in the entrance examination of the Qianshan Sect and strive to join the Qianshan Sect. "

After that, Zhao Yuner suddenly smiled wittyly, and said to Qin Shaofeng: "I can tell you, the big brother is now a disciple of the Qianshan Sect!"


Qin Shaofeng was startled, very surprised.

Isn't Zhao Yun'er's big brother the same as Du Meng's master?

Qin Shaofeng was curious about this big brother Zhao Yuner who he had only heard about, but had never seen.

But Qin Shaofeng never knew why Zhao Yun'er's big brother was not in the academy, and was always out. Now after listening to Zhao Yun'er, he understood.

It turned out that the other party was already a disciple of the Qianshan Sect.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng understood something.

According to what Yuner said, the three major colleges are all training talents for Qianshan Sect.

However, Qin Shaofeng also understood at the same time.

I am afraid that the conditions for joining the Thousand Mountain Sect are extremely harsh. If it weren't the case, Lianyang Academy would have had such news long ago.

It is precisely because of the harsh conditions that there are very few people who meet it. I am afraid that only some high-level officials in the country and the college, as well as those geniuses, know this.

Then things are simple now.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng suddenly raised his head, looked at Zhao Yun'er and said, "Yun'er, is it because this time our war between Lianyang Kingdom and Yinyue Kingdom was forced to end because of the Qianshan Sect?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Yun'er nodded and said, "I don't know why. It is less than five years since the last Qianshan Sect's entrance examination, and then Qianshan Sect has been evaluated again. He even sent someone to inform us, So our battle with Yinyue Nation had to end so carelessly!"

It's sloppy!

After all, it took less than two days for the war to be officially declared, and the war ended directly. Isn't this sloppy?

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew that even if the two countries did not want to end, it would not be possible.

Because that is the Thousand Mountain Sect!

Qin Shaofeng was sure that the Yuan Dan realm experts who rarely appeared in the Three Kingdoms of Lianyang were too numerous to count in the Qianshan Sect.

Even the powerhouses of the three-dimensional realm above the Yuan Dan realm are afraid that there are many.

The Qianshan Sect started the entrance examination, and even with the courage of the Yang Kingdom and Yinyue Kingdom, he did not dare to disobey.

And I am afraid that if you can join the Thousand Mountain Sect, it will be of great benefit to both countries.

So this is the final truce.

Qin Shaofeng finally understood why the Pang Zejun suddenly appeared and took Zi Yueye away.

Although Zi Yueye's character was not good, she was a genuine genius.

I am afraid that the Zi family does not want to give up, a genius who has the possibility to join the Qianshan Sect.

All this is open.

Qin Shaofeng also wanted to understand the changes in the number of places he entered into the Qi Luck Array.

The Qiyun Grand Formation will start in at most one month, and Yuner also said that the entrance examination of Qianshan Sect is also one month later.

In that case, the Qiyun Grand Array is the last time the geniuses of Lianyang Academy have obtained or improved their qualifications and chances of passing the Qianshan Sect assessment.

Because Zhao Yuner told Qin Shaofeng that if he wanted to participate in the assessment of the Qianshan Sect, the minimum requirements required the first level of the legendary realm, and the age must not exceed twenty years old.

How many people can there be in the entire Lianyang Academy who can cultivate to the legendary realm at the age of twenty?

Not many!

So this is easy to say, since you can't practice, you can only rely on the Qiyun Array, and hope to use the Qiyun Array to break through to the legendary state.

Even though the country of Yang has attached great importance to the Qianshan Sect, they are afraid that they even hope that their people can join the Qianshan Sect.

After all, the people in the academy are from the academy. Although they are also from the Lianyang Kingdom, they are not really their own for the royal family of Lianyang.

In that case, Du Meng and Tang Qijian have the places for the two boys.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng asked, "Yun'er, isn't it just me? Tang Qijian and Du Meng's quotas are also in trouble?"

It's okay for Qin Shaofeng not to mention it, Zhao Yuner's face is even more depressed at this mention.

"Well, Tang Qijian is okay. Although he has now been eliminated and the quota originally set, he still has a chance. As long as he can defeat the people arranged by the Lianyang Royal Family, he will have the quota to enter the Qiyun array. ."

"As for that kid Du Meng, it's unlucky. He didn't even have a chance to fight directly. The reason is that he is only in the realm of the eighth level of spiritual veins. Even if he enters the qiyun formation, he can get the assistance of the qiyun formation. What's the chance of breaking through to the legendary realm, so his quota is gone."

The more Zhao Yuner said it, the more angry she became.

Especially for her, if it hadn't been for her father to be the deputy dean of Lianyang Academy, and her own strength was extremely powerful, her quota would probably be gone.

Therefore, Zhao Yun'er was very angry and directly concealed the fact that she had broken through to the legendary realm.

Because she understands that if the royal family of Lianyang knew that she had already broken through to the legendary realm, she might not be able to keep her place in the great luck array no matter what.

This was the first time that Zhao Yuner felt that the royal family of Lianyang was so disgusting and hateful.

But Qin Shaofeng was accustomed to such things.

Throughout the history of the earth, the royal family of that dynasty is not the most complicated existence?

Therefore, it is not surprising that Qin Shaofeng has such absoluteness in the Lianyang royal family.

However, thinking of the Qiuhuo King, Qin Shaofeng's heart still moved, and he couldn't help but ask Zhao Yun'er: "Yun'er, I shouldn't miss Du Meng's fierce boy too, is that bad luck?"

"That's not true." Zhao Yun'er shook her head lightly, with a strange light in her eyes, "Although you canceled one hundred thousand military points in exchange for the opportunity to enter the great fortune formation, the Qiuhuo King is helping you fight for it. Once, the royal family regressed, saying that as long as you, like Tang Qijian, defeat the people they arranged, then you are eligible to enter the great luck array. On the contrary, the one who defeats you can enter the great luck array instead of you!"

Oh, it really is!

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and then asked: "Yun'er, do you know, who is the opponent I need to defeat?"

"Lian Chengjiang!" Zhao Yuner replied without thinking about it.

Lian Chengjiang?

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly, and a sneer appeared.

Lian Chengjiang!

The two of us are really destined!

However, it is a pity that you will be out of luck this time.


At the same time, at the other end of Lianyang Academy, Lian Chengjiang, who was hurriedly summoned back, also happened to learn the news.

Regarding this, Lian Chengjiang just smiled coldly and said, "A kid from a small town, Qin Shaofeng, you dare to **** me into the big luck array?"

Having said that, Lian Chengjiang was still a little worried when he thought of Qin Shaofeng's performance in the exchange competition.

In the end, Lian Chengjiang's heart moved slightly, and he actually let one of his subordinates, as his royal family, give Qin Shaofeng a word, and let Qin Shaofeng give up directly.

As you can imagine, what temper is Qin Shaofeng?

He would never give up the opportunity to enter the Qiyun Array, so would he care about Lian Chengjiang's identity?

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng only has one word for the people sent by Lian Chengjiang.


Lian Chengjiang, who received Qin Shaofeng's response, was furious.

After smashing everything in his room, Lian Chengjiang's eyes flashed a vicious, vicious voice and whispered in a low voice: "Qin Shaofeng, you have a kind, in that case, you can blame me for being ruthless. Your strength is good, but this Once you come, you are dead!"

While talking, Lian Chengjiang suddenly had a medicine bottle in his hand. Looking at the medicine bottle, Lian Chengjiang's eyes flashed with pain and dismay.

But even more is the killing intent of coldness and coldness.


For his fight with Lian Chengjiang, Qin Shaofeng really didn't pay attention to Lian Chengjiang.

It was even more so now.

It should be known that Qin Shaofeng is now in the legendary triple realm, but that Lian Chengjiang is only the tenth peak realm of spiritual veins. According to Qin Shaofeng's estimation, even Zi Yueye can't match even Chengjiang.

Do such opponents need to be careful?

do you need?

So after Zhao Yun'er left, Qin Shaofeng was messing up his own affairs again.

Qin Shaofeng's level 3 skill fruit obtained in the ordinary lottery draw had already been used by him.

Because Qin Shaofeng found that his "Sutra of Pills" was quite special, once he advanced, all the levels were re-started according to the star rating.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's one-star level in the "Sutra of Pills", as it expresses, is the first level of the sky level skills.

Therefore, after using that level 3 skill fruit, Qin Shaofeng's skill "Alchemy" has been upgraded to a three-star sky level.

The current level of three stars: level 3, 183/10000, can condense three cloud pills, which can control the fire of the pill.

The "Sutra of Pills" of a three-star sky can condense three cloud pills.

After practicing with a large number of ordinary first-grade nine-layer spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng quickly condensed two more cloud pills.

At this moment, in Qin Shaofeng's Dantian, there are three very regular small balls.

Thumb-sized, round, creamy white.

But the power contained in it is incredibly powerful.

It was exactly equivalent to a million points of spiritual energy, once this broke out, it was absolutely amazing.

Of course, that is for ordinary people. If you meet a genius like Zhao Yuner, I am afraid Qin Shaofeng will have to feel depressed.

This time Qin Shaofeng killed many people. The experience tree in the original world space in his body had absorbed a large amount of experience points, and the tree had produced a lot of experience fruits.

It is worth mentioning that after Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the legendary realm, the original world space in his body has increased again.

The original world inside Qin Shaofeng's body is now a space of ten meters in length, width and height.

This also allowed the experience tree to completely unfold and restore to its original state of five meters high.

At this moment, the little ball is like a hardworking bee, not only looking back and forth at the fruit of experience on the tree of experience, but her little face is full of joy.



This fruit of experience is really a good treasure!

It's a pity that Xiaoqiuqiu, who is in excitement, doesn't know at all. At this moment, a certain big devil has already focused on these treasures, and is planning to give Zhao Yuner how much to upgrade her level!

Zhao Yun'er is a demon's family member, and can use experience fruits to increase her level of cultivation.

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