Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 308: Gloating ball

Seeing the moment Feiyu Knife plunged into Qin Shaofeng's forehead, the big stone that Xiaoqiuqi had been lifting in his heart finally fell.


At the moment when Xiaoqiuqiu shouted for success, Qin Shaofeng, who was sweating all over, finally couldn't hold it, and fell backward and passed out directly.

Xiao Qiuqiu was surprised that Qin Shaofeng could persist until now.

After all, the pain of dividing the soul is a great pain, and people with a not simple will may be tortured by the violent pain.

If Qin Shaofeng had not opened up the sea of ​​knowledge, Xiaoqiuqiu would not dare to let Qin Shaofeng take such a risk to divide his soul.

Although Qin Shaofeng's Sea of ​​Consciousness was very small and extremely small after it was opened up, he finally had spiritual consciousness.

In this case, even if Qin Shaofeng couldn't hold on in the end, Xiaoqiuqiu could make the final choice.

Give up this sacrifice.

If that time comes, Xiaoqiuqiu will not hesitate to interfere with Qin Shaofeng, so that Qin Shaofeng's divided soul will recover.

But in this way, Qin Shaofeng can be fine.

But from now on, Qin Shaofeng probably won't be able to obtain a second natal soldier.

This not only suffered inhuman pain in vain, but also took a lot of time to repair one's soul afterwards.

So if it fails, Qin Shaofeng will lose a lot.

Of course, if that happens, even if the loss is big, the small ball can only do that.

However, in the end everything is going for the better.

The sacrifice was successful!

In addition, Qin Shaofeng's performance was greatly unexpected by Xiaoqiuqiu.

In fact, there is one thing that Xiaoqiuqiu didn't tell Qin Shaofeng.

That is, if it really can't bear it, it can still make Qin Shaofeng fall into a deep sleep, and then use it to complete the process for it.

However, since this was an extremely difficult opportunity to exercise spiritual consciousness, Xiaoqiuqiu did not tell Qin Shaofeng about this.

Of course, whether this is a small thing or not, taking the opportunity to ‘retaliate’ against the Great Devil and make the Great Devil suffer, it’s unclear.

However, this spiritual training is true.

After this soul split, as long as Qin Shaofeng's soul merges and recovers again, his knowledge of the sea may be slightly expanded.

In addition to this, the ball still noticed one thing.

Looking suspiciously at Qin Shaofeng who was lying on the ground, Xiaoqiuqiu muttered to himself: "It's strange, how do I feel that the soul that has just been divided by the big devil is stronger than the soul of ordinary people!"

"It has been clearly divided into half, but the soul power of that half of the soul is equivalent to the normal soul power of an ordinary person. This should not be, logically speaking, if you have not entered the holy realm, it has not been able to condense the holy soul. It is impossible for a person's soul power to increase at all, it is already doomed at birth!"

The more you talk about the small ball, the more puzzled you are.

"The power of the soul of each person is almost the same from birth, but the power of the soul of this great demon king is so strong! They are equivalent to two or three times as much as the average. It's too strange. A man born with a strong soul?"

He glanced at Qin Shaofeng again, but the doubt in Xiaoqiuqiu's small round eyes became more intense.

Xiao Qiuqiu naturally did not know that Qin Shaofeng's soul at the moment was a fusion of two souls, and the power of the soul was naturally stronger than the others.

The fusion between souls is not as simple as one plus one. Qin Shaofeng’s soul power is at least three times that of ordinary people, and if the fusion between the souls is successful, the soul after the fusion will definitely change. .

Qin Shaofeng's soul is naturally the same, but it's just that Qin Shaofeng hasn't inspired such a change.



It hurts!

When Qin Shaofeng woke up again, he felt the pain in his head.

Under such pain, Qin Shaofeng was so weak that he almost didn't do it.

"Wake up!" A soft snort came, but the small ball suddenly floated in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked: "Small Ball Ball, did you succeed?"

"Then, of course, with my Lord Everbright coming forward, it's no problem to sacrifice my life and gods! If this fails, what face does Lord Everbright have?"

Very good, a little thing takes all the credit to itself.

Not a problem?

It hurts me!

Qin Shaofeng groaned in his heart, but when he thought of Xiaoqiuqiu, he quickly became excited.

Haha, succeeded, I have a second natal soldier!

With joy in his heart, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously prepared to summon Feiyu Dao.

But as soon as he called, Qin Shaofeng felt it, his head seemed to be smashed with a sledgehammer from inside.


With a scream, Qin Shaofeng hugged his head and fell to the ground again.

"Tsk tsk, only then is the sacrifice successful. Your soul didn't return from the Flying Feather Knife, so you wanted to use the Flying Feather Knife? How troubled you are with yourself!"

A gloating voice came, Qin Shaofeng looked up with the pain in his head, and saw Xiaoqiuqiu's happy smile.

Hahaha, so cool!

Seeing the big devil suffer, it feels refreshing!

The little thing that laughed in his heart is already floating in the air with laughter at this moment!

That's terrible!

on purpose!

This little thing must be intentional!

Qin Shaofeng roared in his heart, but even if he tried hard to teach this little thing, Qin Shaofeng found that if he moved now, he would draw some kind of pain in his mind.

Obviously, I just forcibly summoned Feiyu Knife, not only did it fail to summon, but it also made myself more burdened.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng learned from the ball mouth.

Although the sacrifice was very successful, he did a soul division after all.

Now Feiyu Dao was in his sea of ​​consciousness, letting himself split out the ordinary soul, and was fusing with his own soul.

Once such a fusion is over, Feiyu Dao can truly be regarded as his second natal weapon.

"So, now it is impossible for you to use a flying feather sword, and even if it is a profound iron heavy sword, you'd better not use it. Of course, if you abuse yourself and have trouble with yourself, then I have never said that!"

After the explanation, Xiaoqiuqiu finally reminded Qin Shaofeng.

Can't use the profound iron epee?

Qin Shaofeng felt helpless, but when he thought that he would have two destiny soldiers in the future, his mood finally improved.

"Well, how long does it take to merge?" Qin Shaofeng thought for a while and asked.

Xiaoqiuqiu thought for a while, and replied with some uncertainty: "Well, that's it! It should take two or three months? The specific situation depends on you, but I think your soul power is stronger than ordinary people. Less, it shouldn’t take that long, but it’s more or less a month!"

At first, I heard that it took two or three months for the ball to recover.

Qin Shaofeng was impatient.

According to Yun'er, the entrance examination of the Qianshan Sect seems to be only a month or two later!

Who knows what the Thousand Mountain Sect entrance examination is, and what the examination is. If it affects one's own strength because of this, and then affects oneself to join the Thousand Mountain Sect, that would be bad.

Fortunately, after listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng was finally relieved.

"One month! Well, then it doesn't matter. As long as it doesn't affect the entrance examination of the Qianshan Sect, it doesn't matter. The rest is fine. Just take a vacation and rest for a while!"


You said that you will fight with that Lian Chengjiang soon?

Don't be funny!

Lian Chengjiang?


That boy, the young master just let him trample him to death with both hands.

Do you need to use a profound iron heavy sword to deal with him?

What an international joke!

Soon, Qin Shaofeng heartlessly began to recuperate.


A day later, when Zhao Yuner came to see Qin Shaofeng, she was anxious when she saw Qin Shaofeng's appearance.

As for the situation in Qin Shaofeng's body, as long as Zhao Yun'er approached Qin Shaofeng, he could sense it with the power of the stars in his body.

Although Qin Shaofeng was still injured on the surface, Zhao Yun'er sensed Qin Shaofeng's knowledge of the sea, and was shocked for a while, her expression anxious.

This made Qin Shaofeng talk badly, and this made Zhao Yun'er feel relieved, but this had to make Qin Shaofeng spit out deep in his heart.


It is me who is injured, and it is me who needs comfort!

But how come I comfort others?

However, Qin Shaofeng couldn't be pleased with Zhao Yuner's concern for herself.

Well, it’s better for our family. It’s not like a heartless little thing who wants to die.


A small thing in Qin Shaofeng's body of the original world space sneezed suddenly while sitting on the experience tree.

"Huh? Why did I sneeze? It's weird? Forget it, just keep looking at my baby!"

Shocked, the gaze of a little thing once again fell on the fruity experience tree in front of him.



It's all my baby!

Outside, Zhao Yuner's arrival brought a lot of things.

These are all the medicinal materials Qin Shaofeng asked Zhao Yuner to exchange with Lianyang Academy for as many as 150,000 military points. They were all medicinal materials for refining the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill.

Qin Shaofeng's thinking was very simple. Since the military merit points can't allow him to get a place in the Qi Luck Array, then these military merit points are naturally used in exchange for resources.

Anyway, I also need a lot of First-Rank Nine Layer Pills. To a certain extent, letting myself compete with Lian Chengjiang for a place in the Qi Luck Array, this has never been a good thing.

No matter how you can win, you can save one hundred thousand military merit points and change a lot of things!

Of course, Qin Shaofeng also learned well. Instead of changing it himself, he asked Zhao Yun'er to go to the senior academy.

Sure enough, it was good for Zhao Yun'er to come forward. In the face of Zhao Yun'er's dissatisfaction, Lianyang Academy had nothing to say this time, and Zhao Yun'er got a lot of things in exchange for Qin Shaofeng's list.

Looking at the few storage bags in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was ecstatic.

So many?

This is probably twice as much as my own list!

In ecstasy, Qin Shaofeng hugged Zhao Yun'er abruptly, and then gave Zhao Yun'er a big smile on her white cheeks that could be broken.

"Haha, Yuner, you are really my baby! You can change so many things!"

Qin Shaofeng's actions were only subconscious. After a kiss, all his attention was focused on the few storage bags in front of him, his eyes flashed, almost drooling.

But his behavior made Zhao Yun'er a big blush.

Especially when she heard Qin Shaofeng calling her baby, Zhao Yun'er was extremely ashamed, but she was more afraid than she was happy.

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