Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 309: Goodbye little princess

Although Zhao Yun'er had brought a lot of medicinal materials, it was a pity that Qin Shaofeng could only look at it now, and could not refine the pill.


After the soul is divided and merged, if the mental power can be used as little as possible, then use less.

This is conducive to the speed of fusion.

This was Xiaoqiuqiu's original words, and Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to comply.

After being kissed by Qin Shaofeng, Zhao Yuner hurriedly left with a red face.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care either, because at that time his attention was all on those storage bags.

In addition to medicinal materials, those storage bags also have a lot of refining materials.

Of course Qin Shaofeng was not refining tools for himself, he planned to refine a piece of equipment for Zhao Yuner.

For Zhao Yuner's situation, the small ball is the most clear.

Therefore, Xiaoqiuqiu knows what kind of preparations can be made to suit Zhao Yuner's star power.

It's not that there are no people who can cultivate the power of the stars in the system store, and the preparations used, but the price is still good.

Well, by the way, I was refining some handy weapons for Du Meng and Tang Qijian.

However, I am afraid that it will be delayed.

Speaking of Du Meng and Tang Qijian, they seemed to be struggling for the second place.

The most helpless thing is that following the army, the two have yet to decide the outcome.

No, the two went into the Black Point Mountain Range again, saying that if they can't decide who is the second one this time, they won't come out.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

Is a second child like this?

That's the second and second child!

Originally, Qin Shaofeng still wanted to let the two of them decide whether to become their dependents.

Now it's good again, postponed!

There is one more postponed, naturally it is Tiger Lord.

Although Qin Shaofeng was confident that even in his own state at the moment, he could defeat that Lian Chengjiang, but just in case, Qin Shaofeng didn't let Tiger Master merge the super demon chess pieces.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu, if a low-level monster like Tiger Lord Tiger Roaring Lion merges with a super-devil chess piece, it will probably fall into evolution directly and sleep for a while.

Because this Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to wait and find some time for Master Tiger to fuse the super demon chess pieces.

After three days of recuperation, Qin Shaofeng was finally free to move around.

However, he still couldn't use his spiritual knowledge and spiritual power, and Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to go out and go around.

After coming out, Qin Shaofeng slowly understood the current situation.

This time the Three Kingdoms War, a series of things happened unexpectedly.

If it weren’t for the fact that Qianshanzong started to enter the sect for assessment, I’m afraid that the war between Lianyang Kingdom and Yinyue Kingdom would be going on for a while.

However, although the war is now over, Lianyang and Yinyue have begun to pimp.

Nothing else, just for the Black Martial Kingdom!

The destruction of the Black Martial Kingdom has become a reality, and the entire Black Martial King family, the Black Family, has been slaughtered by the Zi Family.

No, wrong!

When they left Guyun City that day, the Heiwu prince who came to ask for help met by a group of Lianyang Academy actually survived in the end and became the only seedling of the Heiwu king clan.

It is precisely because of this that the Lianyang royal family under the banner of the prince, which is the last royal family of the Black Martial Kingdom, began to summon the remaining forces of the Black Martial Kingdom.

Although it is a residual force, once gathered, it is also a number of people with good combat power.

Yinyue Nation naturally wouldn’t sit idly by. It was hard to win the Black Martial Kingdom. If we follow the practice of the Lianyang Kingdom, once the remaining prince of the Black Martial Kingdom does something to restore the country, the fun will be great. .

Because once so, would Yinyue Nation dare to prevent the prince from returning to the country?

The Thousand Mountain Sect had already expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the Black Martial King Clan of the Silver Moon Kingdom was forced to live and die.

In other cases, Qianshanzong would not ask.

But I don't know why, something seems to have happened this time, causing Qianshan Sect to not only advance the entrance examination, but even lower the requirements.

The original Qianshan Sect's requirement for the appraiser was that he was under twenty years old, and his cultivation level would eventually reach the first level of the legend.

But now, that cultivation base requirement has not changed, it is still the lowest legendary requirement, but the age has been increased to thirty years old.

Obviously something unusual happened to the Qianshan Sect, which caused them to add a lot of fresh blood.

Therefore, the Black Martial Kingdom was destroyed, and Qianshan Sect was very dissatisfied.

Although Yinyue Kingdom was not punished, there were many verbal warnings.

So once that prince resumed his country, Yinyue Nation did not dare to stop him.

Of course, the premise is that the prince can really restore the country.

But is it possible?

Regardless of how Lianyang King Clan helped the Heiwu King in this way, in fact, the purpose of Lianyang King Clan's doing this was to get a share of the Yinyue Kingdom.

The area of ​​the Black Martial Kingdom is not small. If you can get some, expanding the territory of your own country will be a great thing for King Lianyang.

Therefore, it is impossible for the prince to restore his country.

Yinyue Kingdom also understood this, so even if it was itching to hate, he finally negotiated with Lian Yangguo.

The final result came out.

The territory of the Black Martial Kingdom, even the Yang Kingdom and the Yinyue Kingdom are one and half people!

For such a result, Yinyue Kingdom did not agree to it at first, but when Lianyang Kingdom made a fuss with the purple moon night, and said that at this time, the old part of the Black Martial Kingdom had already gathered many people, Yinyue Kingdom finally agreed. .

It can be said that although this war was initiated by the Silver Moon Kingdom, the ultimate victory belonged to the Lianyang Kingdom.

But in the same way, the practice of Lianyangguo made Yinyueguo hate Lianyangguo even more.

Although Yinyue Nation didn't dare to do it now, once the examination of Qianshan Sect's entrance to the sect was over, what would happen would be unknown.

After learning these news, Qin Shaofeng had to sigh, even the royal family of Yang is really good at playing!

But if Qin Shaofeng knew that such a method was only used by a girl who was the opposite of his age, he would not know how he thought about it.

What Qin Shaofeng didn't even knew was that the young girl who appeared in front of him at this moment was the key figure in the final victory of Lian Yang Kingdom.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng looked at the girl in front of him, his face was stunned, as if thinking of something unpleasant.

I rub, have you met this little demon like this?

The little demon girl Qin Shaofeng thought of was not someone else but the little princess Lian Yufeng.

When I thought of the fact that the other party had directly disclosed the killing of Lu Qi to the Lu family, Qin Shaofeng felt uncomfortable, and even the name of the little princess secretly became the little demon girl.

When it comes to the Lu family, one has to mention that at this moment, the Lu family is completely finished.

Can't it be over?

Exposing the relationship between the assassination hall and the Zi family, before the end of the war, the Lu family was sent out by three legendary masters from the Lianyang royal family to slaughter one clean.

This is to avoid the idea that Qin Shaofeng intends to kill the Lu Family himself.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng had no affection for the little princess Lian Yufeng.

In addition, the inexplicable vigilance towards Lian Yufeng in the first meeting made Qin Shaofeng subconsciously not want to contact him.

As soon as he saw the other party at this moment, Qin Shaofeng turned around and planned to leave directly.

He didn't even see Lian Yufeng at all.

But at the moment when Qin Shaofeng lifted his footsteps, the little princess Lian Yufeng smiled slightly and said playfully, "Hey, Qin Shaofeng, how do you treat your benefactor?"

Come on, it's hard to go now!

A trace of helplessness flashed across his face, Qin Shaofeng turned around, but said: "Benefactor? Oh, the little princess has said it? Why don't I remember a benefactor like you!"

The last sentence of benefactor was emphasized by Qin Shao's style, which obviously meant something.

The little princess Lian Yufeng smiled indifferently and said, "Don't remember? Qin Shaofeng, you are too sad for your family. But if they help you solve an enemy, you just repay them like this?"


After hearing Lian Yufeng's words, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, and then he understood.

It seems that the Lu Family was destroyed, it should have come from this little demon girl's handwriting.

But for such kindness, Qin Shaofeng didn't appreciate it, but in his heart vaguely felt that the little princess Lian Yufeng had some bad thoughts about him.

Uh, this is naturally not about ideas between men and women.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to continue acting stupidly.


Qin Shaofeng gave a startled suspicion, and then asked with a bewildered face: "What the **** do you say, little princess? Why can't I understand a word?"


The little princess was furious, but she seemed to think of something. She gritted her teeth and said, "Qin Shaofeng has yours!"

Qin Shaofeng pretended to be stupid like this, even Yufeng really couldn't help him.

She originally thought that she would tell her about the Lu Family, and then Qin Shaofeng would question herself angrily. In this way, she would be able to let Qin Shaofeng fall into the trap according to the idea she had planned long ago.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng not only didn't get angry, but he even refused to admit it.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's confused face at the moment, as if he really didn't know what he was talking about, even Yufeng couldn't wait to raise his small fist and punch it hard.

As expected, Qin Shaofeng is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

She moved slightly in her heart and smiled. The next moment, the little princess Lian Yufeng calmed down, and she never saw her previous anger.

This made Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little, and at the same time he became more vigilant towards the little princess in his heart.

Sure enough, she was a little demon girl, who could control her emotions so quickly.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm afraid I didn't believe it myself, did this little demon girl just get angry?

After seeing that little princess Lian Yufeng smiled lightly, she said to Qin Shaofeng: "Forget it, don't talk about this, I will tell you directly, this time I am looking for you, I want you to join our Uranus Party of!"

Want me to join the Uranus Party?

A trace of doubt flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and he was very puzzled.

This time I was really puzzled.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng has never met about joining the college gang. Some gangs have approached him before, but Qin Shaofeng refused one by one.

Even in the end, Qin Shaofeng even let out the words, he didn't join any gangs, and then those gangs stopped thinking.

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe that the little princess Lian Yufeng didn't know about this. What purpose did she have at this moment?

Qin Shaofeng didn't understand, but it was the same whether he understood or understood.

Because he will not join the Uranus Party.

With a light smile, Qin Shaofeng planned to refuse.

But before he could speak, the little princess Lian Yufeng seemed to see through his thoughts, and said softly, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised.

"Don't rush to refuse, I can tell, if you join the Uranus Party, the princess promises you a place in the great luck array, you should really want to enter the great luck array, right?"

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