Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 310: Lian Chengjiang's anger

A place to enter the Qiyun Array?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a strange light when the little princess Lian Yufeng said so.

If someone else said to Qin Shaofeng like this, promising him a place in the Qi Luck Array, Qin Shaofeng would just listen.

But the person in front of him was the little princess Lian Yufeng.

Reminiscent of the little princess Lian Yufeng's status in Lianyang Kingdom and the people she represented behind her, Qin Shaofeng believed Lian Yufeng's words at this moment.

He really believed that if he really complied with the request of the little princess in front of him, then there would be absolutely no problem with entering the great luck array.


Looking at Lian Yufeng with a smile on his face, Qin Shaofeng suddenly smiled.


Oh, can't I get this place by myself?

Does this little princess still think that Lian Chengjiang will be the opponent?


is it possible?

A faint disdain flashed in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng looked up at the little princess Lian Yufeng and smiled and said, "Thank you, little princess for your kindness. I think I can still get a place in the great luck team. Still not joining!"

For Qin Shaofeng's refusal, a faint surprise flashed in Lian Yufeng's eyes.

But soon, the surprise in Lian Yufeng's eyes turned into an expected smile.

Qin Shaofeng would refuse, and Lian Yufeng was not surprised.

Ever since Qin Shaofeng refused the invitation of all factions, Lian Yufeng knew that Qin Shaofeng would not easily join the Heavenly Kings Party.

This time speaking, it was just a temptation from her.

"is it?"

Lian Yufeng smiled softly, and then as if he was thinking of something, he suddenly said, "Oh, I know, you don't know yet, right?"

Uh, what do you know?

Qin Shaofeng didn't understand for a moment.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's appearance, a strange smile flashed across Lian Yufeng's face.

"It seems you haven't heard of it yet!"

A hint of surprise flashed across Yufeng's face, but Qin Shaofeng looked so fake.

Do you need this expression?

I don’t know, I don’t know!

But without waiting for him to ask anything, even Yufeng sent out a news that surprised him a little bit.

"Then let me tell you, I know that you are very confident and think that with your strength, you can defeat the opponent who competes with you for the place in the great luck. But I heard that, three days ago, your opponent has become Jiang, you have broken through and become a legend!"

Has Lian Chengjiang broke through the legendary realm?

Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly dazed, and he was really surprised by the news.

But if Qin Shaofeng knew that the reason why Lian Chengjiang was able to break through to the legendary realm was related to the beautiful girl who looked at him with a smile in front of him, he would not know what expression he would put on.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng felt calm.


so what?

It's not that I haven't killed him.

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe that Lian Chengjiang, who had just broken through to the legendary realm, could improve his strength.

Three days ago?

It is estimated that Lian Chengjiang has not completely consolidated his realm yet!

Do you need to worry about such an early opponent of Legend One Heavy?

"How is it? Surprised?" Lian Yufeng asked with a slight smile as if seeing Qin Shaofeng's expression on his face.

"Well, I was a little surprised!" Qin Shaofeng nodded honestly.

But when Lian Yufeng wanted to speak again, Qin Shaofeng replied abruptly, "It's a pity that's all!"

That's it?

Qin Shaofeng's sudden words caused Lian Yufeng, who was about to invite him to join the Heavenly Kings Party again, to eat a bit and bit his tongue.

What about that?

This Qin Shaofeng is really disgusting!

She was slightly angry in her heart, but then Lian Yufeng frowned slightly.

Something is wrong, why am I so angry today?

Looking up at Qin Shaofeng, Lian Yufeng gritted his teeth fiercely, only to find the other party's squinted eyes.

Damn, this Qin Shaofeng did it on purpose!

Qin Shaofeng is really not easy to make me angry so casually.

"Hmph, it's up to you, this princess will say it once, if you regret it, you can come to me at any time!" After that, even Yufeng turned around and left with some irritation.

Seeing Lian Yufeng leaving, Qin Shaofeng naturally knew what the other party meant by regret.

Regret for refusing this time?

Perhaps it is to say that you regret your confidence in your own strength and underestimate your opponent this time?

Probably all!

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, his heart very calm.


No need at all!

Because I won!

He raised his head again and glanced at the distant figure, and then Qin Shaofeng also turned and left.

But what Qin Shaofeng didn't expect was that he only met a short distance away, someone who surprised him a little.

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared in front of him with an angry expression, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to say.

I just talked about this guy, why did he show up the next moment?

Isn't this even Chengjiang blocking me on purpose?

Lian Chengjiang!

That's right, the person who suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng was that Lian Chengjiang.

Lian Chengjiang was very angry at this moment!

Three days ago, he used a pill that he obtained from the little princess Lian Yufeng.

That pill was the old teacher of Lianyang Country, made from the bear of the earth and some rare and precious materials.

Even with Lian Chengjiang's identity and status, obtaining such an elixir was hard-won.

Originally, according to Lian Chengjiang's plan, this pill would not be taken until he entered the Qi Luck Array and broke through to the legendary realm.

Because in the final analysis, this pill can only be used by people who have entered the legendary realm to exert its maximum effect.

But because of Qin Shaofeng's appearance, his quota for entering the Qi Luck Array has become extremely unstable from the original 100%.

But thinking of Qin Shaofeng's strength, Lian Chengjiang could only endure the pain in the end and took the pill in advance.

In the end, as he expected, he successfully broke through to the legendary realm.

However, as long as Lian Cheng Jiang knew about it and took it in advance, the pill did not show even one-third of its efficacy and was wasted.

As a result, Lian Chengjiang naturally hated Qin Shaofeng even more.

And just now, Lian Chengjiang saw that the little princess he liked again invited Qin Shaofeng to join the Heavenly Kings Party.

And the most incredible thing is that the little princess actually publicly stated that as long as Qin Shaofeng joins the Heavenly Kings Party, he can enter the great luck array.

This was a huge blow to Lian Chengjiang.

Because now the quota of the Qi Luck Array has been completely determined.

Although still a little uncertain, even if he and Qin Shaofeng are the same.

But in any case, among the twelve places that entered the Qi Luck Array, one of them belonged to Qin Shaofeng's victory.

If according to what the little princess said, once Qin Shaofeng agreed and joined their heavenly kings party, wouldn't it mean that the place between him and Qin Shaofeng belonged to Qin Shaofeng?

And he even Cheng Jiang this time, he was afraid that he would not be able to enter the great fortune array.

Isn't this a huge blow to Lian Chengjiang?

But Lian Chengjiang did not blame the little princess Lian Yufeng, he instead pushed all the faults on Qin Shaofeng.

Although there is still some time before the battle between the two of them.

But now Lian Chengjiang couldn't help it anymore. He must teach Qin Shaofeng a lesson today so that Qin Shaofeng knows how powerful Lian Chengjiang is.

Therefore, when the little princess Lian Yufeng left, Lian Chengjiang blocked Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng hasn't seen it for a long time!"

Looking at the face that was not pleasing to the eye, even Cheng Jiangyinyang said something strange.

But what Lian Chengjiang didn't expect was that his voice just fell off, but Qin Shaofeng didn't even hear a glance at all. He stepped forward and walked sideways past him.


Completely ignored!

This made Lian Chengjiang feel a great shame in his heart.

Qin Shaofeng actually ignored him so much?

"Qin Shaofeng stop for me!" Lian Chengjiang roared abruptly.

But Qin Shaofeng remained unmoved and continued to walk.


His figure flashed, this time Lian Chengjiang flashed directly in front of Qin Shaofeng, stopping Qin Shaofeng again, his face was somber and in a low voice, "Qin Shaofeng, I told you to stop, didn't you hear it?"

At this moment, Lian Chengjiang's emotions were obviously extremely excited.

No, or the anger is extreme.

The aura that angered into the body could no longer be suppressed, pouring out a little.

Violent and fierce!

Just like Lian Chengjiang's mood at the moment.

At this time, many people around have noticed the situation here.

"Look, that is Lian Chengjiang and... Qin Shaofeng?"

"I wiped and looked at the posture, this is going to be a fight!"

"No, I heard that Lian Cheng Jiang just broke through to the legendary realm, this Qin Shaofeng dare to provoke him?"

"Hey, if it's someone else, I wouldn't dare, but don't forget Qin Shaofeng's performance in the exchange match!"


Surprised, puzzled, and gleeful gazes instantly gathered on Qin Shaofeng and Lian Chengjiang, and there were already discussions around them.

He didn't care about others' gazes or what Lian Chengjiang looked like at the moment. Qin Shaofeng glanced at Lian Chengjiang indifferently, and said faintly, "I heard it!"

"I heard it? Then you don't stop?" Lian Chengjiang became even more angry.

But Qin Shaofeng sneered directly: "Stop? Who are you when you are Lian Chengjiang? If you tell me to stop, I'm going to stop?"


As soon as Qin Shaofeng said this, the surrounding discussion became more intense.

"I rub, this Qin Shaofeng is a cow, so he dare to talk to Lian Chengjiang like this!"

"Just kidding, when you were in that exchange match, the people Qin Shaofeng killed were all fakes!"

"Hey, I don't care about the others, I only know that there is a good show coming!"


Qin Shaofeng didn't care what identity Lian Chengjiang had, or whether he was a master in the legendary realm.

This Lian Cheng Jiang was here to find fault, how could Qin Shaofeng have a good expression on him?

But no doubt Qin Shaofeng's attitude made Lian Chengjiang furious.

"Very well, Qin Shaofeng, you are fine!"

With a low growl, if it were not for the academy's rules, Lian Chengjiang would have already attacked Qin Shaofeng at this moment.

Since stepping into the legendary realm, Lian Chengjiang can be said to have soared in self-confidence, asking himself that with his current strength, he can completely crush Qin Shaofeng.

But the problem is that the college does not allow students to fight to death.

Otherwise, even if he was in Lianyang State, he would still be punished.

Now that the Qi Luck Array is opening, many people are staring at the twelve places. After they have not entered the Qi Luck Array, even if the quota is set, there may be renewed waves.

Lian Chengjiang didn't want to lose his qualifications to enter the great luck array because of his anger.

So no matter how angry he was at Qin Shaofeng in his heart, he did not attack Qin Shaofeng.

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