Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 318: Small Five Elements Qi Luck Array

As soon as he entered the pale golden mist, Qin Shaofeng felt the space in front of him, and appeared in a world full of pale golden light.

They are all pale golden lights, and these lights are all strands, as if strips of gold color bands cover the entire space world in front of them.

The small ball appeared long ago and sat on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder.

Looking at the surrounding scene at the moment, the small ball pointed at the golden light, and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Look at this as the so-called luck?"


These are luck?

Seeing the gleam of gold in front of him, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but ask: "No! Didn't you say the little ball? Is this luck that you can't see or touch? Why are you talking about the gold in front of you? Is the ribbon luck?"

"Hmph, I knew you would ask like that!"

I knew your appearance a long time ago. I snorted triumphantly, and then said: "Qiyun is indeed invisible, but some formations, even this five-element Qiyun formation, can help What appears to be agglomerated formation, not to mention such colored ribbons, even if a solid crystal of air luck appears, it is nothing strange."

Crystal of luck?

Qin Shaofeng was very concerned about the words that popped out of Xiaoqiuqi's mouth. After asking, Qin Shaofeng understood.

Just as Xiaoqiuqiu said, although air luck is intangible, it can be condensed and presented through special means.

The light golden ribbon in front of him is just the most visualized state of luck.

If it gathers a lot of air transport, it can condense solid air transport crystals. This kind of air luck crystal is called the air luck spar.

Qi Yun spar has many functions, the most obvious of which is that it can accelerate the speed of cultivation and let people cultivate. Not only is the speed extremely fast, but it is also extremely solid, and there is no drawback like the improvement of the pill.

And it doesn’t even need time to consolidate it, anyway, there are many benefits.

But in the same way, the crystallization of luck is not so easy to appear.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, it is impossible to crystallize qi luck in the five elements qi luck formation before him.

The reason is simple, it is that even the air luck of a country in Yang is not enough to condense a crystal of air luck.

Unless it is ignoring the weakness of Lianyang's national fortune, and forcibly extracting all the air fortune in Lianyang, this will barely condense a crystal of air fortune.

But the consequences of doing so, I am afraid that within three months, the Lianyang country that has been drawn all the luck will be ruined, and there will be countless deaths and injuries.

As for how it will end, that's not necessarily true.

Perhaps it was a natural disaster, perhaps the Blackhorn Mountain monster beasts aggressively attacked Lianyang Country, or the Silver Moon Nation suddenly appeared a bunch of strong people, which completely crushed Lianyang Country.

Anything will happen anyway, and the only thing that remains the same is that Lianyang Kingdom will definitely perish.

Of course, such a situation is simply impossible.

Because at the beginning, the Great Emperor Lianyang deployed this Five Elements Qi Luck Array in order to allow the Lianyang Kingdom to exist for a long time. Unless the Great Emperor Lianyang reappears, I am afraid that no one can forcibly extract the luck of the Lianyang Kingdom.

However, there is now one person, Qin Shaofeng.

Back then, the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation was obtained by the Great Emperor Lian Yang from the old alchemist. Qin Shaofeng inherited the inheritance of the old alchemist, and naturally knew that this was a great fortune formation.

And even if you don’t know that there are small **** around you, you can still forcibly extract Lian Yang’s luck to condense the so-called crystallization of luck.

However, Qin Shaofeng would never do this.

For one thing, because this Lianyang State is also the country where he was born, Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't want to see Lianyang State's destruction.

Another point, and the most important point, is that Qi Luck is always the most mysterious force between heaven and earth. Although humans can use it a little bit, they are not absolutely in control.

It is Tiandi Dadao that really controls luck.

The avenue is ruthless and meaningless!

However, the most obvious point is that Dadao is stingy.

It will never allow things that belong to its own control to be completely controlled by others.

You can take advantage of it a little bit, but if you want to take it for yourself, you're embarrassed.

Just like this kind of luck, you can get some and use some, but if it exceeds the scope, you have to pay an absolute price.

Once Qin Shaofeng has exhausted the breath of Lianyang State, not only will Lianyang State Council be over, he himself will also suffer a great disaster. Whether he can survive it depends on his own destiny.

Qin Shaofeng was a little disappointed when he understood that there would be no luck crystallization in the Five Elements Qi Luck Array.

As soon as Xiaoqiuqiu talked about the crystallization of luck, he was tempted.

It's a pity that I can't get it no matter how much I feel it.

After a while, Qin Shaofeng followed Xiaoqiuqiu's instructions and started looking for Zhao Yuner.

The Five Elements Qi Luck Formation is a space of its own. The space inside is very large and it is difficult to figure out the direction.

Because luck is everywhere, even if you are face to face, it is difficult for you to see others.

However, Xiaoqiu made some tricks on Zhao Yuner beforehand, leaving a trace of its own breath.

With this breath, coupled with my own understanding of the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation, there is absolutely no problem finding Zhao Yuner.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng found Zhao Yuner.

Zhao Yuner obeyed Xiaoqiuqiu's instructions, and after entering the big formation, she didn't move. At this moment, seeing Qin Shaofeng finally found her, she was very happy.

"Shao Feng, you are here!"

With a happy cry, Zhao Yuner ran to Qin Shaofeng's side with a smile on her face.

This makes the ball upset.

Obviously it is my credit, Guan Da Devil is a shit!

Feeling unhappy, the small ball directly interrupted Zhao Yun'er's joy, and said angrily: "Okay, don't waste time, hurry into the depths of this large array of air luck, and then start to absorb air luck and improve your own Strength is the most important thing, what's the point of haggling!"

Facing Xiaoqiuqiu's discomfort, Zhao Yuner gently spit out her pink and tender tongue, which was so cute that Qin Shaofeng's eyes became straight.

However, when he thought of the next thing, he still had to rely on the small ball, Qin Shaofeng quickly came back sober and followed the small ball to the depths of the formation.

But during the period, Qin Shaofeng's mind was full of that tender little fragrant tongue.

Whenever I think of it, my throat is involuntarily agitated, and I don't even know what unsuitable scenes are in my mind.


The place that Xiaoqiuqiu looks for is not the most central area of ​​the five elements of Qi Luck Array, but the most suitable place for what it will do next.

After searching for a while, the ball finally stopped.

"Well, that's it!"

After flying several laps in one place, the small ball said to Qin Shaofeng with satisfaction.


Qin Shaofeng was speechless, but he didn't say anything, because he knew that Xiaoqiuqiu was an expert in this aspect.

"Okay, you have the final say!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then took out something from his storage ring.

The Five Elements Qi Luck Formation is dominated by Emperor Lianyang. If he absorbs the Qi Luck at will, it can completely tie his own breath to this Lianyang Kingdom.

And from now on, in terms of air transport, Lianyang Kingdom and Emperor Lianyang will be the mainstay for life, which is equivalent to a slave in air transport.

Such a situation is obviously not acceptable to Qin Shaofeng, and I am afraid that even if he thinks, the small ball will not allow it.

Because once that happened, Qin Shaofeng's own luck would all be attributed to Lianyang State.

In this way, it was restricted by the Lianyang State.

Under this circumstance, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation will definitely be extremely limited, so how can it expect that Qin Shaofeng's cultivation will become stronger and his original world will be improved, and finally achieve the wish of resurrecting his master?

Therefore, some special measures must be taken to absorb the luck of Lianyang. In this regard, the small ball also has a way.

The method of the small ball is actually very simple, that is, in the five element gas luck array, once again arrange a small five element gas luck array.

Qin Shaofeng is the mainstay of this small five-element qi fortune formation. In this way, absorbing Lianyang's qi fortune will not be restrained by the five-element qiyun.

This approach is extremely concise.

But in the end there was a problem. The problem was the layout of the small Five Elements Qiyun Array.

There are many materials for the layout of the Five Elements Qi Luck Array, and it is very broad. For the same position, dozens or even hundreds of materials can be used instead.

With the level of these materials, a five-element qi luck array with strong and weak levels can be arranged.

It's a pity that there are a lot of materials and it's very broad, only for the original continent.

In this Lianyang country, there are almost no materials that are suitable for the arrangement of the Five Elements Qiyun Array.

Since the Five Elements Qi Luck Array is called the Five Elements, it naturally needs materials with five attributes.

Among the large number of five-element materials given by Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng finally pointed to three types, namely pyrophosphate, ice grass, and scented wood.

These three were already at a level that couldn't be lower, but even so, Zhao Yuner got Fragrant Wood from that father that day.

As for the remaining gold and earth materials, they could be replaced by the remnants of Qin Shaofeng's refining of Xuanhuangshi.

The level of Xuan Huangshi is not low, and it has two attributes, which fully meets the requirements of the Five Elements Qi Luck Formation.

Although it is only the leftover material after refining, but in serious comparison, it is actually higher than the three materials of flintite.

And it was precisely because of the existence of Xuanhuangshi, otherwise it would not be able to get together, because the material that matched the gold series, Lian Yang Kingdom did not appear at all.

I don't know how the Great Emperor Lianyang arranged such a huge Five Elements Qi Luck Array in front of him, which made Qin Shaofeng puzzled.

In accordance with Xiaoqiuqiu's instructions, Qin Shaofeng arranged the materials to form a small five-element qi luck array with a radius of only three meters.

This is already the limit, and even if it weren't for the remnants of the black yellow stone, the area would have to be doubled.

After the formation was set up, the small ball said to Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er with solemn expressions: "I repeat, the small five-element air transport formations arranged with these **** materials can only last for an hour at the time. , The two of you must stop absorbing qi luck, or else you two’s qi luck will be tied to death by this large five-element qi luck formation outside.”

"Furthermore, this method can only be used opportunistically once, and the second time you will suffer the backlash of the five elements of fortune. It will not succeed at all. Therefore, you have at most one hour of time, remember? "

"Well, remember!"

Seeing that Xiaoqiuqiu said so seriously, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yuner naturally did not dare to be careless.

"Well, that's good!"

Seeing the serious faces of Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er, Xiaoqiuqiu nodded in satisfaction, and then the fleshy little hand made a light beckon, hitting a dim light, and it landed on the small Five Elements Qi Luck Formation.


With a low drink, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er only felt that the space around them changed for a while, and then the small Five Elements Qi Luck Array opened.

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