Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 319: Leap skill proficiency

In the small Five Elements Qi Luck Formation, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er looked at the changes in their surroundings, and they seemed to loose their bodies inexplicably.

As soon as this feeling appeared, the two of them naturally had the Five Elements Qi Luck array isolated.

The two of them didn't dare to neglect. The time was tight and there was only one hour. Naturally, they wouldn't waste it and start to absorb them. The wisps of light gold that had appeared around their bodies brought luck.

When the two began to absorb the air luck, the small ball from the outside just saw it, and a gust of wind suddenly blew around, and countless light gold ribbons swept over, and was completely absorbed by the small five element air luck array in front of them.

Seeing this scene, the ball nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, there is no problem, but it succeeded. It seems that Master Everbright is still great! Haha!"

Soon, there was a big laugh from a little thing, and the laughter was full of immense pride.

However, even so, Xiaoqiuqiu still watched the situation vigilantly. As long as the small five-element Qi Luck array, whenever something went wrong, it would immediately notify Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yuner in the formation.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er, who are in the small Five Elements Qi Luck Array, have been surrounded by pale golden light, but both have undergone tremendous changes.

Especially Qin Shaofeng, the moment he absorbed the light of Qi Luck, he got a system prompt.

"System prompt: As the player Qin Shaofeng is blessed by mysterious power, his skill proficiency has been improved."

After this system prompt, Qin Shaofeng immediately got a series of system prompts.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's skill Yijinjing proficiency increased by 100 points, currently 3576 points!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's skill, Xiao Li's flying knife proficiency increased by 100 points, currently 11075 points!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for improving his proficiency in writing round eyes by 300 points, currently 3,500 points!"

"system hint:……"

These successive ding-dong sounds stunned Qin Shaofeng in an instant.

Quickly set the system prompt sound to mute, and Qin Shaofeng was ecstatic.

"Haha, I was right by the little thing called Xiaoqiuqiu, this luck can really quickly improve my skill proficiency!"

Qin Shaofeng said excitedly, and then his gaze fell on his attribute interface, to see if it would increase his proficiency by one hundred, two hundred, or three hundred points.

This increased speed is almost flying, making Qin Shaofeng really happy.

Although the proficiency of each skill has been improved differently, Qin Shaofeng estimated that some of his skills will be improved by one level soon.

Even in this situation, he might be two-level!

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng took the time to take a look. The attributes of Zhao Yuner next to him found that the situation was the same, but relatively speaking, he was not as exaggerated as himself.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't notice it, and he seemed to have nothing to do.

Because only by maintaining the absorption of these qi luck, the skill proficiency will continue to increase, and he does not need to deliberately cultivate.

For a while, Qin Shaofeng was a little bored.

No way, in the end Qin Shaofeng could only run to the system store.

However, Qin Shaofeng can only take a look at the system store now.

Because now he doesn't have many points anymore.

After Tang Qijian possessed the swordsmanship, Qin Shaofeng deliberately bought a flying sword from the system store for Tang Qijian.

After Tang Qijian got that flying sword, he showed ecstasy in front of Du Meng for the first time, and shouted directly at the flying sword: "Good sword! Good sword!"

Qin Shaofeng heard it, but it hurts.

Could it be bad?

This is a real flying sword!

Although it wasn't the kind of flying sword of the sword fairy like Fei Tian Dundi, it was not simple. Under the division of the system, it was a five-star level.

Of course, a penny for the goods, such a level of flying sword, directly cut Qin Shaofeng's three million points, Qin Shaofeng's heart is called a depressed!

But thinking of the importance of Feijian to Tang Qijian, he finally reluctantly bought it.

However, because of this, Qin Shaofeng didn't give Tang Qijian the Ziyun sword with the inheritance of Ziyun Sword Sovereign.

In fact, after possessing a spiritual root like Jianxin, Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that it was not recommended to let Tang Qijian inherit the inheritance of Ziyun Jianzun.

Because this is likely to limit the sword heart of Tang Qijian, Tang Qijian, who possesses the swordsmanship, can already rely on his own comprehension and use his sword heart to comprehend other sword skills.

Under such circumstances, although Ziyun Jianzun's inheritance was strong, it was a hindrance to Tang Qijian.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng bought a flying sword in the end and gave it to Tang Qijian, and now he only had 230,000 points left.

After visiting the system store for almost half an hour, Qin Shaofeng found that something was wrong.

After opening his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng discovered that he did not know when his proficiency in those skills had stopped growing.

This made Qin Shaofeng suddenly remember that Xiaoqiuqiu told himself the limit.

"After all, this Lianyang State is just not that big and not strong. Even if you have enough luck, it will have a limit to your improvement. Once you reach the limit, it should have no effect on you!"

These are the original words of Xiaoqiuqiu. At this moment Qin Shaofeng called out a curse.

"I wipe it, it won't be like this, this is the limit of the continuous national air luck to me, right?"

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe it in his heart, but after sitting there for a while, he found that the proficiency of all his skills had not increased.

At this moment, he was finally convinced that he really reached the limit.

Looking back at Yun'er, who was still in the process of cultivating, Qin Shaofeng didn't say any more, just got up and walked aside.

Although it was only a small Five Elements Qi Luck Formation, the space inside was somewhat spacious. In order not to affect Zhao Yun'er, Qin Shaofeng naturally had to go a little further.

"Sister, it's no wonder Xiaoqiuqiu always says that Lianyangguo is a small place, and now it seems like that!" Qin Shaofeng whispered angrily after walking away.

Obviously, our young master Qin was very dissatisfied with this time for only half an hour!

However, after seeing his skills at the moment, Qin Shaofeng finally laughed.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it! It's only half an hour that my skills have changed so much, which is really cool!"

The change is really big!

Almost all of Qin Shaofeng's skills that can be upgraded at this moment have changed.

The alchemy has been upgraded again, and now it has reached the heavenly five-star level.

Alchemy: Special skills, special techniques created by the old man of alchemy. After practicing, you can condense cloud pills in the pubic field, possessing the internal pill fire, and integrating alchemy tools. It is a powerful practice method, but it is an initial practice. When the level is low, it requires constant practice to improve.

The current five-star level: level 3, 900320/1000000, can condense five cloud pills, which can control the fire of the pill to attack.

The celestial five-star pill scripture allowed Qin Shaofeng to condense five cloud pill.

Five cloud pills, that is equivalent to five yuan pills.

Moreover, now that the alchemy is promoted to the holy level, it is not far away, and only less than 100,000 points of proficiency are left.

And the proficiency of the alchemy may be improved by tempering and forging the alchemy, 100,000 points of proficiency, as long as Qin Shaofeng is intentional, it will not take long to reach it.

The Golden Eye has also been upgraded. It can be regarded as the light of insight bonus of the small ball. Qin Shaofeng is now Level 6 with Golden Eye.

Fiery Eye Gold Eye: Level 6 3120/1000000, God-level active skill, a famous stunt of Monkey King Monkey King. The current level is level 6 (actually level 5, increased by 1 level by the light of insight), you can explore the basic information of characters under the three-dimensional realm, and have a chance to obtain certain weak points of the opponent. At the same time, it can detect all the item information below the holy level. Every time it is cast, it consumes one thousand internal energy points.

(Note: Level 6 Golden Eye can consume 10,000 points of internal energy per minute, open the field of perception of Golden Eye, and gain insight into all information in a 500-meter radius, and contract wizards must cooperate.)

The detection range of Level 6 Fiery Eye Golden Eye is increasing, and it is already the basic information for all characters below the Triple Realm.

And the detection range has also become larger, from the previous 300 meters to 500 meters.

This greatly increases the understanding of the enemy's actions!

This made Qin Shaofeng very happy, but when he saw the three skills of Wukongshu, Xiaoli Flying Sword, and Yi Jinjing, Qin Shaofeng was unhappy.

"I am dizzy, these three skills have not improved?"

Qin Shaofeng was depressed. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade all his skills by one level, but it was obviously not realistic.

However, the proficiency of these three 4th level skills has also increased a lot. The air dance technique has reached more than 60,000 points, and the distance to upgrade is less than 40,000.

Xiao Li Fei Dao was due to Qin Shaofeng's frequent deaths. Now it has reached more than 70,000 points, and only less than 30,000 points are left before Level 5 Xiao Li Fei Dao is upgraded.

As for Yi Jin Jing, it is still difficult to improve the proficiency. After this time, it is still less than 50,000 points, and the distance to upgrade is half the difference.

However, Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised by the upgrade of the five-star skill Ling Bo Weibu that day.

Lingbo Microstep: Full level, Heavenly five-star active skill, Xiaoyao faction's unique light technique footwork, this footwork is exquisite and unusual, can avoid the attack of many enemies, and can transform up to eight phantoms, but consumes a lot of spiritual energy. The current level is at full level. After casting, it consumes 10,000 aura points per minute, and each phantom needs to consume an additional 50,000 aura points.

Full level!

With this improvement in Qi Luck, Ling Bo Weibu actually rose to full level.

Moreover, Lingbo's microsteps in the full-level state can actually transform eight phantoms.

When he saw this, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, and his figure flickered, and eight phantoms appeared instantly around him.

Those phantoms are lifelike, and they have the same breath as their own.

Qin Shaofeng was very satisfied.

After dispelling these phantoms, Qin Shaofeng continued to look down, and finally found something that surprised him extremely.

One hundred and eight yoga poses broke through!

Yoga 108 poses: Special skills, with 108 poses. After successful practice, it can strengthen the player's physique and improve the player's training aptitude. After completing one hundred and eight movements, he can have a strong physique comparable to gods. Player Qin Shaofeng's current state: He has successfully cultivated the twelfth formula.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this 108-style breakthrough in yoga. What Qin Shaofeng really cared about was that after this breakthrough, he found that his spiritual root thunder body had actually improved.

Talented spirit root: body of thunder (third rank spirit root)

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