Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3226: civil war

With the appearance of those people, the civil war of the sect of the Seven Star Gate officially began.

Within a short period of time, the Seven Star Gate was enveloped in blood.

The wife of the doormaster, Lingyu, who had disappeared in the eyes of the Seven Star Gate for decades, made a strong move, with the cultivation base of the seventh-order holy star, and strongly suppressed most of the civil strife.

Rao is so.

The horrible fight is still going on for a long time.

Especially the battles in the four veins of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianquan, Yuheng, and Yaoguang, who are responsible for guarding the base of the formation, are the fiercest.

One by one, the traitors also appeared constantly in the life and death battle.

Often the appearance of an internal traitor will cause casualties to several people who are committed to the center of the sect.

The two channels of Tianshu and Tianxuan are nothing.

But the situation of Tianquan and Yuheng became weird.

The star master family of the Tianquan line had indeed been wooed long ago, and even when they gathered the staff last night, most of their disciples came.

At the beginning of the battle, most of the disciples became indifferent.

Even the line of Tianquan just entered the war.

Except for the Star Master Family and some high-powered combat power, almost all the disciples were killed and wounded.

The battle is also the fiercest place in the formation that belongs to the line of heaven.

The Star Master Family took the initiative to attack, making the battle here go directly to the most serious degree from the moment it started.

But the battle here was the most serious, and the casualties were the most severe, but the elders who were responsible for guarding the formation did not take any action.

This is just an internal struggle between heaven and power.

The line of Tianshu and Tianxuan, only because of the attacks of the internal traitors and Kaiyang line, caused the number of casualties to increase continuously, but there was no abnormal situation.

As for the approved place, it is even more like an iron bucket.

There are the least rapes here, and even if they have tried their best, there is nothing they can do.

As for the last place, where the civil strife appeared, the battle really seemed very strange.

As Qin Shaofeng knows in the news.

Shaoguang one line can be said that the entire star line has been drawn up.

But it is Yunhaizong who is responsible for drawing this line.

As an internal traitor, Shao Guangyi is naturally unwilling to help Qixingmen do more.

However, this battle was the invasion of the Four Elephant Sects against the Seven-Star Gate. If the Great Formation were to be broken, the power of the Yunhai Sect would not be able to help, and the Seven-Star Gate would definitely fall into the hands of the Four Elephant Sect.

This makes them fight without fighting.

Because of this, their shots can be called fearful.

They didn't want the big formation to be broken, but they were reluctant to get killed or injured on their side, which made them seem very stalemate.

The fighting in all veins continues.

But what they didn't know was that in the darkness of the Seven Star Gate, there were still eyes watching every corner.

In the line of Tianshu, Star Lord Fan Shengxin is not in the Seven Star Gate, but among the group of ordinary disciples, the pupil of an ordinary female disciple who seems to be only a teenager is always paying attention to everyone.

In the line of Heavenly Jade, there are several elders who have appeared early, but are always in a state of observation.

Tianji's line is even more true for everyone.

The entire enemy of the Tianquan line, and even among almost ten disciples, there will be a disciple who looks very ordinary, watching the others carefully.

Yu Heng was in the same vein, but the master's wife Lingyu kept wandering from it.

Shaking the pulse is the worst.

An old man kept walking among the crowd like a phantom.

Those eyes also wandered almost everyone, looking for everyone who was suspicious.

The battle lasted not long.

When Qin Shaofeng and Chen Xing walked into the Tianji Tower, the battle at the Seven Star Gate was almost at its peak.

It's just that the early arrangements make it difficult for those insiders to make any effective responses.

During this period of battle, not only did they fail to break open any part of the formation, but they caused turbulence in their hidden hands.

But they failed to do their work, but it also made the elders responsible for consolidating the big formation, most of them failed to make time to consolidate the big formation.

The members of the Four Elephant Sect outside the Seven Star Gate Mountain Gate were not just waiting for the battle in the Seven Star Gate to end.

There are indeed a lot of insiders.

Among them, the number of strong people is also not a few, but if you want to destroy the Seven Star Gate Array by relying on them alone, you think too much.

After all, the real high-level members of the Seven Star Gate cannot turn back because of their confusion.

Under the leadership of the deputy master of Xuanwu, almost all the strongest attacked them with all their strength when the Qixingmen defense formation was in turmoil.

"Everyone has to work harder, as long as you blast the defense of the Seven Star Gate Mountain Gate, the Seven Star Gate will be at your fingertips!" While the deputy master of Xuanwu took the action himself, he kept shouting loudly.

The bombardment intensity increased again and again.

The defense of the Seven Star Gate is constantly being weakened.

Seeing that the Seven Star Gate's mountain guard formation became weaker and weaker, two rays of light suddenly burst out of the defensive formation.

Xuanwu deputy sect master made the first shot.

However, the cost of sending a message is extremely high, and it is not that you can intercept it if you want to intercept it.

With his cultivation base, there are indeed such methods.

But he needs to prepare in advance, and in this sudden state, they simply can't do it.

The Seven Star Gate guarding the mountain array is colorful, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside world.

The deputy master of Xuanwu knew the situation inside.

But he didn't know that an old man was in the mountain guarding formation, staring at him with a sneer on his face.

"The king of the earth, Yan Tianming, your title is indeed domineering, but do you really have the ability to change your fate against the sky?"

The old man chuckled in a low voice and said, "Since you really think that your thoughts are destiny, the old man will let you know that destiny can be violated at certain times!"

"Pass the order, kill!"

This old man is the previous sect master of the Seven Star Gate, one of today's ancestors, and also one of the most prestigious ancestors, Tianling old man.

Give an order.

Thousands of masters in the core place appeared one after another and scattered.

Their killing is more than just the base.

All those who were identified by them not long ago were all within the scope of their beheading.

Time is still passing slowly.

The battle for the Seven Star Gate is already moving towards the end.

Yan Tianming, the human king outside the mountain protection formation, felt the feeling of becoming more and more difficult to attack, and a sneer appeared in his eyes.

"Did the real strong finally start to take action?"

Yan Tianming smiled and said, "You should still think that the victory or defeat is divided, but you don't know that the action of the old man against you to protect the mountain is just about to start at this time."

"Open it to the old man! Hahaha..."

Yan Tianming laughed constantly.

But the colorful mountain protection formation really shattered completely with his burst.

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