Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3227: Who wins

Qixingmen core mountain range.

Because the formation of the Seven Star Gate guarding the mountain is here, there are more than a hundred people gathered here.

When the war really slowly approached the knot, several ancestors of the Seven Star Gate broke through the barrier.

Three of them came here impressively.

When they first arrived, the three of them were still talking and laughing at the core place that had been calmed down.

next moment.

One of them suddenly slapped the back of the two when they were caught off guard.

The chaos at the Seven Star Gate has reached its extreme.

Even if it seems to have become a little more gentle at first glance, everyone has enough defensive heart, so that his palm failed to severely damage the two.

But because he was caught off guard by this palm, the two of them were blasted away.

next moment.

The strong cultivation base of the fifth-order holy star radiated from this person.

His cultivation was so terrifying, he suddenly sprinted towards the core of this formation like a humanoid star beast.

The faces of more than a hundred people guarding this place were suddenly shocked.

There are even a few people who claim that their cultivation is not weak, and want to step forward to stop this person.

The action was about to start, but there were more than 20 people who suddenly rebelled, and they immediately bombarded their brothers.

These people's attacks seem to be tyrannical, but in fact it is more propelling force.

Zhongzhao was fully on guard.

Although a few of them were seriously injured, none of them fell.

Even if they didn't have serious injuries, when they looked back, sadness appeared in their eyes.

Because of their being attacked, that ancestor-level powerhouse took advantage of the trend.

It's almost between electric light and flint.

The ancestor's attack, with the cooperation of more than twenty people, smashed the core of the formation to pieces.

With ‘Boom! A terrifying sound rang out.

In the sky, the bowl that looked like an inverted buckle hit the mountain and disappeared instantly.

The colorful colors are all eliminated.

"Li Qiuning, what do you old man do?!"

The existence of the two ancestors was immediately furious.

"What do you do? Hehe, the old man was already the core disciple of the Four Elephant Sect 80 years ago. What do you think the old man is doing now?" Li Qiuning laughed.

And the twenty-odd people also gathered around the old man at this moment.

People on the periphery all appeared sad in their eyes at this moment.

Who could have imagined that the Four Elephant Sect's penetration into the Seven Star Gate was as good as Si, and even the ancestor Li Qiuyun became a member of the Four Elephant Sect more than 80 years ago?

How can these things make people not sad?

"Li Qiuning, you are looking for death!"

The two old men were furious, and the same breath as Li Qiuning exploded at the same time.

In an instant, the two attacked Li Qiuning together.

Take two against one.

Li Qiuning could not be the opponent of these two people no matter what.

But Li Qiuning's face didn't even show the slightest fear. When the two of them shot, they put on a defensive armor.

Immediately, a piece of defensive jade slip was crushed again.

The power of heaven and earth was suddenly attracted by the crushed defensive jade slip, forming a translucent defensive shield, covering it.

"What I wear on my body is the top defensive treasure of the Four Elephant Sects. Not to mention that it is the two of you. Even if you add a seventh-order Chenxing child, you can never kill the old man in a short time, just wait for the four elephants. The strong sect comes in, and it is you who die, hahaha..."

"Can the Four Elephants really come here?"

Li Qiuning's laughter was not over yet, and a woman's voice had already sounded near him.

This sentence suddenly attracted Li Qiuning's attention.


Li Qiuning suddenly took a breath.

Although he is one of the ancestors of the Seven Star Gate.

But it was precisely because his status was high enough that he knew that the ancestors of the Seven Star Gate were mostly just powerhouses whose status was elevated.

In terms of pure cultivation, it may not be able to be regarded as the ancestor.

It was among the ancestors he knew.

The only person who is truly qualified to be worthy of these two words is the Tianling old man.

There used to be Ziyu ancestors and Wuming ancestors.

The three of them are the true ancestors of the Seven Star Gate.

The ancestor of Ziyu was a powerful ninth-order saint star, and she forcibly seized the city of Shenhai City from the hands of Qi Yaozong.

The lifeless ancestor may not be as good as his cultivation base, but his fame is greater than that of the Ziyu ancestor.

Just because decades ago, the lifeless ancestor fought with the Xuanwu vice-master of the Four Elephant Sect.

At the beginning, the two of them were the powerhouses of the ninth-order holy star.

Under the First World War, he fought for three days and three nights, blasting many areas into ruins.

After that battle, a sentence appeared on the rivers and lakes of the land of the star.

The pinnacle of Yaoxing has double fate, the four elephants fate to live the king, and the seven stars live in hell.

I don't know who said this sentence, and it has only existed for a short time.

However, this sentence has become the reason why the fame of the ancestor of the lifeless ancestor is instantaneous.

Today's two powerful men have died. Except for the old man Tianling who still has the strength of his ancestors, even if the other ancestors add up, they are far from being compared with today's master couple.

Chenxing and Lingyu have double seventh-order holy stars.

And among them, the one with the strongest cultivation base is only the pinnacle of the sixth-order holy star.

And that one has been alive for too long too long.

Although he hadn't fallen yet, he didn't have many years to live, so that the situation at the Seven Star Gate was still the same now, and he did not stand up.

What he said just now was very arrogant and contemptuous, but he didn't dare to really think that Lingyu would have nothing to do with him.

"Lingyu? Even if you show up here, don't forget that the guarding formation of the Seven Star Gate has been broken by the old man, and our Four Elephant Sect powerhouse is about to rush in." Li Qiuning has already begun to appear in his heart. Fear.

This lady of Lingyu is not a believable man.

It's not a beautiful thing to really rush her over.

"Break open? Are you really breaking the mountain protection formation?"

Listening to his words, Lingyu didn't see any worry in his eyes. Instead, he laughed out loud and said, "It's true that the colorful array is forced, but you still want to break my seven-star array. Too much."

"Colorful array? Seven-star array?"

Li Qiuning's complexion changed drastically, and he subconsciously looked out of the mountain.

The chaos originally in his imagination did not appear.

Even in the place where the killing was supposed to be soaring to the sky, there was not even the sound of shouting to kill. It could even be said that there was no shouting to kill.

"Why... how come back like this?" Li Qiuning seemed to lose all his power in an instant.

"That's why the Star Chasing Gate has a corresponding follow-up. Do you really think that after the Xiaoyao Sect and the Taixu Sect, our Seven Star Gate is really just a little bit of strength on the surface?" Lingyu sneered.

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