Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3237: acquaintance

"Since Elder Chen Ai has said so, it will naturally count."

The worry in Shen Lian's heart disappeared instantly.

Just relying on a star chaser to bear a huge debt of more than four billion is indeed not enough, but if you add a seven star gate with the strength and financial resources of the top forces, the situation will immediately become the opposite.

The support of the two major forces, not to mention only four billion, is nothing if it doubles again.

"Thank you Elder Chen for your support."

Qin Shaofeng laughed suddenly.

The Four Elephant Sects have already started on the Seven Star Gate, I believe Chen Ai's identity will not be hidden for long.

His words may push Chen Ai to the forefront, but it is nothing.

Immediately, he glanced at Yan Xie and sneered with his eyes full of sneers: "Lao Yan Xie, you are just a small master of the Four Elephant Sect. If you have the ability, you continue to bid? I'll see if you are. How much can the value of the Four Elephant Sect be worth, hehe!"

Although this sentence is full of endless irony.

However, Yan Xie also immediately acknowledged his counsel in his words.

How much is he worth in the Four Elephant Sect?

It may seem to be a lot of outsiders, but he knows very well that if the 4.5 billion is really sold, he will need to owe a huge debt that needs to be repaid for half a lifetime.

Look at Qin Shaofeng, as long as you make more offers, Xiaoye will continue to follow.

Even if he was out, representing the face of the Four Elephant Sect, he had to choose to admit counsel.

I really can't be tough anymore!

Otherwise, after bidding a few more times, Qin Shaofeng suddenly gave up like the first lot, and he would lose to his grandma's house.


Yan Xie snorted angrily, but stopped talking.

Shen Lian glanced at him again, and the final countdown had already begun.

In fact, her countdown has no effect at all.

Although this piece of Jiyue Yinyi is the most treasured treasure in the land of the shining star, it is absolutely impossible for a superior power to take out nearly all of its worth to participate in the auction.

Even the representatives of the Shenbing Pavilion and the Nangong Family of the God of Wealth have never been revealed.

Really can't participate in the auction!

Didn't I see that Qin Shaofeng obviously wanted to save his life with this baby?

If I were to fight with him, with this kid's courage that even Yan Zhen dared to provoke, maybe it would really make us embarrassed.

What's more, the danger of life may not arise.

It's unwise to compete instead!

"I declare that this Jiyue Yuyi will belong to guest three."

"The next auction item..."

Shen Lian still continued her auction.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even care about it anymore.

Among the last few treasures.

There really is a medicinal plant he needs.

But that medicinal plant was actually the thing that Chenxing Old Ghost promised, so naturally he didn't need to bother about it.

Still sitting on the chair, he has already begun to continuously take out the star beast yuan pill and start refining.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were attracted by him again.

Even Shen Lian's words were interrupted by his actions.

Did he start cultivating in front of everyone like this?

Foggy grass!

This kid is too trusting of our Tianji Tower, right?


Is this kid sure there is no problem?

His cultivation has reached the realm of the supreme heavenly position, even if he absorbs the emperor-rank star beast element pill, it still has an effect, but the effect is extremely small, even negligible.

He even continued to absorb this kind of Yuan Dan?

Why not change it to a noble rank?

Even though the number of noble star beast essence pills is small and the value is high, the effect of one hundred seems to be above the ten thousand emperor star beast essence pills, right?

They are puzzled, but the auction is still going on.

It didn't take long to wait.

Chen Xing wanted to appear as the last medicine for Qin Shaofeng.

Look at the **** grass!

Although this thing is not a thing outside the sky, it is also one of the pinnacle medicinal materials in the land of the shining star.

Whether refining helps the physical body to break through the holy rank pill, or refining the pill for breakthrough in cultivation, the effect is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Only those who have actually used this substance to refine the pill can best understand the horror of this substance.

Old ghost Chenxing is one of them.

The starting price of Wang Shencao is only 300 million Yaoxing coins.

However, under the instruction of the old ghost of Star Star, Chen Ai insisted on bidding its price to 1.5 billion yuan before he received it.

After another half an hour, the auction finally ended.

There were more than 30 kinds of things in the auction. Except for a few people, everyone else took a lot of pictures, making Tianjilou really earn a lot of money.

Until the auction ends.

Qin Shaofeng also had to end the action of absorbing the Star Beast Yuan Dan.

"Everyone who photographed things, please follow me!"

Shen Lian greeted, and personally led everyone to the door.

Until now.

Qin Shaofeng realized that the surrounding rooms were used for auction transactions.

It seems that Shen Lian did it deliberately. After arranging the others, he personally took them into a room at the end of the corridor.

The door looks very ordinary.

But after the door was opened, a burst of medicinal scent came.

Even if he had to take a sip, Qin Shaofeng felt an instantaneous clear-headedness.

Look at the room again.

Several maids were waiting in it.

There is also a man in his twenties, dressed in purple, lying quietly on the sofa in the living room of the room.

Even if it was their arrival, they couldn't make this man get up.

"Shen Wang?!"

The instant old ghost Chenxing saw this man, his eyes were already round.

And his exclamation made the man look at him curiously.

The two are just looking at each other.

The man named Shen Wang, who seemed to be only in his twenties, jumped off the sofa abruptly.

Long black hair swayed in the wind.

Qin Shaofeng saw clearly that this man's skin was like jade, and it seemed to be better than most girls' skin.

"I said that this kid dares to have such a big tone, not only doesn't even care about Yan Xie of the Four Elephant Sect, but also dares to owe a huge debt of billions of dollars to my Heavenly Secret Tower. It is you old ghost standing behind it?" Shen Wang also exclaimed.

His words made Shen Lian look suspicious.

"Brother Wang, do you know each other?" Shen Lian asked.

"Not only I know, you also know this old man."

Shen Wang laughed a few times and said: "Now the Seven Star Gate is being attacked by the Four Elephant Sects, so you old fellow still has time to bid in my Tianji Building. I really don't know whether to say that you are big-hearted or you are doing it yourself. ."

"Is it really an attack by the Four Elephants?"

Chen Xing laughed out loud and removed the disguise from his face, saying: "If the Four Elephant Sects make a move, even if our Seven Star Gate and the Star Chaser Gate join forces, we will undoubtedly lose. It's a pity that a small Xuanwu pulse still moves. Not our Seven Star Gate."

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