Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3238: Undead king

"Old Ghost Star? It turned out to be you?"

Shen Lian saw Qing Chenxing's original appearance, and suddenly exclaimed, "No wonder that when I saw you, I felt that the aura on you seemed very familiar. It turned out to be you old ghost."

"Is it me?"

Chenxing laughed a few times.

He then gave way to Qin Shaofeng and said, "We are all old friends, so let the old man come and introduce you!"

"I believe his identity has puzzled you for a long time. Even if the old man does not take the initiative to introduce him, you will have to ask sooner or later."

"This kid is named Qin Shaofeng, and he is the eighth elder of our Seven Star Gate."

"The eighth elder?"

The Shen Wang couple exclaimed at the same time.

The smile on Chen Xing's face was even more weird, and he continued: "This kid's identity in our Seven Star Gate is not worthy of your surprise. He is chasing the stars, and that is the real prestigious generation."


There was a flash of enlightenment in both eyes.

Even if Chenxing didn't introduce it, they already understood it.

Shen Lian was still deeply unbelievable, and asked: "He is the mysterious source of the Star Chasing Gate, the deputy sect master who claims to be the top five of the villains?"

"Who else but him?" Chen Xing laughed.

"It turned out to be him!"

A look of surprise appeared in Shen Lian's eyes, and said: "When I probed his shadow, I should have thought of it, it's careless, it's careless!"


This time it was Chenxing's turn to be puzzled.

"You who are the master of the gate, don't you know the great things that your Seven Star Gate elders have done?"

Shen Lian smiled and said: "You can still take him back to the Seven Star Gate after he has the status of the deputy master of the star chasing gate. I can only say that your luck is really great. If you can use this kid well If so, the Xuanwu line of that mere four elephant sect is really nothing."

"What's the explanation for this?"

Old ghost Chenxing was even more surprised.

We also know that Qin Shaofeng has a lot of secrets, even a huge secret that can make the star chaser pay a huge price in exchange for it.

But what Shen Lian said seems to be too much, right?

"It seems that you really don't know. When this kid's shadow was only a first-order holy star, he killed Yan Zhen of the Xuanwu Hall of the Four Elephant Sect with a weapon from the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods Tomb."

"What? That kid could kill Yan Zhen?!"

Chenxing jumped up in fright.

He also knew a lot about Ran Zun, but he didn't know it, it was so terrifying.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg of this kid's true strength. According to the news from my building, this kid's fiancée is a daughter of a large family from the outside world. Although his guards claimed to be imminent death, according to my house's deduction, he did not fall. And the strength has been restored to the realm of the **** star."

Chen Xing's body shook suddenly.

Lu Tianxing and Lu Wenxin felt that their feet were soft, and they fell straight down, with two faces and two eyes, but they were complacent and stared at Qin Shaofeng in shock.

"Furthermore, after this kid was separated from that person, with the help of his subordinates, Ran Zun, one of the Four Sages of the Xiaoyaomen Tianxiao, worked hard to refine the Ram Zun, one of the Four Sages of Tianxiao into a puppet."

"In the first battle he killed Yan Zhen, he relied on these two figures to shoot, and it seems that he didn't use Ximen Li's righteous brother Bei Tangchen."

The shock in the eyes of a few people was even worse.

With such a few simple messages, Chen Xing truly understood Qin Shaofeng's value.

No wonder Simon Li won at any cost.

The value of this moment is too high!

"What? Can't take it anymore?"

Shen Lian smiled, his eyes swept over Qin Shaofeng, but he continued: "The secrets in him are more than that, but I can't say the last secret casually, but what I can tell you is if he If you want to kill you, you may not be really powerless."

After these words, Chen Xing's psychological line of defense was shocked again.

Only so little, he really was going to be scared.

This little fifth-ranked celestial ant, actually has the ability to kill itself?

Foggy grass!

how can that be?

The old man is not a seventh-order holy star!

The old man is...

Forget it!

This incident is really scary!

"Sect master, you just introduced me, it seems that you haven't introduced me to these two seniors yet?" Qin Shaofeng didn't want them to continue to entangle their topics.

Hastily changed the subject, but was shocked in his heart. The scope of Tianjilou seems to be too great, right?

She actually knows so many things about me.

"They don't have much to introduce. This old monster is named Shen Wang, known as the King of the Undead, and is in the pinnacle of the Holy Star, the owner of the Tianji Tower Shenhai City."

"This is his wife Shen Lian, the eighth-order Saint Star is the pinnacle powerhouse."

"We met in a secret place decades ago, and we can be regarded as having some deadly friendship, of course, mainly for Shen Wang."

Chen Xing's introduction was very brief, but Qin Shaofeng was deeply shocked.

Saint star is the pinnacle powerhouse?

Such a strong person turned out to be just the owner of the sub-building of the Tianji Building.

No wonder even the super powers dare not provoke them easily.

However, think again.

The cultivation level that Chen Xing told him at the beginning seemed to have a lot of moisture?

This old guy's cultivation base is afraid that he has reached the ninth-order holy star at least, right?

If the two of them had already opened up a lot of cultivation base, he would definitely not dare to open his mouth and shut his mouth to call Shen Wang an old monster.

"Old ghost Chenxing, you don't have to continue to befriend the old man here."

After a long silence, Shen Miao finally spoke, "Since this kid is backed by you and the Star Chasing Gate, the old man will not ask you for the extra share, a total of four billion. After you solve the Seven Star Gate issue , Remember to have someone send it to the old man."

"Four billion more? It seems that you, the sub-host, are really a drop in price!"

Chen Xing brought herself here, and it seemed that Shen Wang would give him some preferential treatment.

"There is no way to drop the price. Whoever makes me is just a small steward of the Tianji Tower, but after three years is our next selection of the Tianji Tower. The old man is confident that in the next competition, he will grab the identity of a protector. Then you I will bid for the Tianji Building in Shenhai City again, and the old man will give you a 50% discount." Shen Wang said.

Both seem to be very familiar with each other's situation.

But their conversation shocked Qin Shaofeng the more he listened.

Isn’t it said that the strongest star is the most powerful existence in the world?

Suddenly popping out such a large group of people, how can even the power of the pinnacle of the saint star and even the identity of a law protector need to fight for the life?

The strong in this world is really unimaginable!

"The old man will wait for you to come back after snatching the identity of the law protector."

Chen Xing laughed a few times and said: "My money won't make you wait any longer. The old man will kill the group of coveted guys, and then settle the affairs of our Seven Star Gate. The old man has been holding back all morning. Up."

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